Stockholm17 Patreon

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Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by hsbc »

This is the forthcoming 2021 package :D :D :D

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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

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im irritatedly jealous.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

If you are a pips patreon, you will get first shot at some extra patreon packages if you want. I guess if there are few leftover packages, Lorenzo will auction them off a year or so later for $$$$. 8-)

I am looking forward to my Kings swag.

Also, my understanding on the new Eye of the Ocean tuck shown is that this will be a new color version (red) with cold foil (Intrepid edition). It is not included in any Kickstarter options. There is Patron version that has a limited tuck/seal and includes some edge printing that will be unique to the Patreon package. There is also a standard Intrepid deck that included in the package that will be available later for others to purchase.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by GandalfTheWhite »

Amazing. I'm not a Patreon but heavily considering joining for 2022.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by masagin303 »

I really think that S17 has no competition when it comes to Patreon price/value ratio. Not only is this a really generous payload but as always it's so smoothly managed by Lorenzo and it's gonna be delivered right after Christmas. No second thoughts when it comes to prolonging to next year. This is simply awesome.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by james001a »

Looks awesome but Gio has a great Patreon too!
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

For someone that starts the year having little idea of what is going into the next patreon package, Lorenzo has really done well his first two years. I am also a fan of Gio's Patreon package and have high expectations for Lotrek's 2021 package (which I expect will be delivered sometime in 2022, or 2023. Certainly no later than Spring or Fall of 2024...most likely.) :lol:
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by JacksandJokers »

Hi All,

Can anyone point me in the direction of the image that shows the edge printing for the EOTO Intrepid deck.

Can't seem to find it on Patreon.

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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by hsbc »

JacksandJokers wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:49 pm Hi All,

Can anyone point me in the direction of the image that shows the edge printing for the EOTO Intrepid deck.

Can't seem to find it on Patreon.

It's only in the video, no pictures per se - here you go :uggrin:

That's Astra Polaris :D Intrepid is Patreon-exclusive
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

For those interested in joining Stockholm 17's 2022 Patreon, below is a graphic of the different options. Aces will be a new option, which is double the King;s reward. Lorenzo is considering a Jokers tier, but no details are available yet. Likely a final announcement will come on January 1, and people will have one month to select the 2022 tiers they want. Three are no limited number of tier slots and you will have all January to make your selection, so no rush to choose which option you want.

S17 2022 Patron Options.png
S17 2022 Patron Options.png (402.73 KiB) Viewed 68651 times
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by JacksandJokers »

hsbc wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:24 pm
JacksandJokers wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:49 pm Hi All,

Can anyone point me in the direction of the image that shows the edge printing for the EOTO Intrepid deck.

Can't seem to find it on Patreon.

It's only in the video, no pictures per se - here you go :uggrin:

I knew I had seen it somewhere but couldn't find it.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by aznh »

wow amazing the amount of stuff stockholm greets his loyal patreons on for $30/mnth for the aces bundle is incredible

well done lorenzo

maybe just maybe our "holy-grail King lotrek" over there can take notes from this and look to provide a better service to the 230+ patreons that he does have

lets see

-16months into a paid membership for a 4 deck/yr reward
-roughly $700+ spent and counting
-items recvd to date = 0
-lotrek response time = pending 3 weeks for an answer
-lotrek solution = dont respond and maybe theyll go away

i think i summed it up for sum

not sure if ive missed any further details other than the mans gotta get his sh*t together, were his friend lorenzo seems to know how to keep his clients happy
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

aznh wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:42 am maybe just maybe our "holy-grail King lotrek" over there can take notes from this and look to provide a better service to the 230+ patreons that he does have

lets see

-16months into a paid membership for a 4 deck/yr reward
-roughly $700+ spent and counting
-items recvd to date = 0
-lotrek response time = pending 3 weeks for an answer
-lotrek solution = dont respond and maybe theyll go away

i think i summed it up for sum

not sure if ive missed any further details other than the mans gotta get his sh*t together, were his friend lorenzo seems to know how to keep his clients happy
I'm typically always in disagreement with you, but I think you're 99% right on this count (save for the last two bullet points). I have never been bothered by Lotrek delays because he has always ultimately delivered. However, I'm beginning to think that this allowance for the king is borne out of the times I've been burned in the past: the instances in which no product arrives whatsoever. I think I, and we, subconsciously overlook the delays because "AT LEAST I get what's promised," or "OMG SO NICE worth the wait," but the fact of the matter is that it's unprofessional. Even as I write this, my brain is formulating an argument about how our pledges should be artist support and nothing more, or how you can't rush this level of artistry, but it feels like a giant excuse on his behalf.

I love Lotrek, I love his art, and that will never change, but he does have to rid himself of this habit. Honestly, just promising a ridiculously conservative deadline to account for possible delays and delivering weeks in advance would do the trick for me.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

This is really getting off track on this thread as this is a thread on Stockholm 17 Patreon, not Lotrek's subscription program.

I do get the criticism to some extent about Lotrek. However, we all know Lotrek has delays for .... well .... reasons. Lotrek is often reluctant to also talk much about what he is working on as he often can't guarantee what he is looking for because he is often trying something with new production angles. This year's work is a great example of that. A lot of delays was due to delivering what he promised for The Tempest, and then having delays in getting Silk II just right. Then we also learn he is having difficulty getting his latest decks made. I can understand why Lotrek want's to keep things under wraps, simply because he isn't even sure he can pull off what he is attempting. His work is in that respect substantially different to what Lornenzo and others are doing. Lotrek isn't just designing decks, but manufacturing them also. And that manufacturing process is his magic and his Achilles heal. I don't say that to apologize for Lotrek, but to explain why his process is just fundamentally different.

To expect the same communication, is to ask Lotrek to be someone other than Lotrek. It is what it is, and their are decent reasons for it. In the end, Lotrek is not having trouble finding support, so I don't think he is likely to change as long as he has sufficient interest
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

I see Lorenzo has posted his 2022 tiers. However, there doesn't appear to be a Joker Tier included. I am hoping a Joker tier is on the way, but if not, I am down for the Aces tier.

UPDATE: Lorenzo mentioned that Jokers may still happen. It is still under consideration and folks will be able to move to Jokers later should he decide to move forward. He also mentioned he wants an idea of how many might participate.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by shermjack »

Bradius wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:57 am I see Lorenzo has posted his 2022 tiers. However, there doesn't appear to be a Joker Tier included. I am hoping a Joker tier is on the way, but if not, I am down for the Aces tier.
Just one, Brad? 8-) :lol:
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by caniveski »

im guessing joker tier is NFT related......
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

Just one, Brad? 8-)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, if Lorenzo hadn't offered a double Kings reward, I probably would have to get a second Patreon account just to get two Kings rewards. As it is, I think going for four Aces in a hand might be stacking the deck in my favor just a wee bit. :lol:

However, now that you mention it.... :ugthink: :ugthink: :ugthink:
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Cardamon »

Bradius wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:05 am
Just one, Brad? 8-)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, if Lorenzo hadn't offered a double Kings reward, I probably would have to get a second Patreon account just to get two Kings rewards. As it is, I think going for four Aces in a hand might be stacking the deck in my favor just a wee bit. :lol:

However, now that you mention it.... :ugthink: :ugthink: :ugthink:
Before the month is over you will be holding all aces I’m sure :lol:
As for me I just went into kings from the pips.
And followed with lotrek golden tier paid yearly.
So 3 patronages for me now with thirdway industries being my first 🥰
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by james001a »

If you're on a Patreon kick, the Jocu one is also quite good!
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Strag »

I just got my 2021 Kings package and all I can say is Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by bdawg923 »

Has anyone in the US gotten their package? Mine has just been in transit for almost 2 weeks with no updates.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by brownsl »

I am in the US and have not received anything yet. I just checked my tracking and no movement for my package also. I will say I ordered once from Wonder52 and I never received my decks. It was also miserable trying to get a refund from them, it was very unpleasant experience. Hopefully, I won't have an issue this time. I am not worried at this point as I know shipping is horrendous right now.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

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I also have no movement on my shipment
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by bdawg923 »

Thanks guys. The wait game continues.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by BaconWise »

I can't complain too much as this scenario is very similar to what European collectors face all the time: The US typically gets their decks well before the rest of the world. This is the second large project where I am just patiently waiting in the US. Tale of the Tempest should arrive very soon and my Patreon from S17 will be here when it gets here. For now I will just drool over the photos that have been shared over the last several weeks.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by hsbc »

BaconWise wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:18 pmTale of the Tempest should arrive very soon and my Patreon from S17 will be here when it gets here.
Yep, same :D I've been staring at the empty tracking numbers for at least a week for both of them :lol:
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by Bradius »

My Heritage rewards arrived last week, so that should hold me until this and Tempest arrive.
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Re: Stockholm17 Patreon

Unread post by brownsl »

I have been fortunate to have Heritage and Tempest already delivered. Both are amazing.
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