Bicycle The Grid 2.0 - Kickstarter - Now shipping!

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Re: Bicycle The Grid 2.0 - Kickstarter - Now shipping!

Unread post by badpete69 »

Got my deck and box today...Thanks I promptly put my first signed grid deck (10/36) with the second one (19/36). Makes a nice collector box


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Re: Bicycle The Grid 2.0 - Kickstarter - Now shipping!

Unread post by CBJ »

Mine came in today as well!

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Re: Bicycle The Grid 2.0 - Kickstarter - Now shipping!

Unread post by elcyciB »

CBJ wrote:Mine came in today as well!
mine too! Great looking tuck, love the all white. Nice job 4PM
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Re: Bicycle The Grid 2.0 - Kickstarter - Now shipping!

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

Got mine 2 days ago and must say that they do not feel like Bee Casino stock to me,rather more like regular Bicycle stock.
Would like to get some feedback from others here.

4PM replied this on Kickstarter :
Also, the deck is in fact Bee Casino Stock. An easy way to determine if any deck is bee stock is to take the tuck and squeeze it at the bottom left side. You will notice the flap that's tucked in reads T-020, that is a Bee tuck box. Since the stock is thicker the tuck boxes are thicker so have different serials as opposed to a Bicycle tuck box which reads T-042. Now you can look at any of your decks to prove if someone was lying about their stock.
If this is 100% correct then the Skull and Bones Professionel decks by CARC are Bicycle Stock and not thick Casino stock because they have this T-042 serial on the inside flap of the tuck box.
As per our custom we used their larger press and their thicker Casino stock to print this deck.
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Re: Bicycle The Grid 2.0 - Kickstarter LIVE!

Unread post by LanceHowell »

cosmicsecret wrote:I'm so glad that i pledged for the uncut sheet!
My plan is to build into the frame UV
led lights with a on and off switch.
Gonna post a video of it once its set in stone! ;-)

one of the hottest releases for me this year
Were you able to build the UV led lights frame? Can you share detialed information about the frame? I am trying to build similar one..
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