Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Designing a deck? Need input? Show us here!
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Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Unread post by OneGaelic »

EDIT: The KS pre-launch page is live, could I be cheeky and ask you to please go in and click the 'notify me on launch' button...? Every bit of help I can get to help spread the word is greatly appreciated. TIA. ... -onegaelic


Hello everyone, and thank you for opening this post. Now I just have to keep you interested enough to keep reading, and hopefully reply :D

I am almost done designing a deck of Gaelic Games Playing Cards and I’d love some feedback, input, advice, criticism, whatever it takes to get it right and ready for Kickstarter. I just want to say that the deck is intended as a fun, educational, colourful, playful deck , and not for cardistry/magic, but obviously if anyone wants to use it for those purposes I’ll not complain.

I have taken the four main Gaelic sports of Hurling, Camogie, Football & Ladies Football (you might know them as Gaelic Football & Ladies Gaelic Football) and given them their own suits. I have then taken the top performing 13 Irish Counties in each sport and assigned them to a card, with obviously the Aces being the most successful Irish County at that particular sport.

Each card features the most up-to-date County jersey in the County colours, any sports equipment associated with the sport, the County name and sport in English at the top of the card, & in Irish at the bottom of the card, and the County nickname and year of foundation across the chest of the jersey.

The background of the cards is an aerial view of a Gaelic Games pitch. I have deliberately bled the image to the edge of the card because I have tried it with a white border and it just doesn’t look right to my eye. Like I said, it’s not meant for cardistry so I think this should work ok.

The back of the card is made up of a collage of various sports equipment associated with these sports, but it does have a white border. I am unsure about the gloves in the centre of the back, but I do need to include them. Maybe I could work on a better design so they don’t look so much like rubber gloves haha!

I’m still working on a tuck box, which again will be colourful and fun, but I don’t have any imagery just yet.

Ok so I’m really unsure as to whether I can just go ahead and post images of my designs…? Forgive me for asking, but is this safe to do so if I haven’t started my Kickstarter campaign yet…?

Please do let me know what you think and if you’d be interested in seeing the designs so far.

Thanks if you’ve read this far, it’s much appreciated :)

Jyl - OneGaelic
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Re: Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Unread post by JacksandJokers »

Hi Jyl,

Sounds like you have an interesting concept for a deck of cards.

It's perfectly safe to share your images here as many others have done before you.

It's also probably the best way to get advice from the community on any changes that should / need to be changed prior to the launch of the KS campaign. :D
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Re: Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Unread post by OneGaelic »

Thanks J&J for your reply. Interestingly, I also collect Jokers and The Jack of Spades… :)

But I digress… here are a few images of my designs.

Any and all comments are welcome and appreciated, so thank you all in advance :)
sample card for luke wadey gaa.png
gaa card back.png
cork hurling k spades hi res pitch faded.png
laois ladies football 5 diamonds hi res pitch faded.png
gaa playing cards meath football 10 clubs pitch faded.png
gaa playing cards kilkenny camogie q hearts pitch faded.png
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Re: Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Unread post by Honeybee »

Not that I know these teams, I still like the fronts as I am a sports nut.
I would not buy this deck with that back (esp green) as backs are my number one reason for buying decks and it is ordinary
In some ways the fronts look a bit like a back design but you do need a two way back design so as not to put 50% of collectors 'offside' ;)
KoD - my initials, no wonder I grew up a lover of playing cards
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Re: Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Unread post by OneGaelic »

Thank you for the feedback Honeybee.

The back is something I am definitely going to be working on. I did realise that it’s not overly interesting but I wanted to at least get something ‘down’ that I could add to and hopefully improve.

Green is the colour of Ireland and so I’m afraid it has to stay… but I do honestly really appreciate your input. That’s why I’m here :)
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Re: Gaelic Games Playing Cards by OneGaelic

Unread post by kevork »
@43:37, there was a poll run by Wondercraft Cards to see what's most important when purchasing the cards. Everyone's different, of course. Here's what came up. My number one tends to be the court cards and tuck.

Your card back definitely gives a vintage vibe. It's not my kind of deck overall but you're heading in a good direction. It's certainly niche.

1. Card back - 40%
2. Court Cards - 38%
3. Tuck
4. Number Cards

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