Here is what I understand on the gilded decks atm:
- Pagan Dark -50-80x Gold Gilded made as part of Kickstarter Add-on. Original price $75 for kickstarter for 30 sold as add-ons. Uusi then offered 50 of them for $125 on their website in 2014, unclear if the 30 kickstarter were part of the 50 quoted run for the uusi store.
- Pagan Ivory - 50x Gold as part of the above mentioned uusi store sale. $125 each
- Pagan Dark - 25x Copper sold on uusi website. Original Price $150
- Pagan Ivory - 25x Copper uusi website. Original Price $150
- Pagan Blue - 30x Gold from Otherworld Tarot kickstarter Priginal price $100
- Blue Blood - 1x (yes 1) Sterling silver $185 from uusi website
- Bohemia red - 25x Goldl from uusi store. $125 each from uusi website
- Bohemia blue - 25x Gold from uusi store $125 each from uusi website
- Bohemia Red Smooth tuck - 50x Gold, $180 each through later sale on uusi website. According to Don Boyer these were made because of a tuck misprint from USPC
- Royal Optik black - 25x Gold from uusi store $125 each from uusi website
- Royal Optik red - 25x Gold from uusi store $125 each from uusi website
- Blue Blood Redux - 25x sterling silver decks from uusi store $125 each
- Brut - 50x Copper - 30x sold as addon from kicsktarter, other 20 ?? $100 on kickstarter
- Classic Red - 50x Gold - $150 each, 20 sold through uusi website and 25 on original kickstarter for $85 each
- Classic Blue - 50x Silver- $150 each, 20 sold through uusi website and 25 on original kickstarter for $85 each
- Classic Blue Error - 5x Erroneously gilded gold, then silver on top. not sure if subset of 50 silver above or in addition
- Classic gold and silver artist proof seal (looking for details on these)
- Hotcakes Red - 50x Neon Yellow (not gold) from original kickstarter. Original $125 for set of red and black neon yellow
- Hotcakes Black - 50x Neon Yellow (not gold) from original kickstarer
Availability / Price Today
It looks like all the pagan, blue blood, and bohemia decks sold out in the first day or week in 2014. Though I think I recall hearing that the gilded classics,optiks, and a few copper pagans were available still in 2016 but definitely sold out by 2019? In the last six months that I've been passively thinking about this I've only seen one ebay listing for any of the above, red/blue classics for 350 each from italy. I know a few people have put up WTB threads here on the forums but looks like no action what so ever.
However, some of you are much more industrious and knowledgeable than I am so let me know if you've seen any supply in other places over the years and what the prices might be that you've seen. I strongly suspect this would be a fools errand for me, but shineys//
Link to uusi post on the hand gilding for their decks ... ts/1049712 and the uusi blog post ... lded-decks
2014 Launch discussion from
Gratuitous photo shoot that dead pixel made on reddit and originally got me thinking about this. ... _uusi_set/