EMPIRE Playing Cards - Now available again on Kings & Crooks

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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by th4mo »

vasta41 wrote:It's refreshing to see someone talented actually using KS. For a while I thought it was a place for failed graphic arts students went to die.

:lol: It's Funny 'cause it's true! :lol:

But seriously, HELL YEAH, this is one sweet deck. Beautiful work Lee! (reaches for wallet.....)
Keep it Sizzlin'!
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by sinjin7 »

I have to say I'm pretty impressed with this deck. I love the well executed full customization, right down to the pips. I like how the back design caters to both magicians and cardists. It's always good to see each Ace get special treatment, with the Ace of Spades being the most ornate Ace. Impressive design wrapped up in an impressive tuck box. The only minor critique I would have is that the Joker reveal is too in-your-face, I would prefer a more subtle reveal. Having said that, the rest of the deck is excellent so this was an easy pledge for me.

At the single deck level, this deck is too expensive, but as others have mentioned, once you pledge for 4+ decks, the cost per deck goes down to a more reasonable price point. I have no doubt this deck will fund, its just a matter of how well Lee is able to get exposure for his deck to see how far beyond his funding goal he is able to get.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Am I the only one who thinks that the "more decks = better per deck price" isn't a valid justification of the inflated single deck price? Not everyone wants/needs 4+ decks of ANY deck, regardless of how nice it is.

As for Pete's comparison to a Theory11 deck + shipping, that's accurate for US backers but not in the slightest for non-US backers. International shipping still seems WAY too high considering US shipping is already included. And there is as usual no real way of actually proving that, unless the creator states the actual deck price without US shipping. I'm really starting to hate reading "US shipping included" on every damn kickstarter project.

PS. Welcome to the forum, Lee. Sorry for the negativity, but as a long-time non-US card collector this runs pretty deep :|
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by samwisethegray »

The only thing that is a little weird(and I mean totally nitpicking), is the layout of the pips for the 9 and 5 cards. They look a little weird to me. Here is the uncut sheet:

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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by badpete69 »

I still think this deck falls close enough to most other kickstarter decks. Most collector I knoe usually buy at least two decks. And like I said that makes it $13.65 a deck which to me is totally reasonable for a nice decl from a proven deck designer...I really dont see that much inflation but more tight budgets...In thend no one is forced to buy
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

badpete69 wrote:Magic.....
I still think this deck falls close enough to most other kickstarter decks. Most collector I knoe usually buy at least two decks. And like I said that makes it $13.65 a deck which to me is totally reasonable for a nice decl from a proven deck designer...I really dont see that much inflation but more tight budgets...In thend no one is forced to buy
That makes no sense to me. Just because most buy at least two, why should a single deck be that much more expensive? Doesn't matter whether it's 1 compared to 2, or 6 compared to 4. A quantity discount is common, of course, but this is beyond anything I've ever seen.

And even if I buy 2 decks it becomes almost $18.80 per deck for me (with shipping). Compared to two Theory11 decks with int shipping which comes out at less than $15 per deck (with shipping).

EDIT: He may be a proven deck designer, but he's not a proven kickstarter campaign fulfiller. I just thought that should be made clear, no offence to Lee.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by dazzleguts »

MF is totally referring to the frustration of international shipping adding so much to a deck cost - more than $5.25 a deck if you buy the 2 here. That is especially difficult for me since I know the actual shipping cost to Canada is much lower. I know shipping is not cheap, and there are costs besides the mailing itself, but all that is included for the US so we know there is already some shipping cost built in. Honestly, I can, and do, have cards shipped from The Netherlands for cheaper than I can get them from just over the border on so many of these kickstarter campaigns

This is a wonderful deck. It reminds me of cigars, and I like that. But, I simply can't afford it.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Paul Middleton »

dazzleguts wrote:Honestly, I can, and do, have cards shipped from The Netherlands for cheaper than I can get them from just over the border on so many of these kickstarter campaigns
WOW, that's extreme.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

JPMiddleton wrote:
dazzleguts wrote:Honestly, I can, and do, have cards shipped from The Netherlands for cheaper than I can get them from just over the border on so many of these kickstarter campaigns
WOW, that's extreme.
Really? It doesn't surprise me one bit :roll:
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Paul Middleton »

MagikFingerz wrote:
JPMiddleton wrote:
dazzleguts wrote:Honestly, I can, and do, have cards shipped from The Netherlands for cheaper than I can get them from just over the border on so many of these kickstarter campaigns
WOW, that's extreme.
Really? It doesn't surprise me one bit :roll:
Actually - i'm not as surprised as I was. I misread it, I thought the comment was meaning TWO journeys for one order, EG - from a KS project to the Netherlands and then to Canada.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by badpete69 »

So help me understand why you will not pledge Magic... Is it the price or is it that Lee is not a proven KS fulfiller. That did not stop hundred of backers from backing Jackson on Fed 52 as he still is not a proven deck of cards fulfiler. In the end you have to ask yourself why do you collect. I assume you are into Magic obviously and you handle most of your decks...Why not stick to cheaper bicycle decks to do your flourishes and fans and whatever it is you magicians do. I collect deck for the appearance and the art and the overall product. I rarely even open my collector decks and if I do I buy a few extra. I still think the price is reasonable on this gorgeous deck. Resellers in general are reselling the bicycle club 808 decks at $15 a deck. I don't see anyone whining and crying about the prices. Because it is justified (harder to get if you are not a member etc etc). Bottom line just pass on the deck but quit whining on the prices. I will gladly pay $15 for decks like Lee's heck I would pay $20 a deck. And it looks like over 100 collectors so far do not mind paying for the Empire deck

I do have to say in closing that yes I would be frustrated a little on the shipping fees if I was in Europe but how many times do we have to say it...yes shipping fees suck internationally.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Pete, all I did was use your own method of comparison. And "not a proven fulfiller" was just a counter to your "proven deck designer".

If you want to start asking why I collect, I could ask you the same if you buy decks you don't open. That to me makes no sense.

Resellers are a totally different beast, that has no basis in this discussion.

I guess you just wouldn't understand unless you spent years collecting and having to pay extra for international shipping, and always dealing with people who overcharge on that. You can tell me to shut up all you want, but until I see fair shipping prices I will keep speaking up against it.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by deleter »

These look great but I have to limit my simultaneous KS card funding, will probably try to pick them up later if they are available through a distributor.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

these cards look really amazing.big congratz!
i´m on MF´s side here when it comes to the shipping prices for Internationals.
Its in GBP which is even more then in USD and the higher price tag on the cards themself makes it a very high priced deck of cards for the
international customer.
In the end we have to pay additional custom fees on top of that (here in germany its a additional 19% on top of price for the goods + shipping)
So for 6 Empire Decks i have to pay $80.50 incl. shipping to Germany plus 19% customs = $95,80 thats $15.96 a deck.

I will wait for the resellers to sell them once they are released.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by leemckenzie »

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the wonderful comments and for sharing your frustrations.

I understand exactly where you're coming from, believe me. I'm not just a designer, I've been a card collector and magician for a long time and I agree that having to get your decks from overseas and pay for shipping is one of the most irritating things sometimes.

Until Kickstarter supports a global shipping feature that helps you categorise each backer by their country, tax and import rules, fees, and apply the suitable shipping to relative weight of a mass of unknown add on, we're stuck trying to work with a somewhat primitive, imperfect system. It's not ideal for backers, or creators, but it's all we have to work with right now. If it wasn't for Kickstarter tho, we wouldn't have access to a larger selection of cool new decks an other great project by other talented artists. Which I'm sure we're all grateful for.

There's just not one solution yet to covering everyone, from everywhere on the globe, for whatever they pledge, plus a whole mass of add-ons that may get mixed into the bag, all using just one, single, reward tier. Then you'd have to consider each countries import taxies, other laws and fees too. To be able to have one perfect solution to cover all of that would be amazing. So far Kickstarter doesn't do it. A solution may exist, but it seems like it would be incredibly complex to execute.

Kickstarter is not a store. These are 'rewards'. They are 'thank yous' for contributing to help someone with their idea. Not products in a store you pick of the shelf. It's a different mentality.
If the cost of this deck was the same as what our favorite online stores charge, I'd be running the risk of creating a 30 day Kickstarter project to go into debt.
Kickstarter is there to give a helping hand creators to share their ideas. It's not ideal, but it's a fantastic way to help people get 'kickstarted' to using their passions to contributing to the world in their own way. It's not entirely fair to view it as a store and compare it to our regular online shopping experiences and price comparison mentality.

Just some thoughts.

Plus, this is a limited run uniques to Kickstarter backers. Not tons of resellers around the world.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for sharing your comments and frustrations. Thanks you so much for those of you who've already backed, and to all of you who appreciate what lengths I've gone to making this.

Best wishes

Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

leemckenzie wrote:Hey Guys,

Thanks for the wonderful comments and for sharing your frustrations.

I understand exactly where you're coming from, believe me. I'm not just a designer, I've been a card collector and magician for a long time and I agree that having to get your decks from overseas and pay for shipping is one of the most irritating things sometimes.

Until Kickstarter supports a global shipping feature that helps you categorise each backer by their country, tax and import rules, fees, and apply the suitable shipping to relative weight of a mass of unknown add on, we're stuck trying to work with a somewhat primitive, imperfect system. It's not ideal for backers, or creators, but it's all we have to work with right now. If it wasn't for Kickstarter tho, we wouldn't have access to a larger selection of cool new decks an other great project by other talented artists. Which I'm sure we're all grateful for.

There's just not one solution yet to covering everyone, from everywhere on the globe, for whatever they pledge, plus a whole mass of add-ons that may get mixed into the bag, all using just one, single, reward tier. Then you'd have to consider each countries import taxies, other laws and fees too. To be able to have one perfect solution to cover all of that would be amazing. So far Kickstarter doesn't do it. A solution may exist, but it seems like it would be incredibly complex to execute.

Kickstarter is not a store. These are 'rewards'. They are 'thank yous' for contributing to help someone with their idea. Not products in a store you pick of the shelf. It's a different mentality.
If the cost of this deck was the same as what our favorite online stores charge, I'd be running the risk of creating a 30 day Kickstarter project to go into debt.
Kickstarter is there to give a helping hand creators to share their ideas. It's not ideal, but it's a fantastic way to help people get 'kickstarted' to using their passions to contributing to the world in their own way. It's not entirely fair to view it as a store and compare it to our regular online shopping experiences and price comparison mentality.

Just some thoughts.

Plus, this is a limited run uniques to Kickstarter backers. Not tons of resellers around the world.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for sharing your comments and frustrations. Thanks you so much for those of you who've already backed, and to all of you who appreciate what lengths I've gone to making this.

Best wishes


Just so you are aware, everyone who sells a USPCC has to have a minimum of 2500 decks printed and not a lot of decks print more. Even though the design of your deck is unique, the quantity you are printing is not really unique. It is the same amount as just about everyone else who prints a deck using USPCC on Kickstarter.

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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

leemckenzie wrote: Kickstarter is not a store. These are 'rewards'. They are 'thank yous' for contributing to help someone with their idea. Not products in a store you pick of the shelf. It's a different mentality.
Well, that made it easier for me. I certainly won't back a kickstarter deck project whose creator has this mentality.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

I know you are from the UK so this may not be applicable, but almost all international shipments originating in the US are within pennies of each other, with the exception of Canada. Canada is much cheaper, quite frankly, because they need all the help they can get!!!! But as far as figuring out the different weights for each reward, that is really the project creators responsibility. As project creator, you should get samples of the products you are using and weigh them, in accordance of what items will be paired together. That way you will know exactly how much each reward level will weigh and figure the appropriate shipping amount.

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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Widdee »

Lee, would like to see a coin with that sick Joker artwork on it. Really like what you're doing, pricing is not a problem with me but everybody has their own parameters and I get that and respect it. Keep on keeping on, you've got a killer deck going.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by samurai007 »

MagikFingerz wrote:
leemckenzie wrote: Kickstarter is not a store. These are 'rewards'. They are 'thank yous' for contributing to help someone with their idea. Not products in a store you pick of the shelf. It's a different mentality.
Well, that made it easier for me. I certainly won't back a kickstarter deck project whose creator has this mentality.
But he's right... what about all the KS that don't give you anything? From "Pay me to make videos about feminism and video games" (and lots of similar KS's) to "Help us fund a movie of an old TV show you liked" and so on, Kickstarter is about funding other peoples' work. They might give you something in return for your donation in order to encourage donations, or they might not. Sometimes the list of add-ons makes a pledge become an insanely good deal monetarily (the Reaper minis KS and Fate Core KS being good examples of this), sometimes the reward is not fully equitable to the pledge amount.

Now, I personally am very much opposed to the "give us money so we can make what we want and you get nothing for it" kind of KS's, and I won't pledge for them, but many people do, and they are legal. To me, I have to feel that whatever I'm getting is worth the pledge. In this case I do, but if the cards were coming from England and I was the one having to pay the international shipping, I would have passed on it, so I understand your frustration.

That said, Lee, here's an idea: You might consider having 3 or 4 amounts for shipping instead of just 2 to help cover common cases. For instance (numbers made up), you could say "US backers add nothing, Canadian and UK backers add 3 pounds, and other countries add 6 pounds." Canada is cheaper than some further countries, and as for the UK, you will have a large number of decks shipped to you (all remaining decks not going to backers) and you could then mail them to fellow UK backers yourself at local postage rates. That would lessen the sting for at least some folks.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

samurai007 wrote: But he's right... what about all the KS that don't give you anything? From "Pay me to make videos about feminism and video games" (and lots of similar KS's) to "Help us fund a movie of an old TV show you liked" and so on, Kickstarter is about funding other peoples' work. They might give you something in return for your donation in order to encourage donations, or they might not.

Now, I personally am very much opposed to the "give us money so we can make what we want and you get nothing for it" kind of KS's, and I won't pledge for them, but many people do, and they are legal.
I am well aware that they exist, but this one isn't (and shouldn't be) one of them.

Lee's words doesn't make him sound like he'll be very committed to getting the pledge rewards to his backers, and saying kickstarter is not a store is just ridiculous. A playing card kickstarter project is in all practicality a pre-order store, as the only "risk" is not getting enough money (which should be covered by the goal amount). The whole manufacturing process is streamlined, so it's not like we're donating to support a research project.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by volantangel »

Wait a second, why do all ks designers come up with the KS is not a store, and you are helping me fulfill my dream of creating _______. If that is the case, why the heck are we being charged more per deck than any other personally funded deck ? We the backers are assuming all the risk for the creator, for TE creator is it almost certainly risk free of the costs are calculated correctly, unless the creator isn't confident of his deck selling out, there's no reason for the creator to have to cover his entire cost of the print run with only the sale of 500 decks on KS by charging high prices on these. Remember to give back to the backers, it's only because of the backers that this is happening, indeed it shouldn't be a store, prices should e lower than a store, not higher.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Kdklown »

I have never run a KS project and probably never will. However, it seems to me that the creator can set the pledge levels at whatever they please and it's up to the public to back them or not. You want the deck, back it. You don't like the pledge levels don't back it. We also should understand, as evidenced by past projects, that we may ultimately receive nothing. It feels the same, to me, as bitching about the price of cable television. I don't technically need it, but I want it so I'll pay for it. I do get that we as backers assume most of the risk but all these risks are made clear at the outset. Just my opinion and judging from the preceding posts I assume most disagree.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

Kickstarter is not a store. These are 'rewards'. They are 'thank yous' for contributing to help someone with their idea. Not products in a store you pick of the shelf. It's a different mentality.
Agreed, my wife and I funded a movie once and all we got was an 18x24 poster. Was the poster's value equal to what we pledged? Not in the slightest. I think we as card collectors have been "lucky" and "spoiled" by many of the designers, but that's not typically how kickstarter works. If you pledge towards a new hover bike, don't expect to get a hover bike. You might get a sticker, a phone call from the creator or a Tshirt.

You as the backer are acting like the bank - you are acting like a donor. Yes, the backers assume the risk, that's how kicktstarter works. That's why backers get burned sometimes, the same way people who take out loans forfeit and end up with the bank coming after their money (sound familiar?)
the creator can set the pledge levels at whatever they please and it's up to the public to back them or not. You want the deck, back it. You don't like the pledge levels don't back it.
Totally agree. Why are we arguing about this? Unless, you do want the deck, but are angry about the price being high.* As far as I am concerned ALL kickstarter decks are collector's items. Their limited run and availability make them more sought after than most. The market on collector's items has no ceiling, if you want it, you pay what is asked for. I collect Star Wars figures, believe me I know. The same 3 3/4 figure, made from the same plastic can sell between $3 and thousands of dollars. Is that piece of plastic WORTH thousands? No way. But if you want it, you pay the asking price.

The Empire deck has a known designer of decks that consistently sell. Invest in two decks and chances are.... you'll be able to sell one on ebay and recoup ALL your expenses. when this deck sells out. Currently Fontaine decks are selling for $20- $30 a deck on ebay! Shoot, I might just up my pledge!

* this statement is not directed at anyone in particular
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I see what you're saying, Ortho, and I do somewhat agree. But do you really think all kickstarter projects should be viewed like that? Like volantangel pointed out, there really is no risk with this type of projects.

Funding a movie is very different from funding something as simple, tangible and easily manufactured as a deck of cards.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by deleter »

MagikFingerz wrote:I see what you're saying, Ortho, and I do somewhat agree. But do you really think all kickstarter projects should be viewed like that? Like volantangel pointed out, there really is no risk with this type of projects.

Funding a movie is very different from funding something as simple, tangible and easily manufactured as a deck of cards.
Yea the only risk I see with playing cards is the USPCC screwing up your order a few times (a la Uuis bohemia) and in the time it takes them to correct, shipping costs go up. Seems like a pretty out there risk though as the post office typically announces price increases months and months ahead of time... I guess the only other risk might be if you have to go through a fulfillment company or some sort of agency due to being out of a kickstarter-supported country (such as the Asylum KS). I typically come with the "KS is not a store" argument, but you really do have a point that if the creator does their homework and gets a few samples, there is very little unknown for most playing card KS.

edit: my other thought on int'l shipping is, while I've never seen the numbers, I assume that most KS orders are within the US. In this respect a KS creator could subsidize the international shipments by raising the deck price a few bucks. I might get angry replies from other US backers, but personally I would have no problem paying a few more bucks to allow int'l people to get in on the fun as it were.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Encarded »

deleter wrote:edit: my other thought on int'l shipping is, while I've never seen the numbers, I assume that most KS orders are within the US.
I was curious so I checked my records. In shipping over 2,200 orders in the last 18 months or so, exactly 33% of my buyers are international. Everyone is different but so far that has been my trend.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by dazzleguts »

Sorry this is coming at you so hard Lee Mckenzie. Take it as a compliment that the frustration has become too much when shipping puts a very desirable deck of cards like yours out of reach.

Ortho, what someone asks for the deck itself is not something I am going to argue - if I can't afford the price I won't buy. It is only the shipping that frustrates me. What am I subsidizing when I pay full international shipping for a Canadian destination?
Thank you BMPoker for mentioning that Canada is indeed a much cheaper destination.
What about samurai007's suggestion:
samurai007 wrote: That said, Lee, here's an idea: You might consider having 3 or 4 amounts for shipping instead of just 2 to help cover common cases. For instance (numbers made up), you could say "US backers add nothing, Canadian and UK backers add 3 pounds, and other countries add 6 pounds." Canada is cheaper than some further countries, and as for the UK, you will have a large number of decks shipped to you (all remaining decks not going to backers) and you could then mail them to fellow UK backers yourself at local postage rates. That would lessen the sting for at least some folks.
All I'm asking is that KS campaigners respect the fact that destination shipping costs will vary, as much as we try to respect the fact that shipping to us at international destinations is going to cost them more. I realize that shipping on a destination by destination basis is very difficult, perhaps impossible, with the large numbers of pledges, especially since it would slow the whole process down and there are already long waits, but a simple breakdown like the one samurai007 has suggested would be enough for me. The 8-bit deck did it with both of their campaigns, and there have been others as well, so it is not unprecedented.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by Gareth »

MagikFingerz wrote:I see what you're saying, Ortho, and I do somewhat agree. But do you really think all kickstarter projects should be viewed like that? Like volantangel pointed out, there really is no risk with this type of projects.

Funding a movie is very different from funding something as simple, tangible and easily manufactured as a deck of cards.
I guess in some ways this is the 'problem with Kickstarter' - it was (from my understanding) conceived for the more art-type projects, and not projects which are relatively simpler to produce the final product. (Not that there isn't art in playing cards, at least in the good ones like Lees ;)). At the end of the day, the decks aren't being handmade - with the right size pile of cash, USPCC will do a run of almost whatever (legal) design you want.

Which make these project more like a pre-sale in many ways, rather than actually 'kick starting' a business/project.
deleter wrote: edit: my other thought on int'l shipping is, while I've never seen the numbers, I assume that most KS orders are within the US. In this respect a KS creator could subsidize the international shipments by raising the deck price a few bucks. I might get angry replies from other US backers, but personally I would have no problem paying a few more bucks to allow int'l people to get in on the fun as it were.
I guess implementing this would introduce the risk of a skewed US/International mix making the decks less viable. Generally I think in many ways we should only pay what it costs to get the deck to us - which is why we dislike feeling as if there is a profit margin in postage.

Back on topic: Comparing this project with Jackson's Federal 52 Part II, the costs are very similar once you pledge for more than 2 decks. The biggest difference is on the 1 deck level - which I presume is a large percentage of the complainants here.
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Re: EMPIRE Playing Cards - Built to Conquer now live on KS

Unread post by volantangel »

Well in any case jacksons fed 52 shouldn't be set as the industry standard, he merely followed albino dragons shipping rates, which at the point of time was heavily under fire as well until their name of the wind project where they lowered shipping rates. In anycase BMP has showed us time and time again what the actual shipping costs are, and that to me should be the real standard.
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