Draconian Crimson Deck

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Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by RandyButterfield »

Hey Everyone,

I’m launching a Foil Cards version of my Draconian design in 1 week - Thursday, June 20th at 8:00pm EDT. Below are Links for the KS Notify Page and the KS Preview Link for the project if you’re interested.

Thank! Randy

Notify Page

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ra ... ying-cards

Preview Kickstarter Page

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ra ... n=0a33a6d6
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by Eric Lee »

That deck looks hot!

Nice to see a V2 of the Draconian deck. After the KS multi set and multi tiers trend that Ark heralded, it's very refreshing to see a simple 1 deck KS with minimal addons.

For some reason the Rewards page doesn't load for me, either on my laptop or phone. But I can see the price for 1 deck via the addons section.

At $13, it's a good price with what you're offering. Will have to see how much shipping will cost when the project launches.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by RandyButterfield »

Eric Lee wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:47 pm That deck looks hot!

Nice to see a V2 of the Draconian deck. After the KS multi set and multi tiers trend that Ark heralded, it's very refreshing to see a simple 1 deck KS with minimal addons.

For some reason the Rewards page doesn't load for me, either on my laptop or phone. But I can see the price for 1 deck via the addons section.

At $13, it's a good price with what you're offering. Will have to see how much shipping will cost when the project launches.

Hey Eric,

It’s kind of 2 Decks overall. Unlimited Black Deck and 500 Red Decks (Kickstarter Exclusive). Both have the same cards inside. It’s a tuck swap, but a super cheap one (the largest difference being $3, in the 1 Deck tiers). I just did it because both prototypes looked pretty bada@@! I wanted to see both of them printed, but didn’t want to print full runs for each.

Below is a screenshot of my Pledge Tier setup. 1 Black Deck is $17 for U.S and $23 INT. The “free” U.S. shipping takes up $4 of the $17 price, so the total INT. Shipping is that $4 + the extra $8. It costs $13 - $14 to ship 1 Deck Internationally, so it’s $1 - $2 cheaper than actual cost. Same with pretty much all of the INT. Pricing setup (it’s $23 - $25 to ship 2 Decks INT….).

The Limited number quantities are the starting point. I’ll add as the campaign goes.

Thanks, Randy
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by rousselle »

By some bizarre coincidence, I happened to be in the middle of typing up an update to the Buyer's Guide for your work when you posted this, so I had to go back and add this update. Hilarious!

Dude, that video is *sick!*

Can't wait to get these in my hands!

The red edges, too. Oh, man.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by Strag »

A new Randy coin? I'm in for a pair + coin.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by rousselle »

Annnd, we're live!

(Updated OG post, as well.)
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by vasta41 »

I never realized how many Randy decks I've backed over the years until I get all the notifications. I know there's a way to shut them off but I guess I don't care that much. Very excited for these!
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by RandyButterfield »

vasta41 wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:28 pm I never realized how many Randy decks I've backed over the years until I get all the notifications. I know there's a way to shut them off but I guess I don't care that much. Very excited for these!

Yeah, sorry about that. I don’t spend much money or time to build a social media audience. So the Kickstarter Updates are the best weapon I have for getting the word out. I tried to space them out with three groupings yesterday and today.

Thanks, Randy
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by hsbc »

Very glad to see these funded so quickly :D
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I’m in for a deck - want to check out what legends is up to with the dyed stock and glimmery bits, also long overdue for getting a deck from this series - always been on the todo list
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by Bradius »

Well, I have enjoyed Randy's decks since I started collecting. While I could do away with the many reminders I got from every campaign I have backed of his, I guess that just goes with the territory of backing so many projects at this point. Anyway, I thought he once again offered a good price for his decks. I'm in for a limited 6-pack and coin. The additional two decks were cheap vs the 2 of each option, so I just went with the 6-pack and that will give me a couple of decks to enjoy.

Anyone that complains about the price of custom playing cards can't complain with Randy. He offers some of the best value out there. I am sure looking forward to these.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I must admit that I have recently unsubscribed myself from the kickstarter emails - work has been a bear and the extra email flood was too much

Thus I owe all ks trackers a thanks for suffering the deluge so that the rest of us may be informed ;)
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by Evilgamer »

These came in today, and I went to take a comparison of the cards vs the KS promo pictures above.

In real life they dont look that..dynamic...but...surprise surprise..the camera really loves them
all those "sunspots" are reflected light that I couldn't see outside the camera.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by rousselle »

How did you make the 6H card look longer than the QH card?
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by JazzBaloo »

Looks like QH is slightly higher and a bit bowed
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by Evilgamer »

slightly different angles yes they are leaning against the tuck to try to get an angle for the light to hit them.

So wherever they stopped sliding off the table is where they ended up at.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by rousselle »

Obviously, this is all a matter of taste, and I'm not criticizing anyone for having a different (which is to say, wrong) opinion from mine. Here's my take:

* Love the foiling, both front and back. While the cards weren't as deep a red as I might have guessed from the photos, I feel like they are nonetheless actually quite dynamic when you change their angle to your source of light. I suppose the color seems a tiny bit muted compared to how the camera displays them, but I love the way the the images shimmy and shine when you hold the cards at different angles.
* Fans *super smoothly,* even for a noob like me. Om, nom, nom.
* The way the backs look when you fan 'em is sweeeet.
* Love the red sides of the cards. Really enhances the effect.

I really like this deck, and I think it's going to go into my daily rotation for a little while. Wanna see how the red edges hold up after repeated use. :-)
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by Bradius »

I just received my cards today. In my opinion, I think the foiling generally looks cheap. However, oddly I like it with Randy's somewhat clunky style. I like them together. Don't get me wrong. I love Randy's style. I am just kind of amazed how it works with this type of foiling. It is an oddly satisfying deck for me.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by rousselle »

Follow-up: I didn't notice on the campaign page that these cards were to be made with a matte stock, but I just now noticed that they are, indeed, matte... and yet, even without a textured finish, they still fan SO WELL.

CMYK printing is always going to pop just a little less than spot color printing, but for the textured-effect of the dragon scale design, there would have been no other choice than CMYK.

I think it's that combo of CMYK and cold foil that makes it look the way Bradius describes above, but I'll note here as I've noted elsewhere: Randy is a talented designer, and he knows how to make the most out of his medium. This was an excellent addition to the Draconian line-up.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by joeblow »

Still one of my favourite series. The cards look nice, the foiling is good however I'm not at all a fan of the stock. The cards are much thicker, the edges look rough and there is little texture (no dimples). Compared to typical Legends stock, this is way off.
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Re: Draconian Crimson Deck

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

I got mine~
And I better get the Ice Dragon one before this Fire Dragon gotta burn the other decks
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