I'm gonna be mashing the refresh button for another hour before heading off to work.Firthetic wrote:Stayed up at 3am Singapore time to back this project. Getting one of each deck, natch!
Right, they're buying them for the hell of it without seeing the whole deck since it's unlimited though I bet they'll look great. To pay $40 for a deck, they better glow in the dark or shuffle by itself.MagikFingerz wrote:Am I the only one that's annoyed by ridiculously priced "Limited Edition" Black box deck? I am assuming the actual deck is the same as the regular Reserve Note deck, since there's only pictures of the box.
I'm annoyed beyond all belief. I expected a $15 or maybe $20, but it is not worth $28 for a black box he can keep them. The LE Reserve Deck will be the same cards as far as I know or he will be paying for 1500 decks he is not having made.MagikFingerz wrote:Am I the only one that's annoyed by ridiculously priced "Limited Edition" Black box deck? I am assuming the actual deck is the same as the regular Reserve Note deck, since there's only pictures of the box.
10000000% Agree.MagikFingerz wrote:Am I the only one that's annoyed by ridiculously priced "Limited Edition" Black box deck? I am assuming the actual deck is the same as the regular Reserve Note deck, since there's only pictures of the box.
That's a good way to look at it, badpete. Takes the sting off the LE price tag if only mentally. I went in on the black deck and will add on from there. They were going scary fast.badpete69 wrote:backed for 10 decks here 2 of each including black
It makes each deck at a price of $17 so not too bad I guess
Hey, it's our money, lol. Seriously, I've paid forty bucks for a collectible deck before, did it on the black deck, and will do it again. On the other hand I've sniped white Monarchs for 20 bucks and other rare decks the same so it all comes out in the wash.badpete69 wrote:Hey Widdee
Yeah the regular decks are $12....Now by buying 2 of each you kind of only raise the average per deck by $5 each and you can say that each black deck cost you $17. And like you are saying maybe I am trying to convince myself that spending $171 on these decks was ok....
There's no doubt Jackson's decks are one of the best designed decks, right up there with the Seasons decks and Uusi decks, and of course the artists need to be paid for their work. But that doesn't mean fancy tuck boxes shouldn't be utilized as well. If you put out a beautifully designed deck, why not complete the package with an equally beautiful tuck box with embossing and foiling?Magic_Orthodoxy wrote:well I say it's the best designed deck I have ever seen (or will own) and personally I believe Jackson worked hard on it and he deserves to make his living from his artwork. I've been spoiled with fancy tuck boxes and foil this and foil that - it's time my money paid for the sweat of the artist for a change.
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