from Richard Kaufman:
The heck with waiting for Black Friday. I declare November 18--only 4 days from now--BLACK MONDAY, and if you want to buy any of my books, everything listed below will be 50% off for two days only. I guess that includes Tuesday as well.
(And yes, if you buy two books you can still get a third, the least expensive, for free). The only book excluded from this offer is Japan Ingenious.
Orders will be by phone only: 301-652-5800 from 9:30 am until 6 pm Eastern Standard Time on Monday, and from 9:30 am until 5 pm on Tuesday.
Magicians outside the US are welcome to participate in the sale, but have to pay the normal shipping price which Margret will explain to you when you order.
Books available are shown with their sale price.
100% Sankey $21
Aftercraft: More Card Trickery (J.K. Hartman) $20
Arcade Dreams: Non-Card Magic of Ed Marlo (Jon Racherbaumer) $20
Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi (Richard Kaufman) $22.50
The Berglas Efffect (Richard Kaufman and David Berglas) $70
The Collected Almanac (Richard Kaufman) $30
CardMagic (Richard Kaufman) $25
CoinMagic (Richard Kaufman) $25
Compleat Invocation Vol. 1 and 2 (Tony Andruzzi) $75
Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Richard Kaufman) $27.50
David Roth’s Expert Coin Magic (David Roth) $32.50
Discoverie of Witchcraft (Reginald Scot) $20
Duffie's Card Compulsion (Peter Duffie) $17.50
Experience of Magic (Eugene Burger) $27.50
Feints & Temps of Harry Riser (Ed Brown) $20
Five Times Five: Japan (Richard Kaufman) $20
Five Times Five: Scotland (Peter Duffie) $17.50
Folding Money Fooling (Robert Neale) $17.50
Gary Kurtz: Unexplainable Acts (Richard Kaufman) $20
Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Jon Racherbaumer) $17.50
Magic of Edward Victor’s Hands (Rae Hammond) $20
Mastering the Art of Magic (Eugene Burger) $32.50
Mysteries of My Life: René Lavand (Rene Lavand) $25
Much Ado About Something (Karrell Fox) $15
The New Jinx (Bill Madsen) $30
New Magic of Japan (Richard Kaufman and Phil Goldstein) $22.50
Now You See It, Now You Don't Notebook (Bill Tarr) $17.50
The Performance of Close Up Magic (Eugene Burger) $22.50
Sankey Panky (Richard Kaufman) $17.50
Séance (Scott Davis) $35
Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Richard Kaufman) $27.50
Seriously Silly (David Kaye) $25
Sexy Magic (James Hodges) $22.50
Spirit Theater (Eugene Burger) $25
Stanley Collins (Edwin Dawes) $37.50
Stanyon’s Serial Lessons in Conjuring (Ellis Stanyon) $20
Strange Ceremonies (Eugene Burger) $20
Swami/Mantra (Sam Dalal) $30
Vis a Vis, A Jack Avis Book (Jack Avis/John Derris) $20
Please remember that orders will be taken by phone only on Monday Nov.18 and Tuesday Nov.19 during East Coast business hours: 301-652-5800.
Richard Kaufman Book Sale Nov 18-19
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