laitostarr777 wrote: ↑Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:16 pm
Everything about Eye of the Ocean, all of it really sink me deep into it - my brain now keeps on thinking what’s gotta happened next after the end of Volume 1. Call me obsessive - but hey, it is Stockholm17 for you~
You should try reading real novels if you haven't yet, they also cost way less than S17's.
Honeybee wrote: ↑Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:28 pm
I wondered whether Laito meant Part 2 out-'live'd Part 1 as opposed tooutlived
ie referring to when Kickstarter went live
Just upped my pledge again so that I get two Wind Watcher mini decks instead of one, and I want the pin, too. So, Early Trio, 2 Claws, 2 Wind Watcher minis, and a pin. I am so pumped to get these in September!
What decks we created :
Oppenheimer, Hyakki Yagyō, Plague Doctor, Samurai Otter, Godzilla x Kong
Trial of Blackbeard, Fox's Wedding, Assassin's Creed, Stellar Dread, 1001Nights.....
Lorenzo counted 855 "The Claw" decks thus far. With a 5% buffer, this might be a 900 print run deck, in case anyone was wondering.
I upgraded from The Chancellor to the Oracle since $33 for 3 uncut sheets didn't seem all too significant of a difference at that point and might even help with the quest itself.
2 days left - excited and scared at the same time haha
Excited: the project is funded and we will surely gotta get them
Scared: My bank account gotta suffer a lot...
After a bit of back and forth, I have gone for the Puzzle Master tier. I have a good friend whose son would love the book, so I'll be gifting it to her after I've failed miserably at the puzzle (just like last time ).
I am sticking with The Regent. I am also using another account to get another half-brick windwatcher tower and two more claws to go with my Regent and two extra claws. So, three towers and six claws. A few other nicknacks as well. It is still way less than EOTO1 for me.
Like Timmargh, I have a ghost chance in hell of figuring out this puzzle. I just solved one puzzle...after 50 years....
The Crazy Squirrel Deck Hunter - Hunt decks to extinction
I decided to go with the 6-deck tower, 2 Claws, and a card guard. I dropped down from the puzzle tiers. I still haven't read EOTO vol1 and the book and prop are a bit pricey if Im not going to likely get around to doing the puzzle. This concept is a lot of fun. Overall, I like EOTO 1 better with the leather book and wooden deck case, but everything Lorenzo touches is quality.
Dang, that is 200%+ lesser than Vol.1, but look at what the campaign achieved: decks are gilded free of charge! The book that has gilding and a clasp, and an artifact that might just be much cooler than the Astrolabe coin
Most Backerkit projects let you change your initial tier if you're not trying for an EB or the like, and I'm thinking I'm going to want to switch from the EB for 1 each to the 2 each tier. I can't recall if I added the Claw and the mini to my KS pledge, but I'm working under the assumption those options will be available via Backerkit, yes?
rousselle wrote: ↑Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:45 am
Most Backerkit projects let you change your initial tier if you're not trying for an EB or the like, and I'm thinking I'm going to want to switch from the EB for 1 each to the 2 each tier. I can't recall if I added the Claw and the mini to my KS pledge, but I'm working under the assumption those options will be available via Backerkit, yes?
I would hope you could switch tiers, but not have to change your add-ons. I am not sure what the limitations are with backerkit. The Claw is a Kickstarter exclusive. It may still be available on backerkit (subject to the same limits per backer) since it is still under the Kickstarter campaign umbrella. If you are going for two each, go for the "Pack of 6" tier, which will include the tower box. If you just add another set of three to your existing pledge, it is my understanding it will not include the Tower box. It will be a nice numbered set. I am getting two towers in my Regent tier and then used another Kickstarter account to pick up the Pack of 6 tier as well as another two Claw decks. For EOTO1 I ended up with 5 full half-brick sets in the crates he had made for that campaign. As much as I like the tower, I think I liked the wooden crates a bit more.
The Crazy Squirrel Deck Hunter - Hunt decks to extinction
rousselle wrote: ↑Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:45 am
Most Backerkit projects let you change your initial tier if you're not trying for an EB or the like, and I'm thinking I'm going to want to switch from the EB for 1 each to the 2 each tier. I can't recall if I added the Claw and the mini to my KS pledge, but I'm working under the assumption those options will be available via Backerkit, yes?
I would hope you could switch tiers, but not have to change your add-ons. I am not sure what the limitations are with backerkit. The Claw is a Kickstarter exclusive. It may still be available on backerkit (subject to the same limits per backer) since it is still under the Kickstarter campaign umbrella. [...]
Lorenzo on Patreon, March 18th:
The Backerkit pre-order store is like an online shop, late backer will be able to pre-order the items, but without the privileges of the kickstarter backers. For example: no Claw will be listed, prices are higher because now all decks are gilded, and there are no bundles except the trio and the Puzzle Master at KS price (not early bird of course).
I read it as someone that did not back the campaign but use the baclerkit pre-order store to back the project. In this scenario there wont be access to Claw etc. But if you area backer then when you get access to backerkit, folks could add/remove Claw. Then again, this is what I interpret. I could be completely wrong.
Mine arrived yesterday. I went light and just got the tower and a couple of claws. Haven’t opened anything yet because it looks too nice. But of course this is Lorenzo, so of course it does.
Evilgamer wrote: ↑Fri Dec 13, 2024 8:58 am
I think you missed something...Im just not sure what.
You made me anxious for a second and brownsl's post helped clear it up. Looks like I never got Gibborim Castaways from Backerkit since I'm getting one copy in my Patreon tier.
Is the Patron Castaway deck coming with our pledge fulfillment package? I thought that was going to come when Patron is fulfilled. Your KS list shows one Castaway deck, so I think you will get a second one with your Patron fulfillment. I ordered 2 in Backerkit and will get a 3rd when I get my Patron package.
brownsl wrote: ↑Fri Dec 13, 2024 11:23 am
Is the Patron Castaway deck coming with our pledge fulfillment package? I thought that was going to come when Patron is fulfilled. Your KS list shows one Castaway deck, so I think you will get a second one with your Patron fulfillment. I ordered 2 in Backerkit and will get a 3rd when I get my Patron package.
That's a good point. Then I guess to Adam's point, I only missed the kitchen sink.
I just hope the secondhand market won't be too crazy for kitchen sinks. Darn resellers.