Obey Playing Cards by theory11

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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Strag wrote: ↑Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:44 am Theory 11 doesn't ship to me ...
Where the hell do you live? πŸ˜… TXI not shipping there? Legends not shipping there? Sounds like you live at Mount Doom or Minas Morgul???
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rousselle wrote: ↑Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I hear he lives on a one man island or some such, an isle of man so to speak.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Strag »

Yeah, this is the problem. We are our own country, but also part of the UK, but not. Because not everyone sees us as a country, they don't think to configure it (super common with places that do Shopify). It's actually easier to ship here than the UK, but people see a country they have never heard of and just run the other direction. Frustrating.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by montenzi »

Strag wrote: ↑Mon Jul 22, 2024 2:48 pm Yeah, this is the problem. We are our own country, but also part of the UK, but not. Because not everyone sees us as a country, they don't think to configure it (super common with places that do Shopify). It's actually easier to ship here than the UK, but people see a country they have never heard of and just run the other direction. Frustrating.
I only realized last week that the Isle of Man is part of the UK postal system. Most logistics providers don't even have rates for the Isle of Man. My new fulfillment center in China recognizes the Isle of Man as a country but doesn't have any rates for it. Another issue is with Shopify; you cannot use Isle of Man zip codes when entering a UK address because they are technically not valid UK codes. In reality, the Isle of Man shares the same rates as the UK, but the system needs to either treat it as a separate country with UK rates or support Isle of Man zip codes for UK addresses. It is all very weird.

P.S. I like the deck, but it's a bit lazy to use the same court cards for all editions.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Strag »

Yep exactly right Montenzi. And unfortunately with only 85,000 people here, most places just think it's not worth the hassle for them to ask their provider or set up in their system.

If Shopify had never made that change, it wouldn't have been a problem. I was able to get stuff shipped to me for years using UK as the country but with my right postcode, but no longer. And no, they don't respond to emails either.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by montenzi »

Strag wrote: ↑Tue Jul 23, 2024 4:32 am Yep exactly right Montenzi. And unfortunately with only 85,000 people here, most places just think it's not worth the hassle for them to ask their provider or set up in their system.

If Shopify had never made that change, it wouldn't have been a problem. I was able to get stuff shipped to me for years using UK as the country but with my right postcode, but no longer. And no, they don't respond to emails either.
I had a chat with Shopify, they found exactly this, and responded: "Oh I see, appreciate the additional context. Here's what I need to do here, I will require assistance from our shipping team to determine the next steps to proceed as they have the expertise on this matter [...] I will ensure to provide you with an update once a response have been given as I can sense an urgency on this matter.{...] and later on today you will receive another email coming from me, regarding the response and actions given with our shipping team, to correct this issue "
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

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This space intentionally left blank.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by montenzi »

Strag wrote: ↑Tue Jul 23, 2024 4:32 am Yep exactly right Montenzi. And unfortunately with only 85,000 people here, most places just think it's not worth the hassle for them to ask their provider or set up in their system.

If Shopify had never made that change, it wouldn't have been a problem. I was able to get stuff shipped to me for years using UK as the country but with my right postcode, but no longer. And no, they don't respond to emails either.
Well, there has been no progress at all. After my additional response, they closed the ticket without any resolution. Shopify has their own reasons for configuring the system this way, and I don't think it will ever be fixed. According to their response, there is always a quick fix by configuring zones properly (and they are right), and all the tools are in place (I confirm). It's up to the site owner to make the shopping experience better for Isle of Man residents. That's it. P.S. This configuration is still not up to UK/IOM postal standards, which adds some confusion.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by JazzBaloo »

Strag wrote: ↑Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:44 am Theory 11 doesn't ship to me but meh, I can always order from Penguin Magic if the stock makes it there and I'm still interested.
P3 doesn't ship worldwide for free anymore. It is a small flat rate fee of around 10$ usd I think.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Honeybee »

A good time for me to ask - is P3 really PM (for Penguin Magic) with the M on its side making it look like P3
Yes it has to be for it you look at the 3 it is really an M
KoD - my initials, no wonder I grew up a lover of playing cards
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

I've read it always as P with a tilted M. But maybe they tilted it indeed to represent their three pillars of decks, magic and digital tutorials? πŸ€”
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: ↑Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Swiski66 »

Yeah, Penguin Magic was my go to playing card deck source because of the nifty free shipping. Now it doesn't matter where I buy my decks. I look for coupon codes and stack with other decks to combine shipping on all playing card deck dealer websites.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by Honeybee »

Yes, it is definitely an M
KoD - my initials, no wonder I grew up a lover of playing cards
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by JazzBaloo »

Swiski66 wrote: ↑Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:38 am Yeah, Penguin Magic was my go to playing card deck source because of the nifty free shipping. Now it doesn't matter where I buy my decks. I look for coupon codes and stack with other decks to combine shipping on all playing card deck dealer websites.
This is the way to go. With coupon codes and a free shipping threshold of usually around 100$ usd for internationals and 35-50$ for American residents, on average I am saving around 25% but if I wait for sales and buy from shops that allow discount codes on top of the sales then I can save 40-50 % on some decks. It's not uncommon for me to pay around 8$ for decks that retail for 15$. I wish I knew the money hacks when I started collecting but it didn't take me long to figure out the system.
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by buttonsHT »

Anyone else who ordered the Obey decks get the email about delayed shipping?
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Re: Obey Playing Cards by theory11

Unread post by brownsl »

I did not. I got mine but it took over 2 weeks to get them which is longer than typical for T11.
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