Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

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Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by hsbc »

The project is called Doodle Playing Arts and we have agreements/licenses from these designers/illustrators - Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong and Suryadi - for their artworks. Their particular styles and techniques plus a little bit modified from Thành converted a simple deck of cards in pocket-sized doodle art gallery but can be handled, shuffled and played. And for gratitude for artists we called each deck is "SPYTF", the combination of the first character of artists' name.
Did the Playing Arts people copyright the phrase "Playing Arts"? Gotta say, I thought this was a new deck of theirs for a second...
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by Adamthinks »


I don't like the number cards but this tuck and card back are pretty cool.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

this looks cute and quirky. i like the tuck and back of the second deck better than the first. Overall, this is a deck i would have definitely gotten a couple years ago but it is a bit too cartoony for me now. for no feature tuck and cards i think the $12 price is ok. this used to be a $9.99 deck but $12 isnt awful.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by BaconWise »

Very cute and quirky. I am a bit surprised they are launching a new project only two months after completing funding for Royal Warriors. Not only is that project still in production, it was very publicly an issue of infringement/stolen artwork. Unfortunately, the fact that Thành Phan is involved with this project makes me automatically wonder if this artwork is genuine and original. Perhaps that's not fair but it will always keep me from supporting this group.
It likely will not impact the funding as Royal Warriors was launched three times and people still trusted them, so this will likely fund without people worrying about the past. Best of luck to them.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by KingfisherZero »

BaconWise wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:55 am Very cute and quirky. I am a bit surprised they are launching a new project only two months after completing funding for Royal Warriors. Not only is that project still in production, it was very publicly an issue of infringement/stolen artwork. Unfortunately, the fact that Thành Phan is involved with this project makes me automatically wonder if this artwork is genuine and original. Perhaps that's not fair but it will always keep me from supporting this group.
It likely will not impact the funding as Royal Warriors was launched three times and people still trusted them, so this will likely fund without people worrying about the past. Best of luck to them.
Agreed completely. Took a look at it - and right off it looks like the Joker comes from stock art (which to be fair may have been licensed, but it's certainly implied in the campaign that the five guys created the art).


Stock art here: ... -bomb.html

Not saying the image was directly stolen or anything - but this combined with the past from Royal Warriors is just a bit suspect right now.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by KingfisherZero »

Maybe I should eat crow? Looks like the campaign mentions the artwork is licensed from 5 designers. So the one I posted is in fact from Filkusto!
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I checked them out when they first appeared - hopped in for a pair but then was having second thoughts looking over all the art. Once I spotted the details on who was running it and realized I had 5 designers to police I dropped out.

Frankly I’m not even concerned at this point if the art is licensed, as it appears “quickly gathered” with little love for the deck.

Backs are nice - though they remind me of other art that I have seen and liked more than hitting me as something new - which worries me from this maker. Had another maker done those backs and decks to match I would likely be all over them.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by NativeTongue »

It's strike 5 for me.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by Fenrir »

I wouldn't back anything by Thanh. This and all future decks will be a pass from me.
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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by kevork »

I'm with the community on this one, with all that was mentioned. Hard pass.

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Re: Doodle Playing Arts by Hòa Phan (w/ Filkutso, Yahya, Thành, Pakpong, Suryadi)

Unread post by Sinecure »

Same - hard pass for me.

Taking a closer look at their previous decks like Tattoo and Botanicals, I just keep finding more and more elements that appear to have been straight copied from online sources without credit.

One strike is enough for me when it comes to copyright infringement - but it’s clearly more than a once-off lapse in judgement with these guys - which is a shame because I think they have a good eye.
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