“There is no way I could predict that difference and also there was absolutely no reason to measure the thickness of a stock we are regularly using”
but you ordered from 2 dif paper suppliers diff stock
one of which is now closed according to u
exactly; why would you do any due diligence when it comes to producing work on paper right?
slowtrek knows full-well the thickness of stock is ALWAYS-IN-PLAY and considered a factor
so in other words
u were to lazy to check using a simple calibration tool probably something he doesnt even own
geezz weve seen larger boxes for most of your earlier work but some how this “error” or brain fart just happen to fall through the cracks for more delays
ohhhhhh how could any one be more shocked
most people are still wondering when you plan on contacting them regarding their year 1 rewards unless you plan on screwing us over aswell
still havent heard anything yet for the majority of ppl that supported you for 2yrs just to be blind-sided bc we couldnt keep up with your lack-lustred updates and continued delays
when r u going to have an answer for those pst supporters
right after your holiday im guessing