How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

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How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

Unread post by james001a »

Hi friends. I like to have a spreadsheet backup of my collection, trade lists and want lists. I do not want the photos, just a text list, along with the quantities. I am reaching out for some assistance, if anyone can offer any. Thanks in advance.

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Re: How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

Unread post by Strag »

As far as I'm aware there isn't one, which is the main reason I have never bothered to use it to track my collection. I have always used a Google Sheets version which I backup locally so that I always know what I have and how much I paid.
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Re: How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

Unread post by hsbc »

Hasn't P52 had an update planned for like two years now? :uggrin: It's frustrating because it could be SO GOOD... imagine having pages for each creator, with a list of their decks... click on one and you'll see the variants. Pages for printers, artists, searching your collection... being able to drill down by stock, tuck case manufacturer, gilding color, signature

And yeah also exporting :ugthink:
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Re: How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

Unread post by kevork »

It seems you can now export your collection to a .csv. It includes the deck name and quantity.

Doesn't apply to tradelist and wishlist.
P52 Download.png

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Re: How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

Unread post by hsbc »

Nice! Just the names but better than nothing for sure:

Code: Select all

"Sakura (Spring)",1
"Whale Castle",1
"The Planets - Jupiter",1
"Jetsetter - Premier Edition in Jet Black (Private Reserve)",1
"Casual V2",1
"Prestige Slip Case Blue [Bicycle]",1
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Re: How Do You Export Lists to Excel/Sheets?

Unread post by Smocito »


If you just want a record of your collection with the image and name, it's possible to get it in PDF format.
1 - Choose the deck and name visualization :
Portfolio capture list.jpg
2 - Make sure you go to the end of your collection by pressing multiple times (it dependes on the size of your collection) the "page down" key on your collection page
3 - Print and choose PDF instead of your printer.

By choosing one of the other visualizations options, going to the end of your collection, and saving the site, you'll get a folder with the images of the decks in your collection. You can then use them as screen saver if you wish (choose a slideshow screen saver and indicate the folder with the images as source).

If you want the images, name and description of the decks in your collection (unfortunately it seems limited to 100 pages) it's also possible.
1 - Go to your collection page
2 - Choose the option right of the pinterest button :
Portfolio capture Printfriendly1.jpg
3 - Choose the Print friendly option
Portfolio capture Printfriendly2.jpg
Choose to print to PDF and you'll get a file like this:
PDF Print Friendly exemple.pdf
(1.26 MiB) Downloaded 68 times
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