KWP LOTR Return of the King

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KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Evilgamer »

Looks like we may get a date on this KS this week. (apparently an hour after they released their Wednesday update saying there were going to do something else in May they got approval to proceed with this one). Tentative date is 6/4.



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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by Adamthinks »

Even though it's clearly not happening, I'm still hoping for a mini deck where the cards form a map of middle earth.

Also, these look great. Really curious what the triple set cards will look like.

Also also, it looks like the original versions of these cards are indeed not happening.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by Timmargh »

Oh, look: more variants.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by Adamthinks » ... n=63b9409f

That's a link to the Kickstarter preview, which shows the Triple set cards. Jackson indicated on Discord that the Mordor edition of the triple set will be gilded also.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by balrog326 »

Does this mean the original version that everyone loved will never actually be made? I think Jackson called it the one ring version or something like that but the drawing style was totally different and more detailed.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by Adamthinks »

balrog326 wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 6:30 pm Does this mean the original version that everyone loved will never actually be made? I think Jackson called it the one ring version or something like that but the drawing style was totally different and more detailed.
I'm guessing not unless he just releases it on his website at a later date. I asked on discord though, maybe he'll answer.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by Evilgamer »

Adamthinks wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 5:54 pm
Also, these look great. Really curious what the triple set cards will look like.

other than being more black on the tucks and gilded no more info on the "Mordor" edition so far.

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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by hsbc »

Inspiration for the color scheme:
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by Fenrir »

balrog326 wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 6:30 pm Does this mean the original version that everyone loved will never actually be made? I think Jackson called it the one ring version or something like that but the drawing style was totally different and more detailed.
It was called the Archaic version and I’ll never spend a dollar on this. I’m only waiting for that version.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the king

Unread post by steampunk52 »

Fenrir wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:21 pm It was called the Archaic version and I’ll never spend a dollar on this. I’m only waiting for that version.
I with you on this one. Waiting as well.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Adamthinks »

He just responded on Discord and they will be doing the original version, just next year.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by balrog326 »

Fantastic news, next year KWP will be getting some dough outta me 😁 Very exciting news since us fans have been waiting years !!
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Sinecure »

Adamthinks wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 9:24 pm He just responded on Discord and they will be doing the original version, just next year.
That’s great news. I was another person who held off on the other versions, anticipating this one. The illustrations we saw were amazing.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Strag »

This style (like others have said) just doesn't do it for me. And given that these will have a large print run, probably just as well to wait and get in the aftermarket. You can get all three version of The Two Towers from Pengiun Magic at the exact price of the KS with free shipping right now.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by BaconWise »

Adamthinks wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 9:24 pm He just responded on Discord and they will be doing the original version, just next year.
I am skeptical this will come to pass because it went from being planned as the design of the first deck to being planned as add-on, then being planned as an add-on to the Two Towers campaign. Neither of which happened. I would LOVE to see that OG design available, so I hope he can work it out this time around.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Evilgamer »

trying to catch up to history are these the cards everyone is nostalgic for?


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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by BaconWise »

Evilgamer wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 2:21 pm trying to catch up to history are these the cards everyone is nostalgic for?


Absolutely :)
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by rousselle »

I totally agree with everyone who says they are exasperated with new variants, excited about the "Archaic" version being planned for next year, etc., etc.

BUT, I am nonetheless very excited by this new round of decks, and I'll likely also pick up one set of the Mordor variants, as well. And I *know* I'll pick up the puzzle that comes with RotK, as well.

I am spending so much less on cards these days (being unemployed does tend to sharpen one's focus), but this art -- both for this campaign and the planned Archaic version -- sings to me and brings me joy. There are certainly a few decks in my collection that won't mind finding a new home to make room for these tasty decks at Casa Rousselle. Om nom nom.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Evilgamer »

now live and unsurprisingly already funded

with every possible variant available to buy without needing to buy anything else, other producers should take note.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by manu »

I'm very tempted by the triple set. The more minimal design speaks to me
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Evilgamer »

manu wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:21 am I'm very tempted by the triple set. The more minimal design speaks to me
Its the foiling on that set that speaks to me, like his Mistborn deck.

Im in for the Mordor set, struggling not to add the normal one too..if he had gilded it I wouldn't have been able to stop myself, I think the backs are potentially better than the ones on the Mordor set.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Bradius »

I'm in for a full set, excluding the Legacy set (I didn't get any of the other two legacy boxes), but I did add on one of the Kickstarter exclusive sets as well. I was hoping for a double boxed set, but not offered this time. Ah well.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by BaconWise »

In for a standard - it's fantastic. As a collector of coins, I am shocked to see him offering his medallion for $45. I think the gold standard for large medallions would be the Norse Medals campaigns by Design Imperator. Those were offered for under $20/each and had full 3D sculpting on both sides. Did Jackson use actual gold in this simple medallion?

LotR Coin.jpg
LotR Coin.jpg (135.84 KiB) Viewed 3249 times

Norse Medals Campaign for reference: ... rse-medals

Norse.jpg (379.22 KiB) Viewed 3249 times

Regardless, it's a great campaign and I will be curious to see if it hits the same heights as his previous installments.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by BaconWise »

UPDATE: the coin is actually pretty nice on the back side. Jackson updated the campaign images to include both sides of the coin.

LotR Coin2.jpg
LotR Coin2.jpg (342.95 KiB) Viewed 3211 times
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by brownsl »

As I have with the other 2 LotR campaigns, I went a bit overboard. Three of each of the decks and two of each of the triple sets. I would love to get a legacy edition but I can't just get over the cost.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by wingedpotato »

I have to say that as sweet as that coin looks, it shouldn't be $45 plus shipping. Ouch.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by Adamthinks »

brownsl wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:00 pm As I have with the other 2 LotR campaigns, I went a bit overboard. Three of each of the decks and two of each of the triple sets. I would love to get a legacy edition but I can't just get over the cost.
I was going to giggle over that last bit ( considering what you got adds up to) until I looked up the price for the Legcay Edition. Holy Crap, $200 for one deck(with coin) in a wood box is kinda nuts. I'm sure he'll still sell a bunch of them though. Separate questions for you though, what do you do with that many decks? Do you use them? Why so many extras of each edition?
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by brownsl »

Adamthinks wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:12 pm
brownsl wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:00 pm As I have with the other 2 LotR campaigns, I went a bit overboard. Three of each of the decks and two of each of the triple sets. I would love to get a legacy edition but I can't just get over the cost.
I was going to giggle over that last bit ( considering what you got adds up to) until I looked up the price for the Legcay Edition. Holy Crap, $200 for one deck(with coin) in a wood box is kinda nuts. I'm sure he'll still sell a bunch of them though. Separate questions for you though, what do you do with that many decks? Do you use them? Why so many extras of each edition?
I did notice the irony in my last sentence. :D

If the Legacy Edition would have been around $75, I would have went for it but $200 for a single deck, I have a hard time doing.

Why so many ... no logical explanation, it is a sickness. If I really like a deck I will get 3 of them. Why 3? No idea, it is just what it has evolved to. If I really, really like a deck I will get more than 3. A lot of Lotrek decks I will get 6 or more. The new hesslers, I bought 12. I have actually gotten better this year and am buying a lot fewer decks overall. My breadth of buying has narrowed significantly but the depth for some decks by certain designers is still deep. For a fair number of decks, in the past, I would buy 3, I now get 1 or 0.
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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by kevork »

brownsl wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:33 pm Why so many ... no logical explanation, it is a sickness. If I really like a deck I will get 3 of them. Why 3? No idea, it is just what it has evolved to. If I really, really like a deck I will get more than 3. A lot of Lotrek decks I will get 6 or more. The new hesslers, I bought 12. I have actually gotten better this year and am buying a lot fewer decks overall. My breadth of buying has narrowed significantly but the depth for some decks by certain designers is still deep. For a fair number of decks, in the past, I would buy 3, I now get 1 or 0.
While I am not to that extent overall with duplicates, I can relate to it in my own way.

Collecting is inherently an emotional endeavor that's curbed by varying degrees of logic and the size of one's wallet. Just think about showing an expensive deck to someone and them going "you paid that much for pieces of paper?" Well yes, because of the emotions I've attached to it. It's not logical.

I'm really hesitant with backing this project. Kind of exhausted with all the versions that came out throughout this series.

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Re: KWP LOTR Return of the King

Unread post by rousselle »

I notice the prices jumped a bit between what was originally shared here and the actual campaign.

I know I'll still be picking up at least two or three decks from the basic four, but the Mordor set has gone from a "gotta get" to a "hmmm" because of that price jump. Likewise, I typically grab a coin (and Jackson has made some kick ass coins in the past; super glad to have them in my collection), but that price tag... ouch. I must regretfully pass. Wouldn't surprise me if licensing costs are contributing to the higher price, but regardless of the reasons, my wallet is experiencing shock and... aww.
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