[SELL] Cap's 1st Liquidation Sale

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[SELL] Cap's 1st Liquidation Sale

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Hey, everyone, Chris here. I'm without a job for the first time in more than 13 years, so unfortunately I will have to list some of my hobby items for sale to ensure that I can make ends meet for the foreseeable future. I will only be shipping ("FREE") within the continental USA because of the prohibitive costs (and logistics, i.e. package "loss" or excess tariffs) of international trade, sorry worldwide friends. Unless otherwise noted, all open decks are in Near Mint condition, having been handled only once or played in 1 game of poker. Unless otherwise noted, all sealed decks are in Brand New condition, and returns will not be accepted for minor imperfections to the wrap or tuck box. Any/all non-production defects will be mentioned.

Contact me at my PayPal address: twopiecefeed@hotmail.com

List is still in-progress.

Ellusionist "Rare" 15-Deck Set: $950
- Includes 15-Deck Box
1. White Ghost 1st Edition
2. Black Ghost 1st Edition
3. Gold Arcane
4. Red Arcane
5. Red Artifice
6. Blue Artifice V1
7. Sultan Republic V1
8. Sultan Treasure
9. LTD Red
10. LTD White
11. Kings White
12. Kings Red
13. Expert at the Card Table Black
14. Knights Red
15. Infinity V1

Ellusionist "Unlimited" 15-Deck Set: $350
- Includes 15-Deck Box
1. White Ghost V2
2. Black Ghost V2
3. White Arcane
4. Black Arcane
5. Blue Artifice V2
6. Green Artifice
7. Republic V2
8. Royal Reserve
9. LTD Blue
10. LTD Purple
11. Kings Gold
12. Kings Black
13. Expert at the Card Table Green
14. Knights White
15. Infinity V2

Pick 6: $150
Ellusionist Steelers (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Copper Rarebit (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Aurelian (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 MailChimp V2 Red (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 MailChimp V2 Black (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Nomad (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Union (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Medallion (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Tycoon Red (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Tycoon Black (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Tycoon Blue (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Artisan White (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Artisan Black (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Bad Robot Tan Wrapper (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Bad Robot Black Wrapper (Includes Open Deck)
Theory11 Blue Monarchs [3 Available]
D&D Smoke & Mirrors V7 Carbon (Includes Open Deck)
D&D Deckstarter [2 Available]
Blue Crown Boardwalk Papers [2 Available]
Crown Deck Red
Crown Deck Blue
Crown Deck Green
Tally-Ho No. 9 Original Fan Back Red

Individual Decks
Theory11 White Monarchs V1 - $80
KWP Crazy 8's Limited Edition #252/888 - $50
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: [SELL] Cap's 1st Liquidation Sale

Unread post by BaconWise »

Please tell me we get to see an aggressive packing video :ugdance:
"But why male models?"

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Re: [SELL] Cap's 1st Liquidation Sale

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

BaconWise wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:17 pm Please tell me we get to see an aggressive packing video :ugdance:
:lol: :lol:

For anyone who's 'following' the thread, I'm sorry for a lack of updates. I'm prioritizing a few other things right now, but I will get to finishing the list of items for sale. I will eventually get to listing whatever is left on eBay, but of course my prices here will be cheaper.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
♥ ♦ Portfolio 52 Pro ♣ ♠
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