Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards

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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by volantangel »

Well I need to know if anyone has gotten these decks recently, I need to know if shipping is just very slow or has stopped completely..

Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by vmagic »

I hate to say it but Russell has somehow turned into Adam! He could at least avoid Adam's mistakes and post an update or something. Instead he's gone completely AWOL from both Kickstarter and United Cardists and is responding to any messages any where, not even on his site, at least not to me and others it seems. Way to go Russell, you've killed any future projects you might have hoped to run on Kickstarter because there will be many who will refuse to back your projects now that you've pulled an Adam on us! There's already people commenting to get state attorney's involved, who are apparently already familiar with his buddy Adam. I better get my package soon!
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by Brillig »

volantangel wrote:Well I need to know if anyone has gotten these decks recently, I need to know if shipping is just very slow or has stopped completely..
Well, someone received his cards 3 days ago (according to KS comments). It seems like he's shipping about one package a week, so we should all have our cards by Christmas.

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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

I'll back his next project and Adam's too. At the lowest level possible just so I can post links to Quicksilver and Army Men in the comments section to warn others. Sadly, I have given up on Kickstarter because of CCC, it's just not worth the aggravation.

vmagic wrote:I hate to say it but Russell has somehow turned into Adam! He could at least avoid Adam's mistakes and post an update or something. Instead he's gone completely AWOL from both Kickstarter and United Cardists and is responding to any messages any where, not even on his site, at least not to me and others it seems. Way to go Russell, you've killed any future projects you might have hoped to run on Kickstarter because there will be many who will refuse to back your projects now that you've pulled an Adam on us! There's already people commenting to get state attorney's involved, who are apparently already familiar with his buddy Adam. I better get my package soon!
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by alric »

Any credit Russell may have deserved for keeping UC going has been has been spent up with this disaster. CCC is dead. Even if Russell comes back with the obligatory apology and excuse, I'm done supporting anything he does from now on.....
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by rousselle »

alric wrote:Any credit Russell may have deserved for keeping UC going has been has been spent up with this disaster. CCC is dead. Even if Russell comes back with the obligatory apology and excuse, I'm done supporting anything he does from now on.....
I realize that we all have our own comfort levels when it comes to choosing with whom we do business. But I suspect that Russell and Adam could earn my trust back, and those of others, if they finish fulfilling their obligations (filling outstanding orders / sending out owed refunds) and then pair up with a fulfillment house with a proven track record (like, say, House of Playing Cards, which has already brokered some of Russell's decks) rather than fulfilling orders directly.

I, for one, would like to see them both return and design more excellent decks and contribute to the community we share. Of course, I'd also like to get my money back for my support of the Army Men deck, first <cough, cough>. While I won't be supporting any KS or CCC projects by either of them any time soon, I feel it's a bit early to write them off entirely just yet.

(I also realize that Russell and Adam are two different people, and that their contributions and their obligations are distinct.)
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by dcell59 »

rousselle wrote:... and then pair up with a fulfillment house with a proven track record (like, say, House of Playing Cards, which has already brokered some of Russell's decks) rather than fulfilling orders directly.
But how will you know that this will happen? Russell implied that he would be using a fulfillment house on Quicksilver, but we didn't know he wouldn't until well after any reasonable limits. After that, he continued to make promises. We're supposed to be getting weekly updates, but we aren't. He isn't even answering PMs.

I can be very forgiving. I waited over a year after the original expected delivery date to get my Hexbright, and I didn't complain about how long it took because the project creator gave frequent updates on the progress. It's Russell's complete silence that is getting him in trouble here.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

If you take a look at the other failed Circle City Cards project, Army Men, Russell was comenting on how he thought Adam should face the music and post updates to let everyone know what is going on. Funny how times have changed.

One backer on Kickstarter is starting to Google bomb both his name and Circle City Cards; this could get ugly.

I am a bit torn by this. I got into playing cards later than most and Hornet was one of my first decks. I love them and bought a ton. When Quicksilver and Army Men was released on Kickstarter I jumped on it thrilled that I would be able to back two more projects from the CCC guys directly. One year later and I go from fanboy to critic. As nice as the CCC are (those that actually ship), it is just not worth the effort and aggrivation. If I ever purchase another of their decks, it won't be direct from Adam or Russell without some gaurantee of delivery.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Am I the only one who thought the Revision 1 deck should've been called The Grid deck? Well it's one on my favorites and glad I got it from BMP instead of KS.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

Well, I guess I have officially given up on Russell. Today I filed complaints with Amazon, Kickstarter, and my credit card company. I'll wait a few more weeks and file the FTC and Indiana AG reports. Not expecting much, but hopefully a paper trail will make him miserable when he tries to do another project in the future.

Maybe a field trip is in order during next years GenCon. I would like to ask him and Adam in person why he feels like it is ok to steal from people. :( :(
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by Brillig »

lurch wrote:Well, I guess I have officially given up on Russell. Today I filed complaints with Amazon, Kickstarter, and my credit card company. I'll wait a few more weeks and file the FTC and Indiana AG reports. Not expecting much, but hopefully a paper trail will make him miserable when he tries to do another project in the future.

Maybe a field trip is in order during next years GenCon. I would like to ask him and Adam in person why he feels like it is ok to steal from people. :( :(
Probably your CC company is your best bet. My experience is that Amazon and Kickstarter don't give a damn.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

Unfortunately you are correct. Neither Amazon nor Kickstarter is willing to help. I've escalated my fraud complaint with American Express, but I don't think that is going anywhere. It look like I am out nearly $100. I didn't feel good spending that much on cards in the first place, now a year later with nothing to show I am even more upset.

Russell and Adam have ruined Kickstarter for me. I doubt I will ever fund another project because of the experience I have had with these two scammers. Hopefully, enough people start filing complaints and starting paper trails to make it more difficult for them to scam people in the future. As a former auditor, I know that a paper trail is sometimes hard to get out from under. Blowing a deadline or having issues with fulfillment is part of doing business and forgivable. Not communicating or responding to your customers is another thing entirely. After Russell saw what happened with Adam, one would think he would handle the situation better when his screw up came to light.

I have one deck of Quicksilver in hand that I ordered directly from the CCC website. Not only are his delivery problems upsetting me, but the cards are not what was advertised. I understand that the silver foil was for KS backers only, but if the grey ink is truly "metallic", then he should of saved the cash because it does not look good. I have a hard time believing that this guy is the same one who produced the Hornet and Americana decks.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

nothing....no words or decks of cards....i will contact my CC tomorrow and see if i can get my money back
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by dcell59 »

cosmicsecret wrote:nothing....no words or decks of cards....i will contact my CC tomorrow and see if i can get my money back
If you're in the US, you probably won't get your money back because the payment was made way too long ago, but if you file a claim it may help in the long run. If credit card companies get enough claims against Kickstarter projects that don't deliver, they may push for some sort of rules on how to handle this kind of situation. It is still possible you can make a claim that will stick - make sure you document Russell's promises, so that it will prove that you had a good reason to expect them to ship and they just didn't. I heard of a person making that work in another KS project that was well over a year late.

If you are in Europe, you may have a better chance, because the credit card companies allow longer times for claims in situations like this.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by Gareth »

lurch wrote:After Russell saw what happened with Adam, one would think he would handle the situation better ....
Exactly. That is the really weird thing here. Russell had always been so good - including saving Adam's first KS project (Revision 1) for myself and many others - to appear to have gotten into a similar situation himself seems baffling.

Perhaps we will know some day what is actually going on here, but as stated by many others, it'd have to be damn good to give any chance of future business from me.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by walrus »

this puzzles me as well. According to Mike this mess was due to Russ undercharging for everything. I believe that to be correct but I don't understand how he did such an error when he has run a number of successful campaigns. I just don't get understand that. None of us think Russ started with intention of scamming people. Just a disclaimer, I received my deck shortly after he got them. Funny thing is I wasn't that into the cards I only backed them as it was a CCC project.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

Running out of money is one thing, but going silent with $50k+ of backers money is another entirely. If he screwed up, he should man up and post an update. We are one week away from the funding anniversary of this deck and I am still waiting for cards or a refund. Unprofessional and unacceptable are the most family friendly words I can use to describe the Circle City sCammers Russell Kercheval and Adam Clarkson at this point. Even if my brick were waiting for me on my front porch when I get home this evening; those jokers would never get another dime from me.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by badpete69 »

update just posted by Russell on KS

Yes, I am still shipping, packages are going out weekly. I am having problems with getting more red dice. I assure you everyone will receive the rewards they pledged for.

- Russell
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

badpete69 wrote:update just posted by Russell on KS

Yes, I am still shipping, packages are going out weekly. I am having problems with getting more red dice. I assure you everyone will receive the rewards they pledged for.

- Russell
Well, if this is true then he pretty much lied in his previous update, which was July 23rd:

I am nearing the end of shipments with the last big push this week. I have taken time off of my other two jobs to get this project taken care of. Again, I cant apologize enough for how long this has taken me. It should have been done much sooner and I don't have an excuse.

I will post the next update when I get the last package out in the mail.

- Russell

Last big push my ass! Not to mention the update before that, which said he was done shipping INT orders with 1-4 decks and dice. If that was true, I would have gotten mine a long time ago.
- Tom

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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by dcell59 »

I don't even care about the dang dice! If that was the whole problem, he could have said that over a month ago rather than keeping us in the dark.

This is just unbelievable. I have 3 KS card projects that keep promising to ship (Core, Quicksilver, and Ultraviolet), and they all just keeping making excuses.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by Brillig »

A couple of people have told him to forget their dice and ship, we'll see if anything happens. I don't expect much.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

So he placed an order for less dice than he needed? Lies. He pulled an Adam (or at this point more correctly pulled a CCC) and is scamming our money.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by elcyciB »

lurch wrote:So he placed an order for less dice than he needed? Lies. He pulled an Adam (or at this point more correctly pulled a CCC) and is scamming our money.
I had placed an order for 5 red and 5 blue and got 10 blue....I didn't bother with trying to get my order corrected...the blue looked bad enough. Pips on the dice were poorly done. My cards did come in though...ages ago it seems like.

I will say it is a bummer to what happened to CCCC. They produced some nice, fun decks in their short time
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

People with no dice ordered yet still missing cards are calling him out on the Kickstarter page. I really wish he would just come clean and let the backers know what is going on, come up with a plan, then deliver to the best of his ability. I'm out a little under $100, but what really angers me is the fact that he feels like he can ignore and lie with impugnity. Apparently Russell and Adam feel differently, but my good name is worth more than a few thousand dollars.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

Today is the one year anniversary of Quicksilver being funded and still no cards. Shipping started in February and I am still waiting seven months later. Please Russell Kercheval the scammer, please log on and explain yourself and What is going on with Circle City Cards and why you refuse to ship cards that were paid for.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

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recieved nothing so far - what a big joke this guy is
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by badpete69 »

Agree...I called him out early, him and his buddy Adam but boy was he defensive and calling me names...But in the end..I wonder who is looking bad right now
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by lurch »

Anybody know this joker personally? Someone please reach out to him and find out what is going on.
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by walrus »

For sometime I had been hoping Rus would make things right eat some humble pie and continue creating decks. I think that time has come to pass :(
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Re: Quicksilver Deck - Circle City Cards (Shipping KS Reward

Unread post by Gareth »

walrus wrote:For sometime I had been hoping Rus would make things right eat some humble pie and continue creating decks. I think that time has come to pass :(
Agreed. Every time I see this thread has been updated, I look over to see if the last post was made by Russell... ..only to be disappointed again.

The lack of explanation from Russell is more disappointing than my lack of Quicksilver decks. (Russell: But I'll have the decks too, thanks ;-))
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