I finally received my rewards! So here are quick photos of them:
Items Overview
Same as the previous one, the wooden box is definitely looking good. Glad that the box arrived safely, and it is a better improvement than last time. While the box has magnets to keep the lid closed, it is not strong enough when I hold the box upside down - the lid keeps on falling when I did that. You got a free golden coin bearing the name of the tarot deck and the symbol of White Star Line. There is also a nice velvety black pouch with drawstrings to carry around the tarot deck - the bag can only contained the tarot deck, not with the wooden box. Although, I with the other Deluxe tier pledges are missing the message in the bottle reward. There hasn't been a solution given by Tom, so we have to wait for it.
Tarot Deck Box
The box is using rigid cardbox. It is slightly bigger than the previous ones, compared with the previous edition. The artwork for the deck cover is updated - there is the title placed on the front, the iceberg is shaped to looked like a skull.
Tarot Cards
The cards for this latest edition are somewhat soft - if you hold these in your hands and feel the surface, it gives that smooth feeling on both the face and the back. The gilding is good, the black holographic gives that rainbow sheen on it. The cards will come in cellophane, so take it off to enjoy the cards. Be WARNED, the cards are completely sticky to each other, so carefully picks one card off one by one without damaging the gilding.
The artworks are already done for the Major Arcana with the Aces and Courts of Minor Arcana from the previous edition. In here, the artworks on the cards are made full bleed without borders. The numbers and name are placed accordingly without affecting the artworks. "The Moon" has the correct number this time (for those who have the previous edition would know). "The World" has a slightly updated artwork - now is showing a woman carrying a baby lifted up to Heaven. For this edition, all of the numbered cards of Minor Arcana [2-10] will have fresh new artworks, referenced to the classic Tarot deck, yet to resembles everything around Titanic - i.e. iceberg, life on the Titanic, the sinking of Titanic, and the survivors on the lifeboats with their voyage to Carpathia.
This deck has two "Lovers" cards! "Lovers" for this new edition shows a kissing couple blessed by the angel. The extra "Lovers" is the original artwork from the previous edition.
Overall, this deck is definitely a must-have for those who appreciates the history of RMS Titanic. It is a great addition for those who have the Titanic Playing Cards done by RJ Tomlinson. Tarot deck collectors would also be interested with this!