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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Grizz wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 3:42 pm
Bikefanatic wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 1:52 pm Oops, Lotrek's "special" gift instead of surprise.

Once again not that excited for other future releases until the Royal Silks ship plus gilded Moresque arrive hopefully this week.
I received gilded Moresque decks in Kansas, and I'm happy with how they turned out. I hope you get your decks soon.

If your comment is more about the current delays, all I can tell you is that Oath PCC has always delivered an amazing deck of cards eventually.
I've been collecting his stuff forever, we're all used to the delays. No question they've been worth it. The currently tracking number isn't too helpful so I stalk the mailbox everyday.

I understand creators have to post content to stay relevant. This comment is for all of them, starting new projects when current and past ones haven't been delivered rubs people wrong.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Harvonsgard wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 1:23 pm No worries, email is the same as 90% of Oath emails. Summa summarum:
• Lotrék not pleased with the outcome
• Reprint
• If you ordered Royal Silk you'll get the now not final version as a freebie for your patience.
You left out Lotrek's estimated completion time. Lotrek's best estimate: July. But as he says, it's pointless to force a date on him
Oh, wait.... yeah, so that's why you left it out. :lol:
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Grizz »

I hear ya. Small creators should fulfill current obligations before launching a new product just to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Lots of people use unitedcardists.com to see what their favorite creators are working on between project launches :D
Bikefanatic wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 5:00 pm
Grizz wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 3:42 pm
Bikefanatic wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 1:52 pm Oops, Lotrek's "special" gift instead of surprise.

Once again not that excited for other future releases until the Royal Silks ship plus gilded Moresque arrive hopefully this week.
I received gilded Moresque decks in Kansas, and I'm happy with how they turned out. I hope you get your decks soon.

If your comment is more about the current delays, all I can tell you is that Oath PCC has always delivered an amazing deck of cards eventually.
I've been collecting his stuff forever, we're all used to the delays. No question they've been worth it. The currently tracking number isn't too helpful so I stalk the mailbox everyday.

I understand creators have to post content to stay relevant. This comment is for all of them, starting new projects when current and past ones haven't been delivered rubs people wrong.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

On the latest Patreon email update, Maestro III will be released Sunday June 12th 11:59 (am or pm wasn't clarified) Eastern Europe Time. With each purchase is a Patrons Test deck.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by hsbc »

Bikefanatic wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:18 pm Sunday June 12th 11:59 (am or pm wasn't clarified) Eastern Europe Time
Lotrek clarified PM in a Patreon comment :ugthink:
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

Additionally, we should clarify that this sale is solely for Patrons. General public gets a shot at Maestro one week later, don't think test deck will be included.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Eric Lee »

PiazzaDelivery wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:35 pm Additionally, we should clarify that this sale is solely for Patrons. General public gets a shot at Maestro one week later, don't think test deck will be included.
Yup, looks like an unstated Patron benefit will be getting exclusive access to all his error, prototype test print and rejected decks! That's a nice perk right there. Hope this will continue and not just be part of a compensation for the late delivery of the patron rewards.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by hsbc »

Eric Lee wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:08 pmlate delivery of the patron rewards.
I have to say, I really hope once Lotrek finally catches up with shipping that he stays on top of it - this September will be the two year anniversary of his Patreon subscription!
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by krystalie »

Have the number of subscriptions been fixed for a long time? cuz they are all sold out
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

krystalie wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:56 pm Have the number of subscriptions been fixed for a long time? cuz they are all sold out
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no limit to the amount of patrons Lotrek and Melina are allowing to join the Oath family. Rewards are only earned if you last a full year, and thus it makes no sense to join mid-way through and shell out money to no end (although the lowest tier allows one to see the stuff that Oath posts, that should maybe be available year-round). With this in mind, subscriptions are locked at the moment because newcomers are only accepted once a year in September, when the cycle begins.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Eric Lee »

hsbc wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:20 pm
Eric Lee wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:08 pmlate delivery of the patron rewards.
I have to say, I really hope once Lotrek finally catches up with shipping that he stays on top of it - this September will be the two year anniversary of his Patreon subscription!
My goodness, it'll be 2 yrs in 3 months time? Wow, time flies! :shock: But I think the patrons kinda knew what we were getting into when we signed up. But still, 2 yrs! :lol:
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I have no doubt whatsoever that Lotrek will catch up to the admittedly tentative yearly Patreon schedule lol. TotT, Monte-Carlo, printing services for others, self-fulfillment, COVID, Hellenic post screw-ups, and unfortunate reprints were all major contributing factors that I doubt will recur in the future. The classic Lotrek delays will always remain haha, but nothing as encompassing as the previous. In one of the recent updates, he said that work on the Patron deck for 2022 will commence as soon as 2021 is finished printing, so I suspect that another crowdsourcing post is just on the horizon.

That being said, who gives a ****. The whole point of Patreon was to allow Oath to focus on its own thing. Varnish developments, new printers, and new card stock is exactly the kind of stuff you'd expect from a designer who has been freed, to some extent, from the shackles of fiscal responsibility. I love how passionate Lotrek and Melina seem to be about the brand and the cards and it makes me genuinely happy to help support the flourishing of such a passion. Everything else is a bonus!
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by krystalie »

I guess I will be waiting for september for the new cycle! thanks
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Bradius »

PiazzaDelivery, I think you said it well. Lotrek is going to generally work behind the scenes doing what he does. He is often going to be late, sometimes crazy late. Anybody that has backed him on Kickstarter or purchased many of his decks know that. It most likely isn't going to change.

In all fairness, the first year patrons STARTED backing nearly 2 years ago. He is only 9 months late at this point. That is still on time. :uggrin:
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

The last thing I would want would be for Lotrek to change his ways.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Being somewhat on time doesn't afford a change of ways necessarly.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Not much, but something arrived, haha. Nice touch that the AoS seems to be handsigned by Lotrék. Only 54 cards though - buuuuuh.
Overall a great deck that, blinged out, will be a nice addition to the Lotrék collection.

And before anyone, that missed some updates, gets hopeful, this is just the test deck that you got as a Patreon when you grabbed a Maestro III.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by zoogenhiemer »

Does anyone know when the patreon opens back up?
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I’m showing one manic spot open….

Can’t quite remember regarding the normal opening - quite sure its October/November though…
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

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Gandalf, I am pretty sure you are right. I can tell you that wasn't my manic tier.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by portcullis »

GandalfPC wrote: Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:01 pm I’m showing one manic spot open….

Can’t quite remember regarding the normal opening - quite sure its October/November though…
Lotrek planned to open the Patreon on his birthday (which is in late September) but changed it to October after I pointed out that launching it on the day would result in patrons being charged for September and October in a matter of days.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

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Open now.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by bdawg923 »

At least it came with a warning lol
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by shkorc »

I would love to re-join as a patron (had to terminate support due to finance end of year one), but not receiving any rewards from the first year makes me hesitate to do so, unfortunately.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

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I am hoping we get them soon. I have been in since the beginning and was at the Manic level last year. Over $1,600 just for the last year.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by james001a »

I am not so sure if I will rejoin the third year at this point. We have gotten so little to show our support up to this point. I still love his decks, and hold him in high regard when it comes to design and innovation, but it may be time to step away after the 1st two years rewards have been received. But that's just how I feel right now. I may get the rewards and change my mind once I see them. I hope I do. I really like Lotrek, and his decks are amongst the most prized in mine, and anyone else's collection.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by BaconWise »

james001a wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:14 pm I am not so sure if I will rejoin the third year at this point. We have gotten so little to show our support up to this point. I still love his decks, and hold him in high regard when it comes to design and innovation, but it may be time to step away after the 1st two years rewards have been received. But that's just how I feel right now. I may get the rewards and change my mind once I see them. I hope I do. I really like Lotrek, and his decks are amongst the most prized in mine, and anyone else's collection.
Well-said. I have been chewing on that same scenario myself.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

For me three is a charm right now. Dunno how Lotrék manages to not overextend my tolerance and/or patience because the situation really sucks but somehow I'm in a it is what it is state of mind when it comes to the Greek Wizard.
I guess no matter what Lotrék says I guess there're two promises he can't keep: being on time and truely superior handling, haha.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by kevork »

I believe I joined as a Golden Patreon a few months ago when it said there were 2 spots available (I guess some people had dropped them by then). I'm having trouble discerning what's the most financially bang-for-your-buck tier but I think I'll stick with the golden tier.

Coming in this late into the game, it pains me to hear people contemplating resubscribing for another year. It seems like Lotrek is catching up with all the decks he's announcing, although no one really has them in their hands to really substantiate that yet.

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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Unread post by bdawg923 »

I knew what I was getting into. Bring on the delays 😈
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