Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now live

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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

sinjin7 wrote:
Magic_Orthodoxy wrote:well I say it's the best designed deck I have ever seen (or will own) and personally I believe Jackson worked hard on it and he deserves to make his living from his artwork. I've been spoiled with fancy tuck boxes and foil this and foil that - it's time my money paid for the sweat of the artist for a change.
There's no doubt Jackson's decks are one of the best designed decks, right up there with the Seasons decks and Uusi decks, and of course the artists need to be paid for their work. But that doesn't mean fancy tuck boxes shouldn't be utilized as well. If you put out a beautifully designed deck, why not complete the package with an equally beautiful tuck box with embossing and foiling?

If you're going to ask for $15 a deck (like Jackson did in his first campaign), I would expect to see a tuck box at least close to T11 standards, and even T11 decks only run about $6-$7 per deck. I know, I know, you're going to say T11 is a much bigger company with better economies of scale based upon the volume of decks they can produce so it's not a fair comparison. So let me make a more applicable comparison: Mike and Randy produced the UC deck charging only a third of the original Fed52 deck ($4.95 for forum members) and the tuck box was ridiculously awesome with embossing and foil on the outside AND inside! If you can make a deck with an awesome tuck box for $4.95, then surely you can do so at over triple that price.

Its all about adding extra value to your product. Plus, its not like Jackson barely got funded so there was only a tiny margin for profit - he asked for $7,990.00 as his funding goal and the man raised almost $150,000.00. Don't set the bar low for these designers, ask for the complete package.
I am glad you like the UC deck. We did get special pricing on the cards and I wasn't looking to make money on the deck during the presell. Normally that deck would cost $5.27 just to produce it, not including the art work. That is based on producing 2,500 decks, obviously if you were to produce more, your price would be less. At 2,500 decks, the price may actually have to be higher than $15 delivered on kickstarter. But he did sell way more than 2,500 decks, so it should be possible at that price.

I have spoken to Jackson a few times and we have sent emails back and forth as well. I can tell you he wants to make this a career and seems very focused on doing things right. I think once he gets his feet wet and figures things out a little more, you will end up with considerable value from your purchases.

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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

Agreed, and I have no indication as to what the future might hold, but I could easily see Jackson becoming a contender along with some of the playing card heavy weights. OOhhh, what if HE made a gaff deck? Oh man.....
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Ryric »

I think it is a bit high at $40, but I like what Jackson has done with the cards as a whole and I am willing to trust that this will be a special deck. White Gold Aurum was $30 and I think worth it at that price point and was and is still a very unique deck. Federal 52 P2 funded with over 1k backers, and still a good amount of the limited edition decks available would make it seem like the $40 was a bit of a stretch for many people. Personally, it will probably reduce the number of decks overall that I order this time around.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Gareth »

MagikFingerz wrote:Am I the only one that's annoyed by ridiculously priced "Limited Edition" Black box deck? I am assuming the actual deck is the same as the regular Reserve Note deck, since there's only pictures of the box.
DukeBoy wrote:I expected a $15 or maybe $20, but it is not worth $28 for a black box ...
I agree, I was expecting a $20... perhaps $25 deck, not $40. I really do like Jackson's work, having pledged for a total of about 20 decks in the previous campaign, but this just feels 'too much' for this deck. I'm not surprised that both of these limited pledge levels are not full yet.

That said, I have - sheeple like ;) - pledged for the 2 LE deck ($75 pledge), but am considering dropping to another tier (with no LE decks) before the project ends. (Will only make that decision in the last few days)
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Frequenter »

Gareth wrote:
MagikFingerz wrote:Am I the only one that's annoyed by ridiculously priced "Limited Edition" Black box deck? I am assuming the actual deck is the same as the regular Reserve Note deck, since there's only pictures of the box.
DukeBoy wrote:I expected a $15 or maybe $20, but it is not worth $28 for a black box ...
That said, I have - sheeple like ;) - pledged for the 2 LE deck ($75 pledge), but am considering dropping to another tier (with no LE decks) before the project ends. (Will only make that decision in the last few days)
With you on that one, I pledged for the LE just so I could have the option later on of the LE deck, or one of the other tiers, in case they do eventually sell out the deck. Seems much too expensive, but we'll see what gets revealed about the deck as the project goes on...
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by deleter »

Yea pretty hefty price. I nabbed 1@$40 a few minutes after launch b/c I want the option, not sure if I'll keep it though. I really really like his work so it's going to be a struggle. I hope he makes it easy for me and releases tantalizing info about the black deck. If nothing else comes out other than the tuck box I'll probably have to drop it and grab a few extras of the regular decks. Might be easier if I had the original fed52 decks in hand to judge final quality. I do think he might have been even better off with those decks in people's hands as there would be less unknown.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

sinjin7 wrote:Did Jackson ever disclose what features the tuck box for his first 2 decks will have? Embossing? Foil? Anything? I'll be extremely disappointed if they're just printed with no special features, especially at the prices he charged per deck and the amount he raised in total.
From Jackson to me in a PM
Just to clarify, All the Tuck cases in the Federal 52 series including the original ones are embossed and or foiled.

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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by deleter »

Just noticed the caption under this picture:

Federal 52 Part II KS wrote:Unlimited & Limited Edition Reserve Note King of Spades, Click here for high res image
Pretty sure the "limited edition" is what he's calling the black deck. So maybe it is just a tuck box? Or the back is different on the black reserve? It's hard to tell, the caption is a little ambiguous.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

Pretty sure the "limited edition" is what he's calling the black deck. So maybe it is just a tuck box? Or the back is different on the black reserve? It's hard to tell, the caption is a little ambiguous.
In the comment section on the kickstarter page, someone from Jackson's team comments...
Yes, the limited Black Reserve deck is intended as a collectable deck. The cards inside the black tuck box are identical to the normal Reserve Note deck, so if you'd like to have a deck to play with, I'd recommend adding on a normal Reserve Note deck for $12.
From Jackson again
I have some ridiculous stretch goals planned so stay tuned.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by alric »

So it's just a collectible tuck box since the cards inside are identical to the regular decks. That's fine, by the way, since alot of other companies do the same thing. But at $40 a pop, I wish there was something more unique about the deck other than just a different tuck box, like a limited Ace of Spades unique only to the limited edition, or individual serial numbering and autographed.....
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

I think about the White Allure project. A gold tuck box edition was available for about $4-$5 more but the cards were the standard white ones. If the back of the cards were gold like how the picture on back of the gold tuck box was, it would've be fine.

Which brings me to my point if only the box of the Limited Reverse Note is custom but the cards are just normal then they paid like $25 just for the box. We could be proven wrong, that deck could have something special done to it but doesn't seem like it yet.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Verloren »

alric wrote:So it's just a collectible tuck box since the cards inside are identical to the regular decks. That's fine, by the way, since alot of other companies do the same thing. But at $40 a pop, I wish there was something more unique about the deck other than just a different tuck box, like a limited Ace of Spades unique only to the limited edition, or individual serial numbering and autographed.....
From the KS pledge info:
Comes in a unique all black tuck case. These decks will be signed, individually numbered and cellophane wrapped.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by chess »

Honestly, I am only getting the black limited edition deck to resell it in a year or two.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Sharpie »

On Kickstarter he wrote:Comes in a unique all black tuck case. These decks will be signed, individually numbered and cellophane wrapped.
Is he saying he will sign and number each deck before he wraps them in cello? That's worth a few bucks right there.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

Little Clarification:

The Limited Edition Reserve Note Decks will be custom sealed, then cellophane wrapped. I am also having a custom cellophane seal made that will cover the tear seam, that seal will be individually numbered and signed.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Strag »

New update includes probably the most interesting news:
4. Limited Edition "Black" Reserve Note Deck now features a unique BLACK back design with RED metallic ink. The Limited Edition Reserve Note Deck will be the ONLY Deck with the BLACK back design.
There will also be a Bicycle-branded black tuck box that has the regular white Reserve Note deck in it for a $20 add-on.


I'm glad I was able to get in on a coupe of the Black LE decks now that they will truly be unique and have a black back with metallic red ink.

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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by DukeBoy »

So Jackson Will have 1000 LE Black UB Decks and 4000 LE Black uncut sheets(which he is making unlimited to sell to his backers) to meet his 5000 Bee Casino Minimum Order, atleast baside on the info I get from the people talking about cost of producing decks. The back is different because of the addition of the seals to the sheilds so it is not just an ink change, the whole plate will have to be remade for the back, or he could just eat the cost and order what he needs and not have the extra sheets made right?
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

At its price I wouldn't have bought a black deck anyway, but why did he wait until now to announce the black back? Seems silly and unnecessary :?
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by DukeBoy »

I think part of it was he wanted to make sure that the LE decks could pay for the printing of another deck all by themselves and with the $40K he will get from releasing only the 1K of decks that will cover the whole cost of the new card run. If they had not sold as well then just having to pay for the different tuck cases but have the same cards inside would not have required a whole new plate and deck to be printed. He was CHA and making sure backers would cough up the money to make a "better"/different deck.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

BOOM BABY! Love this series!
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

DukeBoy wrote:I think part of it was he wanted to make sure that the LE decks could pay for the printing of another deck all by themselves and with the $40K he will get from releasing only the 1K of decks that will cover the whole cost of the new card run. If they had not sold as well then just having to pay for the different tuck cases but have the same cards inside would not have required a whole new plate and deck to be printed. He was CHA and making sure backers would cough up the money to make a "better"/different deck.
Makes sense, but it seems like shady practice not to announce these plans beforehand.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by PlayingCardz »

I'm quite sick of these mutating kickstarters.
A project should stay the same from start to finish, some pledge level can sold out, that's fair, but not the opposite.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by badpete69 »

To me it looked like many were complaining that the LE deck was just a glorified tuck box with a common deck...now it is more of a unique deck with the black backs I guess
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by DukeBoy »

PlayingCardz wrote:I'm quite sick of these mutating kickstarters.
A project should stay the same from start to finish, some pledge level can sold out, that's fair, but not the opposite.
no KS stays the same from start to finish, atleast not playing cards, they always mutate some. With Strech Goals and add-ons there always seems to be something changing or atleast a change coming up ifit hits a certin $ amount.
badpete69 wrote:To me it looked like many were complaining that the LE deck was just a glorified tuck box with a common deck...now it is more of a unique deck with the black backs I guess
I agree this should be treated like a strech goals, granted an non discused strech goal.
MagikFingerz wrote:Makes sense, but it seems like shady practice not to announce these plans beforehand.
possibly, but all campains set strech goals in fact Jackson had them but we blew past them before he even had a chance to announce them. He stated before the $100K mark that he would be happy if the campain had ended then with the sucess of Fed 52 II. So it is hard to list strech goals up to 5000% of goal on day 1 and not seem like you are not in it for a money grab. Goals are released as other goals are meet, now it might be a better Idea to have 2-3 goals out at a time and replace them as they go down not this you hit the goal here is the next one, along with things that no one new about.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

Dave Buck promoted Federal reserve today in his vodcast. He said, "this guy is ridiculous- he knows how to design cards. His cards are very cool."

Look up "Coffee with Dan and Dave #6" on youtube and you'll find the "shout out." They even put the link in their description.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ajU5TrpmA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Verloren »

MagikFingerz wrote:
DukeBoy wrote:I think part of it was he wanted to make sure that the LE decks could pay for the printing of another deck all by themselves and with the $40K he will get from releasing only the 1K of decks that will cover the whole cost of the new card run. If they had not sold as well then just having to pay for the different tuck cases but have the same cards inside would not have required a whole new plate and deck to be printed. He was CHA and making sure backers would cough up the money to make a "better"/different deck.
Makes sense, but it seems like shady practice not to announce these plans beforehand.
From his KS:
As a side note it wasn't even an option for me to offer a black back design due to production run limitation set by USPC. I only got approval two days ago to go forward with the black back design.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Verloren wrote:
MagikFingerz wrote:
DukeBoy wrote:I think part of it was he wanted to make sure that the LE decks could pay for the printing of another deck all by themselves and with the $40K he will get from releasing only the 1K of decks that will cover the whole cost of the new card run. If they had not sold as well then just having to pay for the different tuck cases but have the same cards inside would not have required a whole new plate and deck to be printed. He was CHA and making sure backers would cough up the money to make a "better"/different deck.
Makes sense, but it seems like shady practice not to announce these plans beforehand.
From his KS:
As a side note it wasn't even an option for me to offer a black back design due to production run limitation set by USPC. I only got approval two days ago to go forward with the black back design.
Well that just shows that he had it planned and could have announced it well ahead of time, simply adding "pending approval".
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Widdee »

badpete69 wrote:To me it looked like many were complaining that the LE deck was just a glorified tuck box with a common deck...now it is more of a unique deck with the black backs I guess
Makes my pledge for a pair all the much sweeter. Those black backs look killer.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

Just to clear up any "shady practices" remarks I did not have the Black Back planned. I even made remarks before the project started how I personally didn't prefer black back design due to how old they look so quickly. I simply listened to all of you guys just like with the first project when I changed the backs. Everybody seemed pleased with the first "two way" back change why would I stop the practice of listening to all you guys for constructive criticism. Everyone here was encouraging me to make the back black. Kind of bummed you guys would label me shaddy for trying to take comments to heart.
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Re: Federal 52 Part 2 - A NEW Bicycle Playing Card Deck now

Unread post by Sharpie »

JacksonRobinson wrote:Just to clear up any "shady practices" remarks I did not have the Black Back planned. I even made remarks before the project started how I personally didn't prefer black back design due to how old they look so quickly. I simply listened to all of you guys just like with the first project when I changed the backs. Everybody seemed pleased with the first "two way" back change why would I stop the practice of listening to all you guys for constructive criticism. Everyone here was encouraging me to make the back black. Kind of bummed you guys would label me shaddy for trying to take comments to heart.
I'm quite happy that you changed the backs. Please don't be discouraged by the naysayers.
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