La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

kevork wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:25 pm Haven't seen any pictures of the custom carat case or enamel pins. I would've thought Elettra would be a bit more prepared in that regard. Signed up for the lovers tier, but I do ask myself if I really need those extras and whether I should just drop down to the two deck tier.
I missed the EB pair, which ONLY contains the two decks. Hence, I have no choice to go for the pair with the enamel pin. But comparing between then two tier, it appears, no difference - the 6 euros pin, exclude that, and you got a pair that costs 50 euros

I check the price of each deck through the ADD-Ons, and I found:
6 for the Enamel Pin / 18 for the Blanche / 38 for the Noire
Getting two decks is 56

The EB, which is just the two decks ONLY, is 50 - so it's a discounted price bundle
The first pair, which is the two decks with the Dog and Cat Enamel Pin, is 56 - so it's getting two decks at normal price with a FREE pin
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by GandalfPC »

Seeing that some old decks had music and other stuff on the backs of the cards and that I already have a metric ton of decks that are “playable” I am greatly looking forward to it - right up my alley

Picking up a pair of filled carats, two pairs of pins and an extra deck to open
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Bradius »

I think I am sitting this one out. I have enough projects I am backing at the moment and personally feel a bit tapped out at the moment. I will show up for Lorenzo though when his EOTO2 hits.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Adamthinks »

I've backed a bunch recently but I've been excited for these for a while. Backing a pair. This project, Tails of Mischief, and Thornwood ( hopefully that funds) are the highlights this month for me.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by EndersGame »

I'm a long-time fan of Elettra Deganello's work, and of custom playing cards and transformation decks, so I've been looking forward to this project for a long time. Here's a write-up I put together about it.

Kickstarter: La Mouche Playing Cards (Once Upon a Fly) by Elettra Deganello

A playful deck of playing cards narrating the fly’s whimsical journey

Project ends: Thurs, 15th February, 2024


Elettra Deganello is one of my favourite playing card designers from recent years. She's a professional visual designer and illustrator from Italy, and has been contributing to the custom playing card industry since 2018 with some gorgeous and original designs, several of which have been nominated for and won awards. To learn more about her, see this interview that I did with her about two years ago.

Her current project, just launched, is called La Mouche Playing Cards, aka Once Upon A Fly, since it is a whimsical deck that tells the story of a fly's journey. Two editions are being produced: La Mouche Blanche (standard) and La Mouche Noire (limited). The manufacturer of choice is Expert Playing Card Company, using their classic stock, in standard poker size.

Deganello has opted to use a classic French style for the pips, to fit well with the elegance and whimsy of the overall deck.


For me the highlight of this deck is in the number cards, which have a semi-transformation style. Transformation decks have a long history, and are the result of an artist creatively incorporating the pips into the artwork, as seen here.



If you look carefully you'll find our friend the fly (the mouche) appearing regularly on these and the other cards in the deck.


Since playing cards are made of paper and originally had blank backs, they have a long history of being used for other purposes, such as reminder notes or invitations. Elettra offers a tribute to this history by incorporating examples of this on some of the number cards, e.g. the 2 of Hearts includes an invitation to a banquet, and the 4 of Diamonds a marriage announcement. Other cards pay homage to famous paintings (e.g. 2 of Spades), or include quotes, questions, or sayings (e.g. 10 of Hearts).



The court cards continue the overall light-hearted feel of the deck, and use French indices, i.e. r = roi (king), d = dame (queen), v = valet (jack).



All four aces picture a different idiom relating to our friend the fly, the English translation being:
● Ace of Hearts: "Make an elephant out of a fly" (similar to the expression "make a storm in a teacup")
● Ace of Clubs: "He wouldn’t hurt a fly"
● Ace of Diamonds: "One can hear a fly flying" (similar to the expression "you could hear a pin drop")
● Ace of Spades: "In a closed mouth, no fly enters" (similar to the expression "Mum’s the word" about confidentiality)


The back design features a borderless daisy pattern, chosen for elegance and simplicity. The limited La Mouche Noire uses the same daisy pattern, but sets this on a solid black.


The tuck box of the La Mouche Blanche edition has a long tongue flap and retro look that suits the style of the deck itself.


The La Mouche Noire edition (shown on the right below) is the limited edition. Its tuck box has the extra luxury of foil (white, red, and silver) and a numbered seal, and is inspired by vintage French posters. This deck comes with the extra bling of silver gilding on the cards.


I've followed Elettra's work for several years, and am a great admirer of the way she has a fresh approach to playing cards, and how she brings her expertise and experience to our classic deck to produce something original and unique, and in this case, playful and whimsical. Kudos to Elettra Deganello for another wonderful project of custom playing cards!

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by shunterino »

Now that I have a better idea of what this deck is I have to say it isn't for me. It has the feel of someone having lots of good ideas but they can't choose between them so they decide to cram all of them in. It ends up being a mish mash and feels more like a Frankendeck, which aren't unpopular but at the same time don't appeal very broadly. The choice to have a variety of backs in the same deck doesn't feel innovative it just feels bizarre. Still I guess some people will enjoy looking at it and nothing wrong with that.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Honeybee »

Has it been confirmed that the backs of the decks are not uniform?
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by kevork »

Honeybee wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:47 am Has it been confirmed that the backs of the decks are not uniform?
There are 3-4 card backs shown in the campaign main page. They're not all too different from each other but they are distinct enough not to use them for certain games. I think this one is designed with a specific game or games in mind.

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Strag »

Honeybee wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:47 am Has it been confirmed that the backs of the decks are not uniform?
She responded to a comment on the campaign page
Yes, some of the card backs are different within the same deck. These variations are designed to align with the theme or graphic elements of the corresponding faces.
Seems pretty clear that the different backs are very much in keeping with the overall theme. Definitely much more of an art piece and not one that you can really play a game with, except maybe forms of solitaire? Nothing wrong with that in my book and speaks to me of a strong creative vision.

For some reason it's still not resonating for me, these days it has to be a "hell yes" or I question getting it at all. And of course my general negative attitude towards Kickstarter and their complete lack of protection or advocacy for backers of projects.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

The concept for this deck is really really strong! Elettra has done it again as always!
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by vasta41 »

This deck is quirky enough but also solid enough for me to be in. Toes the line well IMO.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Strag »

GandalfPC wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:47 am IMG_9765.jpeg
Well now, this could get me involved, depending on what it is.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by GandalfPC »

To be found as an add-on in the JBP Tails of Mischief campaign

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

I can see a lot questioning why two projects merged in a single coin on the Tails of Mischief thread - Jack shares his insight on how the coin is possible.

JUST Pretend that this hand is that of the mice trying to pick up some flowers and a fly buzzes off x3
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

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Custom Carat X2

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by hsbc »

KS update wrote:Today, I am delighted to introduce La Mouche Zinzin (“The Crazy Fly”), a Kickstarter exclusive limited edition of 35 decks featuring another unique edge ennoblement. In particular, it recalls the one made for the Black Liquorice decks designed in collaboration with Meadowlark Playing Cards, with the difference that this time, the shade will not be from one solid colour to another — it will be from silver to red (or from red to silver, depending on points of view). This one-of-a-kind edge decoration will be hand-made in Italy by expert artisans, like done for Bold 1818 and the Pinocchio 2nd Edition decks.

A custom tuck box displaying the same shaded effect, printed by Boschiero & Newton with silver and black hot foil on high-quality Fedrigoni paper stock, will complete La Mouche Zinzin, available as an add-on from tomorrow at 5 pm CET.


The tier called The Whale already includes one deck of this edition, and backers who chose The Concert can have priority over the purchase by sending me a direct message via Kickstarter by tomorrow at 5 pm CET.

Lastly, but not least importantly, you should be aware that I might be considering shifting production to Cartamundi. The company has moved manufacturing to Spain and consequently suspended activities for developing a new board and varnish for the playing cards. After months, I eventually received a sample deck called “Test Heraclio”, featuring what they described as an improved B9 paper stock. I will keep you posted in case any official changes occur.

You might also want to know that the production of La Mouche Noire will be limited to 300/350 decks. When the campaign is over, only a few will be available and only via my website.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

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I would like to apologize in advance for anyone I might trample in my attempt to get said deck.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

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I upgraded to the Concert to get one ahead of time and not worry about getting trampled.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by GandalfPC »

brownsl wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:26 pm I upgraded to the Concert to get one ahead of time and not worry about getting trampled.

Thanks - in my exuberance I missed that bit - I have done so as well.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by kevork »

Not a huge fan of such ultra limited releases, but I'll try if I'm awake at that time.

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

GandalfPC wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:31 pm I would like to apologize in advance for anyone I might trample in my attempt to get said deck.
You won’t probably gotta trample me because I am sure I WONT be able to get it 🥲 there goes my hope thinking I got all the decks in La Mouche
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Adamthinks »

I want one if the price is right and I'm on at the time. How much are these?
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by kevork »

Adamthinks wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:42 pm I want one if the price is right and I'm on at the time. How much are these?
If it's anything like the Pinocchio Midnight Blue (x/35), then it'll be around 92€

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Adamthinks »

kevork wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:54 pm
Adamthinks wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:42 pm I want one if the price is right and I'm on at the time. How much are these?
If it's anything like the Pinocchio Midnight Blue (x/35), then it'll be around 92€
If that's the case, I'm no longer interested. That's way more than I'm willing to spend on a single deck.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Honeybee »

I too cannot imagine justifying paying that much for a single deck
Definitely not for this one as I do not like varied gilding
It effectively makes the backs one way, a bit like 'star' gilding requires you to keep the deck in NDO
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by axolotl2026 »

I had one but couldn't commit the pledge it kept denying at checkout and apparently it was no longer available.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Like a fly, I'll see what the leftovers are and wait for what ends up in her shop.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: La Mouche by Elettra Deganello

Unread post by GandalfPC »


This shot was in the post, don’t know if these are the cards to be or not…


She did say announcement would be BIG, so perhaps its this big…

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