Inferno Playing Cards

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Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by HFMJ »

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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

i do like some asymmetric courts and the back design in foil would look really nice. $20 though? seems like you are paying for that magnetic closure upgraded tuck whether it reaches the goal or not and it still may be a bit steep. $20 should have foil on the front too in my mind.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Bradius »

I really didn't want to back this one. Another Dante deck? Really? I have a ton of card fatigue right now. However, the design and production value really looks exceptional, so I am in. What I am getting pushed me to back this campaign. The pricing I am frankly getting used to these days. I added on for the gilding as it didn't add that much to the cost for the deck. I thought the option to add gilding in the add-on section was an interesting touch. I guess Lorenzo did that as well for some of his Eye of the Ocean decks that didn't come with gilding. However, it is not something I see that often. I didn't realize the front of the cards didn't include foil until I read your post and went back and read the campaign description more carefully. I agree that the front of the cards would benefit from foil based on the design.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Entaro »

I hate when creators try to fund a new project before they fulfill their last one. Especially for a first time, unproven creator. Hard pass until they fulfill their last project.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Strag »

Being able to start another KS prior to fulfilling just shouldn't be allowed. Hard no for me on that fact alone. But also I looked at the layout of the number cards and... no idea what I'm seeing here but I dislike it. Why box and leave some much negative space at the top and bottom. Nope.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Odd choice with the layout indeed. I like the brown and gold/black combo. That's about the only thing though.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by kasuma99 »

I really like this one, so even though there seem to be some delays in previous project, i am still in for a pair.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by james001a »

Nope. This has a very awkward looking border, and it is a new creator that has not fulfilled their first project yet. That could mean that they are using this to fund the other deck's fulfillment, which would not bode well for this one. The lack of gold foil on the tuck is also a minus for me. I agree with HG that the colors are not bad. But still, skipping on this. I liked his first project better, and didn't back that either.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by joeblow »

The asymmetrical borders are intentional, he mentioned it in a comment for his previous project.
The irregular border thickness isn't chosen arbitrarily. Rather, it has a historical basis. The whole deck design is inspired by illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages. In there, images and text boxes were often framed by irregularly wide frames of ornamentation or blank paper. Considering playability and the fact that cards sometimes lie upside-down, I reduced the four different frame thicknesses to only two (top/bottom and the two sides). If you're interested, here are some example images of medieval manuscripts with those irregular borders I talked about: ... e_Foix.JPG ... h_edit.jpg
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Fenrir »

I think the diptych jokers are quite good and the courts look to be well drawn. Not sure how I feel about the pips but we will see. The upgraded tuck does seem like quite a nice overall package. I am in for now but subject to change.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by brownsl »

I was in but now I am out. Not fulfilling the first campaign yet is enough to get me out. I will get them on the secondary market if they become available.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Bradius »

Well, if not fulfilling a previous order is a requirement, you might as well throw Lotrek out as well. lol
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by brownsl »

That is true but Lotrek is a known while this person is not. Also, Lotrek has a proven track record of fulfilling albeit it late. This person does not.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by Entaro »

Bradius wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:42 am Well, if not fulfilling a previous order is a requirement, you might as well throw Lotrek out as well. lol
To me there's a big difference between a known creator like lotrek, gio, S17 being late and starting a new campaign vs. a first time unproven creator like this
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by james001a »

Bradius wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:42 am Well, if not fulfilling a previous order is a requirement, you might as well throw Lotrek out as well. lol
You know what I mean Brad ;)
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by veil »

There is a bit more than a week left in this campaign, and it is close to a final stretch goal for cold foil on the card faces which would really take it to the next level (since there is already cold foil on the back design).

Given that Balthasar's previous Aton campaign is finished printing and the decks are in transit to GW for fulfillment, I don't have any qualms about backing this campaign myself.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by caniveski »

the courts an pips etc all seem really good and well drawn.. What has put me off backing is the scrollwork on the face cards, too much for me....imo
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

caniveski wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:16 pm the courts an pips etc all seem really good and well drawn.. What has put me off backing is the scrollwork on the face cards, too much for me....imo
i cannot disagree with that. for me, it is mostly the $20 price tag. i am keeping an eye on it. if it reaches the foil on the faces stretch goal, that would be a $20 deck feature.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by rousselle »

I have no desire to dissuade anyone from backing this who has done so or is considering doing so. As for me, though, the artwork on the number cards evokes "Elite" campaigns of yore, and that is a style that I no longer have any interest in. The court card illustrations are decent enough, but the font choices for the indices are problematic (being not easy-to-read at first glance), and the fact that some of the cards shown *obviously* are meant to shine with foil, but foil is a stretch goal (again, like the Elite campaigns of days gone by), also makes this a pass for me.

Like others here, I've reached a point where my collection is a little bit larger than I prefer to sustain, and while decks like this one would have absolutely made me excited when I first got into the early KS projects of Russel K., Adam Clarkson, Paul Carpenter, and other pioneers (remember Jackson Robinson and Randy Butterfield? I wonder whatever happened to them), these days this deck just feels a little bit like, yeah, I think I already have that in my collection.

Granted, others have made similar statements about the latest offerings from Gio and even Jackson, for that matter, but while their styles keeps drawing me in (so to speak), this style... doesn't.

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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

they are actually getting further from the stretch goal. lost over $500 in the last 2 days. it was at 34,699, now 34,118.
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by hsbc »

I just received the paper proofs yesterday afternoon. I'm really happy with the result and gladly share some images of them with you. I have already informed the people at Legends about this and we'll be going into full production starting next week. I'll keep you posted!

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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by hsbc »

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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by GandalfPC »

I have the gilded version - and the gilding is really excellent, handle great too
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Re: Inferno Playing Cards

Unread post by kevork »

I'm looking forward to seeing the sextych jokers after all three in the series are released.

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