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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Eric Lee »

The warning Lotrek gave is that you'll actually get your decks on time. "... now there is a high risk of receiving your rewards in time next year."

He's made several adjustments to increase his production time like finding another printer, so 2023 could be the year he delivers all on time! :D

But his delays are well detailed. Waiting for paper stock to arrive after he's had to scrap the 1st printing, waiting for his turn on the printing queue, scrapping due to his extremely high level of perfectionism etc. But we end up with nice stuff like his Patron's and Royal Silk test prints. :ugdance:
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by steampunk52 »

james001a wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:14 pm I am not so sure if I will rejoin the third year at this point. We have gotten so little to show our support up to this point. I still love his decks, and hold him in high regard when it comes to design and innovation, but it may be time to step away after the 1st two years rewards have been received. But that's just how I feel right now. I may get the rewards and change my mind once I see them. I hope I do. I really like Lotrek, and his decks are amongst the most prized in mine, and anyone else's collection.
I've come around to planning to support year 3. I wasn't there a few months ago when year 1 was significantly delayed, we had no visibility into year 2, and we had to pay additional money to receive anything at all (even though some was Patreon exclusive) after financial outlays for ~20 months. His recent communications have gone a long way to helping me to feel optimistic about where things are at and he seems to trying very hard to make good on an unfortunate situation. Seeing a production schedule made all the difference, for me.

If his schedule goes as planned, items should begin to ship in November. That's close enough that I would call Year 2 a success and chalk Year 1 as growing pains. :)
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bradius »

I am definitely onboard as a year 3 Patron of Lotrek. Am I disappointed that year one rewards still haven't been delivered? Honestly...yes. I am even a little surprised, even given this is Lotrek. That said, I know Lotrek and expect delays. I also know and expect a quality product. The more I see come out of other playing card printers, the more I appreciate the quality of Lotrek's work. It is in a league of it's own in certain aspects.

I also know that Lotrek prefers to do things on his own and not communicate. I understand that this is due to the experimental nature of his work, and not all experiments work out. I think that is why Patreon really makes sense for Lotrek. I am funding an artist. Hopefully, I will get some amazing rewards. However, I am more backing Lotrek to be Lotrek. When I put it back in that light, I get even more comfortable backing him for year 3. I certainly understand others are backing for the amazing rewards. And, those are important to me, but maybe not near as much as for others.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by steampunk52 »

Bradius wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:52 pm I understand that this is due to the experimental nature of his work, and not all experiments work out. I think that is why Patreon really makes sense for Lotrek. I am funding an artist. Hopefully, I will get some amazing rewards. However, I am more backing Lotrek to be Lotrek.

This is a good point and well said.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

steampunk52 wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:21 pm ... If his schedule goes as planned, ...
We still talking Lotrék, eh? 🤣😂
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by steampunk52 »

Harvonsgard wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:22 pm
steampunk52 wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:21 pm ... If his schedule goes as planned, ...
We still talking Lotrék, eh? 🤣😂
Hey! Im trying to stay optimistic here :D
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

As we all should be, haha. I'm optimistic, too. As mentioned prior, I didn't hesitate to check in for year three. Still mildly pissed about the whole situation but like others, I have no doubt that Lotrék will deliver and deliver something worth having waited for.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

I will chime in and say if any patreons want to sell their patreon rewards when they are delivered, I am willing to buy as I got into collecting this year and can't receive them any other way.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

If you want to remain at your current tier, you do nothing and it'll continue to charge. I'm also going in for year 3. I'll like to have all the previous rewards delivered before the Christmas / holiday rush.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by james001a »

After hearing some of your well-reasoned responses to my comments, I have decided that I will back for year 3. I knew what I was getting when I signed up for this as a patron upon launch, as I was no stranger to Lotrek's erratic delivery schedule. I just felt that this amount of time, this time was so long, and felt a bit let down about not getting any decks in my hand except ones I had to pay extra for. But I needed your help to remind me that I am supporting an artist and this support has provided him a means to grow at his own pace, even if it is quite slow. I know what the end result will be, and when I see the decks, all this will be forgotten. Ultimately though, I am a playing card deck collector who is so looking forward to see what Lotrek has in store for us. Hopefully sooner than later. But probably later :)
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

He just posted a Patreon post of the backs and got damn, the official Patrons deck looks good. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the final printing. I'm pleased with the test deck version.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Pablo393 »

Hey all. I did two full years of Patreon but had to cancel for this current year. I do not get the emails or updates anymore as a result. Can someone post in this thread when Lotrek announces shipping for the first two years of Patreon? Thanks in advance.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by JacksandJokers »

Pablo393 wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:18 pm Hey all. I did two full years of Patreon but had to cancel for this current year. I do not get the emails or updates anymore as a result. Can someone post in this thread when Lotrek announces shipping for the first two years of Patreon? Thanks in advance.
No problem. Will let you know.

I was in exactly the same situation and cancelled this year's patreon but luckily found a work around so back in for another year. :D
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by hblaizek »

Where is the 'password' to access the Patron Only area of the Oath PCC website?

I am currently signed up as a Golden Patron.

Thank you for any guidance in advance!
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by hsbc »

hblaizek wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:30 pm Where is the 'password' to access the Patron Only area of the Oath PCC website?
Do you mean for the upcoming Icons Anniversary sale? The password is on the most recent Patreon post - keep in mind it won't work until Sunday! :D
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bradius »

We are bound by an Oath not to reveal the password. If you are part of the club, please check your emails or contact Lotrek. Patrons will be able to have early access to the new Icons. There should be plenty for non-patrons. I will be good. Only 2 or 3 bricks...
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

I'm sticking to 2-3 for this one. High print run. Don't want to get greedy after going crazy with NPCCD and Nazo Nazo.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

With Lotrek emails make sure to read the whole thing. With the total amount of decks available, hopefully there may be some left for the public sale. Icons is my favorite series from him.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

If it weren’t for NPCCD and Nazo, I would go for more but I’m thinking half a brick at the moment - might end up getting more, as I would certainly like to, but I doubt I will be getting enough to earn a silver star in the squirrel army on this one - and If I keep telling myself that, perhaps I will manage it.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

For the ICONS Anniversary public release, Sunday 9pm UTC is Sunday 5pm Eastern, right? Last time I goofed up my timezone math and missed a deck I wanted.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

PrincessTrouble wrote: Sat Oct 22, 2022 4:09 pm For the ICONS Anniversary public release, Sunday 9pm UTC is Sunday 5pm Eastern, right? Last time I goofed up my timezone math and missed a deck I wanted.
Correct! https://dateful.com/convert/est-edt-eas ... pm&tz2=UTC

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by brownsl »

Will be getting at least a brick.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by hblaizek »

Found it. I didn't realise this part of the website isn't perpetually available, leading me to think it was an area of the website reserved for patrons only, at any time.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by james001a »

I was wondering if any of you can help me with the numbering on my Patrons test print decks. My deck is 05/R12. I thought the decks were numbered from a 456 deck print run. Is this part of that run or is this a separate print run?
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

james001a wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:04 pm I was wondering if any of you can help me with the numbering on my Patrons test print decks. My deck is 05/R12. I thought the decks were numbered from a 456 deck print run. Is this part of that run or is this a separate print run?
Sounds like a question for Lotrek! Hopefully he sees this. That is quite peculiar.

Regarding ICONS anniversary, I can't believe I'm contemplating getting 6 more for a brick. I must restrain myself.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

Self restraint is hard for all of us. We always seem to slip out somehow :)

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

GandalfPC wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:28 pm Self restraint is hard for all of us. We always seem to slip out somehow :)

You're not helping, Gandalf! Haha. I did not slip out this time :)

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by hsbc »

More pics of the test edition of the Patrons deck :D

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Gimbok »

FYI, if anyone’s interested, there is one Golden Patron slot up for grabs right now.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by brownsl »

I decided to calculate how much I have supported Oath thru Patreon so far. Pretax, $2,567.50. Gulp. Really looking forward to getting some decks soon as that is quite a bit of money.

Also, I am confused about the levels as I checked the cost of them and noticed that Manic is $57 while Asylum is $133.50. Asylum gets twice the decks as Manic so shouldn't Asylum be $114 a month? Right now, Asylum is almost $20 more a month or $240 a year more than 2 Manics. Am I missing something here?
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