I am Torres from Overhand,
the creator of Schrodinger's Cat deck
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ov ... -universe/
Thank you to everyone,
since the success of the last project, most of the backers already received their decks
I decided to challenge ourselves with a new project - Cthulhu Playing Cards
Here're some highlights of this project:
- FULLY Custom Tuck Box, Pips and Courts with Lovecraftian characters
- Tentacles patterns when you Fan & Spread
- Puzzle Deck A bigger picture is shown when you puzzle them in the right order
- 3D Foil deck-jacket - accentuate the horror of the great one
- Book Alike Tuck Box with H.P. Lovecraft Biography
- Foil & Gilded Deck with the special edition
Get Notify when it's launch
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ov ... y-overhand
Please kindly leave your thought here
Hope you like it