You might wanna put this on ebay. It should get a very high price.
I believe there are only 4 of these existed. (Or only 4 that T11 gave away)
According to this photo, and comparing the signatures.

- 9a9cfokvo82jvmnmmj8d6l3xdr7a5zxxsuwyhmyp9ie.jpeg (158.94 KiB) Viewed 1782 times
I got the left deck, as I posted a photo on my instagram here.
My friend WL, got the deck on the right, as he posted on his instagram here.
And you got the deck at the top.
So far, I've seen only 3 people, (including me) that have the decks.
And all decks we have are in the photo T11 took.
So it's very high chances that there are no other signature decks,
if there are why all decks I've seen are all by chance to be just the decks that T11 took photo of.
Still don't know who got the deck in the middle.
If you are reading this, please show up. I'm really curious