Egypt Mythology by FC Designs

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Re: Egypt Mythology by FC Designs

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

I guess FC Design is just SO that desperate…
He is bummed that his first run failed, while ARK’s Ankh Playing Cards easily funded and fulfilled - which he goes on giving bad remarks to that deck.
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Re: Egypt Mythology by FC Designs

Unread post by Adamthinks »

I backed the first campaign, so I'm backing again. I like the standard version.
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Re: Egypt Mythology by FC Designs

Unread post by Evilgamer »

They’ve actually talked a lot about their thought process. Basically if it makes the $12k and they have to print the other deck they will basically break even. If it gets close they will have a good profit. I think they said their print cost is about $8 a deck for now.
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Re: Egypt Mythology by FC Designs

Unread post by kevork »

Really hoping it gets the foil edges. Pledged for a standard like before.
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Re: Egypt Mythology by FC Designs

Unread post by Evilgamer »

laitostarr777 wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 6:12 pm I guess FC Design is just SO that desperate…
He is bummed that his first run failed, while ARK’s Ankh Playing Cards easily funded and fulfilled - which he goes on giving bad remarks to that deck.
Lets be fair, ARK can print whatever they want and fund in a few minutes.

Having said that, the Ark Ankh deck is a good deck, not worth what I paid for it (which was a lot) but the best deck I have from them.
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