Clean A Deck

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Clean A Deck

Unread post by The Collector »

I have a magic finish deck that, after a week, cannot fan or ribbon spread as well as it used to.

This might be because of me or the deck.

Regardless I want to know if there is a way to clean the surface and/or edges of a deck.

Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how? Thanks.
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Re: Clean A Deck

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Putting the deck in the fridge for like an hour can make it better :)

If that doesn't work, I think the only thing that would help is fanning powder.

In the future, it's always a good idea to wash your hands before handling decks, it doesn't take much of the natural oils and fat from our skin to damage a deck.
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Re: Clean A Deck

Unread post by House of Cardistry »

As a newcomer, one of the first things I discovered was that there are only so many thumb fans in a deck before it won’t really spread cleanly and evenly any more. My first pack of Bicycles is toast after less than a week. They’re really broken in and are fantastic for working on my spring and one handed cuts but I know now to wash my hands even MORE frequently to keep my other decks as well maintained as possible...

My non-card friends: “Are you really THAT worried about Covid-19?? You’re washing your hands like 20 times a day now!!”

Me: “Ummm, yeah... that’s it. I’m just gonna stand 6 feet away and start flicking cards at you... stand still”. ... sy3zewoqvl

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Re: Clean A Deck

Unread post by EndersGame »

I have had a few decks where the white borders attracted black residue of some kind. I'm not sure what caused this, because it was a deck-specific problem.

I wiped the edges of the cards with a damp cloth, and successfully removed the black bits on the white borders. In some instances it might be worth trying this.
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