CRIME DECK - Baralho do Crime

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CRIME DECK - Baralho do Crime

Unread post by saulriffel »

Sorry If I posted this in the wrong place, it's more like a curiosity than a real deck, but it is curious and I thought some members would find it interesting.

I was searching for a deck and found an article about this "deck" that I'll explain below:
In 2008, in the Brazilian state of Bahia (located in the Northeast of Brazil), the Local Department of Public Safety decided to make an online "Crime deck", with the most wanted criminals in the state. and from time to time they update the deck, the highest cards are the most wanted people, all cards have the number to report if you have seen the person, photo, nickname, and the crime they committed. You can see all cards on the official website to report criminals:

The article I read from Jusbrasil (a startup of judicial and legislative "stuff", that also works as a social network for lawyers) stated that this deck is very problematic because most of them haven't been tried or passed through a court, so none have been convicted of the alleged crimes. So in their opinion, the deck has a journalistic approach (from what I understood, in an entertaining way) and stigmatized the people exposed in the cards. ( https://canalcienciascriminais.jusbrasi ... 0perigosos. )

Below I show an example, but with a blurred face and with the name cut out, to preserve the identity of the wanted person, at least here, if you want to check the whole deck, you can do so using the first link I used.


If the post is not appropriated to the forum let me know or feel free to exclude it.
att. Saul Riffel Instsgram: baloocards
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Re: CRIME DECK - Baralho do Crime

Unread post by rousselle »

I suppose this is a fine place to list this topic. It's certainly an interesting one. I'm curious as to whether the United States' FBI "Most Wanted" list has the same problems of being, well, people who have not been convicted and are only wanted as part of an investigation. I never really thought of that before.

Thanks for the heads up!
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Re: CRIME DECK - Baralho do Crime

Unread post by hsbc »

This is my kinda deck! :D Fascinating, thanks for posting this!
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Re: CRIME DECK - Baralho do Crime

Unread post by saulriffel »

searched a little bit further and found out that some local newspapers usually uses the cards as headlines: "King of Clubs arrested this dawn at (local)!"
att. Saul Riffel Instsgram: baloocards
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