Tuju Playing Cards (Panimoyhtiö Tuju / Tuju Brewing Company)

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Tuju Playing Cards (Panimoyhtiö Tuju / Tuju Brewing Company)

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Magical cards of destiny for bad gameluck. Does not contain Pokemons
A custom deck by a small Finnish brewery. I saw some of their beers in supermarkets here in Kuopio, really well designed labels.

You could buy them from their website HERE for 10 € per deck, except they don't offer shipping, not even inside Finland, you would have to pick them up from their brewery in Lappeenranta. :roll:

I don't have any good reason to visit Lappeenranta and I'm not going to drive there just to pick a deck of cards. Eh, I'll keep this deck in mind if in the future me or somebody I know is going to Lappeenranta.
Left my heart in SIERRA MADRE

"Finding it... that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever met a sad person with a penguin?

Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?

"I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullsh*t, I did not hit her, I did naaaht! Oh hai Mark!"



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Re: Tuju Playing Cards

Unread post by hsbc »

Räpylätassu wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:23 pm I'll keep this deck in mind if in the future me or somebody I know is going to Lappeenranta.
If that should ever happen I'd love a copy :ugthink:
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Re: Tuju Playing Cards

Unread post by hsbc »

From their English page:
Panimoyhtiö Tuju (that’s ‘The Tuju Brewing Company’, for our English readers) was founded in 2015, with the aim of bringing high-quality craft beer culture back to Lappeenranta. The mission of the brewery, named after the founders' initials, is to craft great, modern beer using traditional techniques, whereby every step of the process is carried out with clinical precision under extremely strict quality control. The end result is an extreme catalog of tempting beverages from all over the beer spectrum, the intense flavors and approachability of which captivate consumers again and again.
From my attempts to translate: manufactured in Finland by Data-Mate Oy -- there's also something about the deck having 13 hearts? that I'm not sure I trust Google on :lol:
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Re: Tuju Playing Cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

hsbc wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:30 pm From their English page:
Panimoyhtiö Tuju (that’s ‘The Tuju Brewing Company’, for our English readers) was founded in 2015, with the aim of bringing high-quality craft beer culture back to Lappeenranta. The mission of the brewery, named after the founders' initials, is to craft great, modern beer using traditional techniques, whereby every step of the process is carried out with clinical precision under extremely strict quality control. The end result is an extreme catalog of tempting beverages from all over the beer spectrum, the intense flavors and approachability of which captivate consumers again and again.
From my attempts to translate: manufactured in Finland by Data-Mate Oy -- there's also something about the deck having 13 hearts? that I'm not sure I trust Google on :lol:
13 sydämen lisäksi pakka sisältää hyvät annokset sisäelimiä ja irtoraajoja, koska häviät kuitenkin jokaisen käden.
"In addition of having 13 hearts, the deck also includes a good number of guts and extra limbs because, let's face it, you'll lose every hand" :lol:
Left my heart in SIERRA MADRE

"Finding it... that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever met a sad person with a penguin?

Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?

"I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullsh*t, I did not hit her, I did naaaht! Oh hai Mark!"



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Re: Tuju Playing Cards (Panimoyhtiö Tuju / Tuju Brewing Company)

Unread post by redux »

Nice find! Shipping policy is unfortunate though.
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