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Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Thought we could have a movie thread. I just finished watching Pacific Rim and I've seen a lot of bad movies, but this one takes the cake. The story reminded me of the South Park episode where they explain in detail what scientologists believe, which is pretty far-fetched. Not that a good story is necessary for action movies, but there comes a point where it's just too bad. My favorite movie this year is probably Man of Steel, but I'm of course a huge Superman fan.

What did you guys think of these, or other movies you've seen lately?
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Re: Movies

Unread post by walrus »

I give you a lot of credit for watching Pacific Rim. Did you make it through the whole thing?
I watched a movie called Scenic Route the other day, it's a low budget film but it was actually alright.

My next watch will be Rob Zombies New horror movie. I think it is called Salem or something to that effect.
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Re: Movies

Unread post by badpete69 »

Walrus yes the movie is Lords of Salem looking forward to that one as I am a big horror film buff....I loved the Devil's Rejects by Rob and this one did not get good reviews but I will rent it in the coming weeks. Looking forward also to The Conjuring that one comes out next week I think on blu ray
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Re: Movies

Unread post by wwpierce »

I recently saw Gravity 3D in IMAX. In general I cannot stand 3D.. it always seems to still be a bit blurry in places.. causes a headache and you just get generally pissed off. This one however, was pretty fantastic! It is a bit like Castaway with Tom hanks except in space (OK if you are not a fan of Castaway don't just go off of that comparison)...

It has a few slow moments, but overall it is a pretty good film with some excellent graphics. I am not sure how I will like it not being able to see it again on such a large screen. Will I get the same feeling at home? Not sure, but if you get a chance to see it..especially in IMAX, do so.
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Re: Movies

Unread post by SilvaAce »

Prisoners with Hugh Jackman is one of the best movies of the year!!!
I believe it is still in theaters.
I thought because it had Jackman that it would be him showing up for five minutes(gotta go shoot Wolverine) and the rest of the movie would be crap. My wife and I still took a chance and were blown away by the suspense and the way the movie ends!!! No spoilers here!

Man of Steel was awesome! Gravity was cool visually but I think it could have been a little bit better without a well known actress as the opinion.
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Re: Movies

Unread post by walrus »

I didn't hear about prisoners. I like Jackman so it should be good. I'm into horror and I watched a low budget one called jug face. It was interesting. Not an Oscar candidate but a pretty good movie.
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