You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

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You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by badpete69 »




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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by Eoghann »

I've seen iPhone apps make more convincing zombies of my friends' pictures.
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by th4mo »

Cheap card company + not great art + ENOUGH with the freaking zombies already!!! (and i really am a huge zombie movie/"walking dead" fan)

easy pass on this one.

'sides, i'm saving up for the JRob + Encarded "Steampunk Zombie" Deck. :mrgreen:
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

badpete69 wrote:You absolutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by ejronin »

Was this an excuse to just make a deck of cards?

Why not make a monster deck that isn't saturated and hyper-realized, like... "D.C. Crack Addict," "Irish Football fans," "Black Friday Shoppers," or "US Primary Election Voters" - and - this time, let's not pull out a 2003 vector tut designed for Photoshop 5, okay? I half expected to see "glass buttons" and comic sans. Yeah, I said it - comic sans.

I'm terribly sorry - I want to punch a baby in the throat every instance emoticons appear on a "professional" presentation of a project. I'm not your High School that gets your texts during science class - I'm a potential customer and investor; please don't talk to me as though you're a tool and at the very least talk to me as though I'm not.
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by deleter »

Lightbulb! We should make a steampunk bacon zombie deck. It would sell like hotcakes!
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by PlayingCardz »

There is a crow, this is a madison deck ! xD
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by Casual Pixels »

deleter wrote:Lightbulb! We should make a steampunk bacon zombie deck. It would sell like hotcakes!
As lomg as it has really wide borders, one-way backs, and all the courts are the same, I'm in for a brick.
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Re: You aboslutely know you want another Zombie deck on KS

Unread post by ejronin »

Casual Pixels wrote:
deleter wrote:Lightbulb! We should make a steampunk bacon zombie deck. It would sell like hotcakes!
As lomg as it has really wide borders, one-way backs, and all the courts are the same, I'm in for a brick.
I'd buy it but Cy didn't steal any art and lie to me about it, so, I can't support your idea...yet.
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