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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by brownsl »

KGthePrince wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 9:44 am I think Lotrek uses Patreon as his innovation lab where he's constantly tinkering with new methods, and like he said, he's a perfectionist. I appreciate his dedication to his craft. I see a lot of people calling BS on his lack of communication, but I think he is being sincere (regardless of him right or wrong).

At this point, im getting a bit tired of people rehashing the same complaints over and over again. Yes, we are putting money in this, and it is rightfully frustrating. But I would rather wait an indefinite amount of time for a masterpiece than rush for something half baked. Plus he's always sending free decks while we wait. Im not some diehard Lotrek apologist. He's not even my favorite designer lol. I think folks either need to cancel their subscription and wait for their rewards, or keep supporting and take the man for who is he and not who we want him to be. Im not saying we shouldn't keep him accountable for poor communication.

Be easy and stay blessed homies 👊🏽
I agree with him being sincere.

Is he still sending free decks while we wait? The last one I got was Redemption VII back in February. I think him stating back in Oct 22 that for every month of delay he would send patrons a Redemption deck was sincere but was way unrealistic.

The complaints will stop when he delivers the decks. To be honest, they are completely justifiable even if rehashed and I would bet Lotrek would also say they are justifiable. I am sure he is very stressed in trying to get these out to patrons.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by KGthePrince »

double_left wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 10:20 am sadly the way i summarize this update (as if my opinion matters here with all the pumpers that continue to support this woke) is bullshit
another delay -of course whats new there
so wasted months upon months of useful time to come say im sorry but im not sorry
fatigued is now your excuse(s)
everyone knows ppl in greece dont work more than 4hrs/day lets be real

bouncing from printer to printer bc one does foil and the other doesnt, one cuts but the other doesnt and visiting your paper supplier doesnt justify ur crappy delays
who goes to their paper supplier everyday/week/month
another excuse to deflect your true issues

Slowtrek -“oh im a perfectionist”
really? doesnt show

so in other words, slowtrek need another $60-$120k (month or two) to complete decks that he said were already completed
anyone that believes this new black deck is printed and is now waiting cutting today/tomorrow need to remove their rose-colored glasses

wasnt an update/pics of the 2/4/6/12 brick boxes supposed to come? prob not even made/ready
that will be his next excuse as to why things are delay till sept

slowtrek can apologize all he wants; at EOD money was taken and playing cards were promised months/years ago and we still TODAY have issues bc he needs to be active when a foil print run is done

the excuses this woke has is unbelievable to say the least
slowtrek ship me my deck thats been owed to me for YEARS
stop with this nonsense of continued excuses
u told everyone you had got your shit together last year with the printers which now we find out it multiple printers

gezz with all this money hes taken from everybody youd think he would own a printing press by now

/rant done till next month for month delayed excuses
Bro I'm genuinely confused on how you're using the word "woke". Its an adjective but you're using it as a noun. And as far as im concerned, no one has mentioned politics/race/social justice issues so what are you talking about homie?
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

Might want to take that one to the Thunderdome, if not, perhaps we keep it short or sweet ;)
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

@double_left, do you have any skin in the game? You're clearly not a Patreon supporter but you complain extensively. No hate, I'm just curious why.
bdawg923 wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 9:03 am
kevork wrote: Done :)
Also please the public list you post occasionally here :)
It can be found in my list after the released decks portion in case you ever wanted to refer back to it. I'll paste it here again though!

Year 1 Patreon Rewards
• Royal Silk Red
• Royal Silk Red - Gold/Silver (Gift deck)
• Black Patrons (to replace the imperfect white patrons deck originally slated for 1st year high tier patrons (Gold and up))

Year 2 Patreon Rewards
• Golden Rule
• Royal Patrons

Year 3 Patreon Rewards
• Mystery III - Special Edition
• Sanctissimus Collector's Edition

Year 4 Patreon Rewards

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

brownsl wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 10:30 am The complaints will stop when he delivers the decks.
So, never? 🤪

@kevork - thank you a lot for keeping us updated.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Strag »

kevork wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 11:21 pm Shipping a couple decks out to other collectors sometimes takes me weeks because I come home and all I want to do is relax. I appreciate others who can be patient and understand my predicament even though it can easily be seen as an excuse. There's a lot of habits there that can be unpacked and explored, but I have compassion for his experience as a result.
I feel seen. :D
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Strag »

KGthePrince wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 10:56 am
double_left wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 10:20 am <snip from blocked user>
Bro I'm genuinely confused on how you're using the word "woke". Its an adjective but you're using it as a noun. And as far as im concerned, no one has mentioned politics/race/social justice issues so what are you talking about homie?
There is a reason why I have that individual blocked, unfortunately their rants (and now hate) do get quoted and no way to avoid that.

If you go through their past posts, they have literally NOTHING good to say about anything, just hate and anger, this is why I (mostly) have them blocked.

I, too, am frustrated with Lotrek. I will almost certainly cease my Patreon support in September when the renewal comes. Just not value for money for me in any way shape or form.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

Well, there may be a high ratio, but there has been a smattering of enthusiasm, praise and support tucked away in there.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by wingedpotato »

GandalfPC wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 12:34 pm Well, there may be a high ratio, but there has been a smattering of enthusiasm, praise and support tucked away in there.
Oh, GPC, you with your silly, balanced, measured responses. This IS the Internet, you know...
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Strag »

GandalfPC wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 12:34 pm Well, there may be a high ratio, but there has been a smattering of enthusiasm, praise and support tucked away in there.
Might be the case now. My recollection (from when I blocked them) was that it was ZERO. I have no desire to unblock them to see if there is a tiny amount of barely redeeming sentiment from that individual, it's not worth my time or effort.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by balrog326 »

Lotrek sent out an email update for all backers of the mystery deck. He allowed the public to follow his patreon messages to keep track of the progress and he offered up some explanations for the delays. Since I am not a patron and was only getting info from here on UC, it was nice to finally get some official news from the creator.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Timmargh »

balrog326 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 3:43 pm Lotrek sent out an email update for all backers of the mystery deck. He allowed the public to follow his patreon messages to keep track of the progress and he offered up some explanations for the delays. Since I am not a patron and was only getting info from here on UC, it was nice to finally get some official news from the creator.

When was this? I've preordered and have received nothing.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Adamthinks »

Timmargh wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 4:46 pm
balrog326 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 3:43 pm Lotrek sent out an email update for all backers of the mystery deck. He allowed the public to follow his patreon messages to keep track of the progress and he offered up some explanations for the delays. Since I am not a patron and was only getting info from here on UC, it was nice to finally get some official news from the creator.

When was this? I've preordered and have received nothing.
Went out this morning.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by bdawg923 »

Timmargh wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 4:46 pm
balrog326 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 3:43 pm Lotrek sent out an email update for all backers of the mystery deck. He allowed the public to follow his patreon messages to keep track of the progress and he offered up some explanations for the delays. Since I am not a patron and was only getting info from here on UC, it was nice to finally get some official news from the creator.

When was this? I've preordered and have received nothing.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

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Thanks Bdawg I was going to post the entire email but I'm never sure what's allowed to be posted here.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

balrog326 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 6:10 pm Thanks Bdawg I was going to post the entire email but I'm never sure what's allowed to be posted here.
If I ever am unsure, I open the Oath patreon on an incognito tab to see if the post was made available publicly, and then it's fair game :)

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Information is always fair game. Especially when someone is past due to an ungodly amount.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by OnlyHeadsUp »

Sorry if this has been asked before, if I subscribe to Lotrek's Patreon and select the upfront annual payment option, would I be eligible to receive the Mystery deck or would I need to wait for next year?
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

OnlyHeadsUp wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:50 pm Sorry if this has been asked before, if I subscribe to Lotrek's Patreon and select the upfront annual payment option, would I be eligible to receive the Mystery deck or would I need to wait for next year?
The Mystery III deck is not a part of Patreon rewards and was sold as a separate sale. It is now sold out.

The Mystery III Special Edition deck will be a reward for Year 3 patrons. We're now in Year 4, so paying annually won't guarantee you awards as the cycle has already commenced. You can see if Lotrek retroactively can apply payment for you individually, but you're better off joining for Year 5 in September.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Evilgamer »

I have no idea how you keep all that straight, especially if a variant of mystery III, a deck that wasnt even mentioned until early this year is part of a cycle that ended 6 months prior.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by OnlyHeadsUp »

kevork wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:14 pm
OnlyHeadsUp wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:50 pm Sorry if this has been asked before, if I subscribe to Lotrek's Patreon and select the upfront annual payment option, would I be eligible to receive the Mystery deck or would I need to wait for next year?
The Mystery III deck is not a part of Patreon rewards and was sold as a separate sale. It is now sold out.

The Mystery III Special Edition deck will be a reward for Year 3 patrons. We're now in Year 4, so paying annually won't guarantee you awards as the cycle has already commenced. You can see if Lotrek retroactively can apply payment for you individually, but you're better off joining for Year 5 in September.
Awesome, that is what I figured. Thanks!
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

Evilgamer wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:38 pm I have no idea how you keep all that straight, especially if a variant of mystery III, a deck that wasnt even mentioned until early this year is part of a cycle that ended 6 months prior.
It helps that I've written it all down to keep track. Who's to say how long ago Lotrek began designing the deck and when it became public knowledge.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by brownsl »

I very much appreciate kevork keeping track of it and being patient when myself or others ask often what we are supposed to get!
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

honestly he has to do it. he’s the only one that can operate the machine that keeps track of it. we are training replacements but it will be years before they are ready…

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Honeybee »

kev is probably a bugbear to Lotrek for without him nobody would know what they are owed :lol:
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by slickster »

Honeybee wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 12:27 am kev is probably a bugbear to Lotrek for without him nobody would know what they are owed :lol:
Without kevork not even Lotrek would know what he owes us haha
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

I would employ Kevork to help keep Oath Playing Cards deck list up to date hahaha
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

I fed some data and comments into the machine pictured above (thank you Gandalf, but please do not divulge its orbital location), and it spewed out this quote:
Thirdway Industries wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:42 am There are 3 different layers of foil on the backs, a lot of manual work is involved, and I suppose it was really complicated to produce - it took pratically 2 years to make.
It states for perspective, Fortuna Exquisite with three hot foils on the back, took Expert Playing Cards about 2 years to make. This stuff is really challenging to do and when you're doing it on your own using various printers for each step (likely out of necessity), it takes quite a long time to get right.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Marketing copy should always be taken with a grain of salt, especially time frames. Everyone exaggorates the involved labour to make it sound more complicated than it basically is.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »


Sure, I could have given the AI a second chance at the text, but I do like the babble in this case…

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