Poco Sequence

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Poco Sequence

Unread post by jeinduke »

Hey, I was wondering if anyone can help explain the Poco Sequence to me? I've been using the linked video, which is supposed to be a tutorial, but it's not, it's just that guy doing the sequence from different angles, with no explanation at all. I get the movements, but there has to be more technique to it, as he keeps the cards together with ease, and mine always spread and fall. Any tips?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnFTIhtbmRk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Poco Sequence

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I'm not familiar with this flourish, but I think this is just how some tutorials are made. Though it seems like a bit of a waste of almost seven minutes to not include any written or spoken instructions. Maybe downloading it (google "youtube downloader" or something similar) and using a media player that can slow it down even more would help.
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Re: Poco Sequence

Unread post by jeinduke »

I would download it, but it's not really a speed issue. It's an issue of understanding how it done. I can copy the movements, but mine are messy and the cards are wild. I'm simply confused about the techniques involved.
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Re: Poco Sequence

Unread post by InfectedFlourisher »

I've learnt how to do this flourish from that video. Alejandro also has another video on thecuso that goes into detail. You may want to first learn the Nebula cut. That's what he starts off the flourish with, the rest is easy as pie.

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Re: Poco Sequence

Unread post by Blake »

The Poco sequence video is a tad confusing but if you can track it you will be quite nicely rewarded. I will attempt to track the steps for you. Please watch the video as you read this I hope that will make it make more sense
A) Nebula cut--- which consists of a I) partial swing cut then you II) create a step with your Right index by pressing the second joint on to the bottom pack III) let the top pack fall on the step you have created IV) push back and into the other hand. That is all the Nebula cut is. Now to do it for this sequence you need to flip the original top packet so it is face up in the receiving hand and flip over the original bottom packet ( this is what creates the false cut effect.)
B) Poco --- itself in my opinion is the easy part of this effect. After doing the Nebula cut ( the false variation). I) Put the entire deck on the back of your original hand (the one that the cards started in) ( for me this is the right). I use the pinky to create a back board of sorts so that it does not fall off. II) now cut the deck and take the top half and rotate it under your right hand so that it is touching the pads of your fingers on the right hand . III) At this point I use my right thumb to grasp the pack and rotate the left wrist to grab the packet on the top of the right fingers . IV) Bringing that top packet to the palm of the left hand. V) BUT FIRST kicking out the base packet to the side so that you end up with a step ( and original orientation of the deck) Now in the video he uses that step to do some nice drops which I will explain in a moment BUT I have also seen the deck squared and a TG deck flip used and that was kind of a neat touch as well
C) The Drop --- After the step has been achieved Slide the face up top packet ( which was the bottom pack when we started) slide down to where your hand is holding the deck. Drop it off towards your body into a receiving hand and finish with dropping the remaining cards away from your body and catching them accordingly
Note If done correctly this is entirely false and if you have any questions feel free to message me
The Joker
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