Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

DeepCard wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:29 pm Is there any the lazy guide with this deck?
What's happen ? can anyone ELI5
Alex Chin, the main guy behind P52 Nazo Nazo project, gone MIA, and hasn’t been heard off ever since. With him disappearing, backers who haven’t got their rewards up till now are furious, and Jack Penny ended up getting the negative impact. Now, Jack offered solution for those who haven't got their rewards to simply resolve the matters themselves by asking to contact Eddie in GW personally.

Not sure what is happening with Alex Chin. I, and we all, hope nothing ill happened to him, but as Adam said and I second to it, started to lose sympathy, considering… probably most of us here has PO’d the NPCCD 2022 had yet to get and it is 2 years late.
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by JackBrutusPenny »

laitostarr777 wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:49 am
DeepCard wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:29 pm Is there any the lazy guide with this deck?
What's happen ? can anyone ELI5
Alex Chin, the main guy behind P52 Nazo Nazo project, gone MIA, and hasn’t been heard off ever since. With him disappearing, backers who haven’t got their rewards up till now are furious, and Jack Penny ended up getting the negative impact. Now, Jack offered solution for those who haven't got their rewards to simply resolve the matters themselves by asking to contact Eddie in GW personally.

Not sure what is happening with Alex Chin. I, and we all, hope nothing ill happened to him, but as Adam said and I second to it, started to lose sympathy, considering… probably most of us here has PO’d the NPCCD 2022 had yet to get and it is 2 years late.
Thank you for explaining, and I don’t disagree. Only I’d like to add that for me, it’s somewhat of a rock and hard place. If there is one, I would consider myself the ‘main guy’ behind the Nazo Nazo. It’s literally my world. But all management was taken over by Alex in our arrangement. Is the main guy behind Odd Fellow Lorenzo or Alex Chin? But I understand and appreciate the delineation you are making to separate accountability!
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by brownsl »

But you had no way of knowing that Alex would "disappear". Before this, I would have said if there was one person in the playing card community that would be a reliable collaborator, it would have been Alex.
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by balrog326 »

Its funny JBP should mention the odd fellows as I still never received replacements for all the damaged ones that arrived. Alex said GW had them and he would send out replacements and then never heard back all these years.
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by th4mo »

Thank you so much to Jack (and Sherm!) for going above and beyond to help those of us who had issues with our rewards!

Thanks to Jack's help, I finally received (most of) my pledge last week :D from Gambler's warehouse - after coughing up for shipping expenses. :|

Unfortunately, I'm among those who lost out on the Night Garden Deck that I added on to my pledge, because they apparently ran out of stock at GW. Does anyone know the story behind that? Did Alex just not produce enough of those? Were there a bunch of damaged decks? Or is there a cache of these just sitting around somewhere besides GW?
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I think I bought them all :)

I can hook you up should they be otherwise unavailable - I have 8 or so, so I am sure I can spare one or two
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by kevork »

th4mo wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:42 pm Unfortunately, I'm among those who lost out on the Night Garden Deck that I added on to my pledge, because they apparently ran out of stock at GW. Does anyone know the story behind that? Did Alex just not produce enough of those? Were there a bunch of damaged decks? Or is there a cache of these just sitting around somewhere besides GW?
Well, all 3 Night Garden decks I got in my pledge were damaged. I lost hope of a replacement very quickly. I'm glad Jack was able to go above and beyond to set things right with you!

Nice to also see Gandalf is able to supply one from his vault in the mountains.

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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by KGthePrince »

GandalfPC wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:04 pm I think I bought them all :)

I can hook you up should they be otherwise unavailable - I have 8 or so, so I am sure I can spare one or two
If you're selling one, I'd happily take one from your secret vault of treasures.
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by GandalfPC »

PM me - I have a few things I need to mail so the timing is good
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by th4mo »

GandalfPC wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:04 pm I think I bought them all :)

I can hook you up should they be otherwise unavailable - I have 8 or so, so I am sure I can spare one or two
That is very generous, thank you! PM sent. I've just learned that Jack himself is also being shorted on the Night Garden deck, as he has yet to receive any of his own product from GW. :shock: Perhaps he can have the deck you would otherwise offer to me, if you only want to part with one.
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by Honeybee »

Gosh there are so many nice people in this community :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by JackBrutusPenny »

Thank you so very much everyone here that’s bringing understanding and positivity to a project so close to me but so marred by many things out of my control. I truly am trying hard to help anyone that I can, and whilst GW aren’t making it easy, they are facilitating some steps forward for most.

I’d be happy to explain the Night Garden situation to the best of my knowledge. So, just before Alex last and ultimately disappeared, I heard from him of some issues that he claimed to be actively pursuing and I expected to get updates soon on. One was that Expert hadn’t printed one of the uncut sheet sets. Another was that somewhere between Expert and Gamblers one box seemed to have gone missing - and they weren’t sure what was in it. It MAY have been the more limited Night Garden (there is no way of me knowing). It seems Eddie is collecting shipping fees and sending decks out without telling anyone this, and when they check and ask about the missing Night Garden, the response is just ‘it’s out of stock’.

As a result, despite having created it myself and bought my own inventory, as far as I’m aware I’m also not getting a single Night Garden piece. (I’m still unsure if Eddie is going to release any of my other inventory to me at all, it’s an ongoing uphill struggle, but the Night Garden seems to be out of stock for all, including me). This is not to complain, only to explain. I am not asking for anything, only sharing what I know.

I’m very pleased that most who were remaining are now getting most of their missing pieces. Whilst I don’t want to forget the Nazo Nazo in the least, I really hope to make it a positive memory and look to the story ahead.
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

kevork wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:13 pm Nice to also see Gandalf is able to supply one from his vault in the mountains.
Good thing his name is Gandalf, and not Smaug :ugdance:
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Re: Portfolio52 2022 Deck - by Jack Brutus Penny! [P52 Nazo Nazo]

Unread post by rousselle »


Based upon what I read here, you are very much a class act. I sincerely appreciate your continued participation here at UC and in our community at large.

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