2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Featuring our favourite decks including winners of the Decks Of The Year awards and the Annual United Cardists Decks
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2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »

Hello all and welcome to the 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards brought to you in partnership of Portfolio52!

BEST - IG Posts (7).png


Voting officially closes on Sunday, Jan. 31st at 11:59pm PST so Don't delay - VOTE TODAY!

Voting is now open and will remain open until the end of the month. For more info on how you can participate, please read below

The ‘Deck of the Year’ Awards, or more popularly known as ‘The DOTYs’, is an annual event in which the community comes together from every corner of the web to reflect upon all the amazing decks to have been released throughout the past year and celebrate the hobby of playing cards by officially recognizing those that exceed in excellence which have really stood out among the rest of 2020. As the longest-running international playing card awards event of its kind, the DOTYs are highly regarded within the industry in honoring artistic & technical merit by awarding the most talented designers, passionate producers & diligent manufactures as chosen by YOU! With 15 different DOTY award categories, the best of the best are nominated in aspects of tuck to aces, pips, gaffs backs and everything in between! Now’s your chance to let your voice be heard on what decks truly come out on top and deserve the coveted title of ‘DECK OF THE YEAR’!

Don’t delay – VOTE TODAY!

In participation of the DOTY Awards event, there's also a few nitty-gritty details you should know, so please be sure to take the time to read through the posts below regarding the following event details:

If you need further clarification on what the DOTYs are and how to participate or have any other questions/comments/concerns/etc. about the 'Deck of the Year' Awards and/or the community, please feel free to reach out in our Discussions thread. The DOTYs Discussions thread is specifically for the intended purpose of providing members with the opportunity for open discussion on literally any and all things relating to the running and managing of the DOTYs; so please, don't be shy - join in on the conversation!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »

UC x P52 Partnership

coming soon!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »

Rules of Participation & Voting

This year, for the first time ever in DOTY history and only made possible through this amazing partnership with Portfolio52, we are offering a new, custom-built and incredibly easy-to-use, one-click voting system to participants designed and developed exclusively for this event! Built from the ground up with the exact specifications of the DOTY event as our guide and with the ease of usability for voters at the forefront of it's design, we're super excited to roll-out this new voting system!

Voting is officially open from January 18th, 2021 at 12AM PST until January 31st, 2020 at 11:59PM PST.


Also, we'd love any and all feedback as we'd love to continue to improve this event for many years to come.

Now in order for full participation in the DOTY event including the associated Voter Prize Giveaway, here are the terms and conditions by which to be aware and in agreement of in choosing to participate in this year's event.

  • To vote for the Deck of the Year Awards, you should be a registered member of the United Cardists forum and Portfolio52. If you're not yet registered at UC, you can do so here - best of all, it's completely free! All that is required is agreement to the terms of use of the UC site and a valid email address.
  • All register UC members are allowed to participate in the 'Deck of the Year' Awards and voting is open to any and all members, including designers/producers themselves who are also permitted to vote on their own decks if they so desire.
  • There are a total of 15 various award categories in which you may cast votes for. You can choose to cast only one vote for only one category, or one vote for each and every category for a maximum total of 15 but only one vote per category will be accepted. You may change your vote at any time within the open voting period and can do so as many times as you'd like until you're absolutely certain of your vote. You can learn more about the award categories here in the post below.

  • PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR VOTE(S) IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS THREAD. We'd like to keep voting anonymous to deter the loudest voices in the room from possibly domineering over the opinions and/or voting of others. So, in order to do that, votes will only be accepted directly through the new DOTY Voting system HERE.
  • If you'd like to write-in any decks that had not been nominated and are not added into the voting system, please do so in the Feedback Section and they too will be tabulated in the final voting count. If your write-in vote(s) contain any ineligible deck(s), you will be informed and allowed to submit a new vote(s). You can learn more about eligible decks here in the post below.
  • Participation in voting automatically enters members into the DOTY Voter Prize Giveaway for a chance to win one of the various prize bundles donated by our very generous sponsors of the 'Deck of the Year' Awards. You can learn more about prize donations and the Voter Prize Giveaway here in the post below.

  • The administrators of UC reserve all rights to revoke anyone's right to participation in voting should there be any suspicion of dishonest activities. (this also includes their entry into the Voter Prize Giveaway)
  • Any and all DOTY sponsors have the right to change any prize donation(s) without prior notice.
  • The administrators and moderators of UC and Portfolio52 reserve the right to amend any of the rules above without prior notice.
  • Prizes from our DOTY sponsors will be chosen by assigned winners in the order by which final placement of participants were randomly generated by a list randomizer used by the Administrators. You can learn more about prize donations and the prize giveaway contest here in the post below.
  • DOTY Prize Giveaway winners will need to respond to claim the prize they'd like to receive within 24 hours of being notified to make their selection among those still available and publicly posted in this thread of the prize they have selected.

IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR NEW MEMBERS : If you are a brand new UC member that has not yet posted before in the forum, your PMing privileges have not yet been activated and you will not be able to send private messages to vote until you do.

  • At UC, everyone's first post is screened & curated by our Moderators and must be approved before it shows up & becomes visible to the public in the forums. This is to protect our community and it's users as a way to combate automatic posting by "Spambots" that try to post garbage or links to pirated software. We just want to make sure that YOU are not a bot and are in fact an actual, living & breathing human being behind the screen. ;)

    So, if you don't see the PM button below each user's name & avatar, it's because you haven't posted enough to activate your privilege to do so. But don't worry! If this is the case for you, please reach out by posting a comment in our Discussions thread. The DOTYs Discussions thread is specifically for the intended purpose of providing members with the opportunity for open discussion on literally any and all things relating to the running and managing of the DOTYs; so please, don't be shy - join in on the conversation! And in doing so, earn your PMing privileges!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »

  • Decks eligible for this year's 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards must have been released and available to the public between January 1st, 2020 and December 31st, 2020. Any decks released in 2019 or earlier do not qualify; therefore, are ineligible to receive an award and the vote will be invalid.
  • If the deck is from a 2019 or earlier Kickstarter (KS) campaign, but was delivered in 2020, it qualifies for this year's Awards. However, if the KS campaign started shipment at the end of 2019, and decks were delivered/received by some backers in 2019 and some in 2020, it does not qualify as technically it was made available in 2019, even though not yet to everyone. Eligibility of those decks fulfill in between the years will be thoughtfully considered and determined on an individual basis and the administrators of this event reserve the right to officially determine eligibility and amend that status at any time without prior notice.
  • Reissued variations/editions of established decks released prior to 2020 may be declared ineligible if no significant change(s) were made to the original design. Reprinted decks are not eligible at all unless otherwise determined. This may be as in the case of a reprinting of a deck that originally came out before the establishment of the Deck of the Year Awards; such circumstances are thoughtfully considered and determined on an individual basis and the administrators of this event reserve the right to officially determine eligibility and amend that status at any time without prior notice.
As per the rules of participation above here:
  • If your write-in vote(s) contain any ineligible deck(s), you will be informed and allowed to submit a new vote(s).
If you are unsure whether a deck qualifies for the 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards, you may either refer to this google doc here of a master list of all decks to have been released in 2020 or view them on this P52 account - alternativelyl and perhaps even easier, feel free to ask the community in our DOTYs open discussion thread here.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »


Don't know which decks to vote for or in which category to vote for them in? No problem!

Over the past few weeks, members of our community have anonymously submitted dozens of personal nominations of decks for each of the various award categories found below. These nominations were made to shine the spotlight on some of the amazing decks not just eligible for the 'Deck of the Year' Awards, but worthy of serious consideration in voting.

Nominations, along with tons of pictures for side-by-side comparison of the best of the best in each category, can be found in a post here.

However, if you don't feel that any of the nominated decks deserve your vote, you may always choose to cast a vote for any other eligible deck that was released in 2020 even though it hadn't been explicitly nominated for a particular category as well - so no need to feel pressured that you must only choose from those nominated. To submit a write-in vote, simply do so in the Feedback Section of the new voting system and they too will be tabulated in the final voting count. If your write-in vote(s) contain any ineligible deck(s), you will be informed and allowed to submit a new vote(s). You can learn more about eligible decks here in the post above.

As per the rules of participation above here:
  • There are a total of 15 various award categories in which you may cast votes for. You can choose to cast only one vote for only one category, or one vote for each and every category for a maximum total of 15 but only one vote per category will be accepted. You may change your vote at any time within the open voting period and can do so as many times as you'd like until you're absolutely certain of your vote. You can learn more about the award categories.
Voting is officially open from January 18th, 2021 at 12AM PST until January 31st, 2020 at 11:59PM PST.

List of Award Categories is as follows:

  • Best Tuck Case

  • Best Ace

  • Best Joker(s)

  • Best Gaff / Extra Card(s)

  • Best Pips

  • Best Courts

  • Best Use of Color

  • Best Back

  • Best Fanning Deck

  • Best Cardistry / Flourishing Deck

  • Best Magic Deck

  • Best Non-Poker Deck

  • Best Rookie Deck

  • Best Innovation

  • Best Overall Deck

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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »


The 'Deck of the Year' Awards and the Voter Prize Giveaway have been made possible and brought to you by the contributions of the community as a whole through the tireless efforts, investment of countless hours, unwavering support and generous donations from dedicated members like you. Prizes have been generously donated by members of the community to show support and help sponsor/promote the 'Deck of the Year' Awards. Thank you!

Donations can be made by anyone, be of any size or value, and be anything relating to playing cards, cardistry and/or magic. Donations are still being accepted and will continue to be so all throughout voting and up until prior to announcement and presentation of the Awards on February 8th, 2021 to all designers/producers in recognition of their amazing work. If you'd be interested in also contributing to UC and the 'Deck of the Year' Awards, please consider showing your support by making a donation of your choosing and declaring it in this thread below. Any and all donations are very much appreciated and we all thank you for helping to make this the most amazing community that it is.

Unless already specified in the description of the prize donation, shipping arrangements will need to be discussed and agreed upon between the member donating the prize and the winning recipient who selected that prize.


List of current prizes that will be available for the prize giveaway contest have been donated by the following members of the community and, those with a [] are still available for selection from winners, those with a [] have been claimed by another winning recipient and is no longer available for selection:

[] PipChick (@pipchickadee)
  • TBA
Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient.[/list]


[] Seasons Playing Cards (Alex Chin)
  • TBA


NOTE: The administrators and moderators of UC reserve the right to amend any of the rules above without prior notice.


As per the rules of participation above here:
  • The administrators of the DOTY Awards event reserve all rights to revoke anyone's right to participation in voting should there be any suspicion of dishonest activities. (this also includes their entry into the Voter Prize Giveaway)
  • Any and all sponsors have the right to change any prize donation(s) without prior notice.
  • Prizes from our sponsors will be chosen by assigned winners in the order by which final placement of participants were randomly generated by a list randomizer used by the Administrators.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »


'Deck of the Year' Awards for each category will be presented to designers/producers that earn the most number of votes as casted by participating members of the community, as well as their placement - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. DOTY Awards will be announced all throughout the 'DOTY's Grand Finale Week' starting on Monday, February 8th, 2021.

  • 1st PLACE :
    • 007 James Bond, designed by Mattson Creative & produced by Theory11 (Tuck Case produced by Studio On Fire; USPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    • The Green Man, designed by Alessandra Gagliano of Jocu & produced by Jocu Playing Cards (Tuck Case produced by Boschiero & Newton; Cartamundi)

    3rd PLACE :

    • Tough Luck, designed by Brad Gabbard of Native Tongue & produced by Doc's Playing Cards (Tuck Case produced by Clove St. Press; USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Robin Hood, Ltd. Ed., designed by Jackson Robinson of Kings Wild Project (Tuck Case produced by Expert Playincg Card Co.; EPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • Robin Hood, designed by Jackson Robinson of Kings Wild Project (EPCC)

    3rd PLACE :

    • Dark Kingdom, designed by Evgania Zhade & produced by 52Wonders (Cartamundi)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • The Green Man, designed by Alessandra Gagliano of Jocu & produced by Jocu Playing Cards (Tuck Case produced by Boschiero & Newton; Cartamundi

  • 1st PLACE :
    • Dark Kingdom, designed by Evgania Zhade & produced by 52Wonders (Cartamundi)

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    • Sovereign, designed by Jody Eklund of Black Ink Branded (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • The Green Man, designed by Alessandra Gagliano of Jocu & produced by Jocu Playing Cards (Cartamundi)
    • Postage Paid, designed by Jackson Robinson of Kings Wild Project (USPCC)
    • Vivaldi, designed by Sofia Bolognesi & produced by Passione (USPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • Robin Hood, designed by Jackson Robinson of Kings Wild Project (EPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    • Instant Noodles, designed by Meko Deng & Angga Tantama & produced by Bao Hoang (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE :

    • Remedies, designed by Daniel Schneider of Black Roses Playing Cards & produced by Daniel Madison (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :
    • Postage Paid, designed by Jackson Robinson of Kings Wild Project (USPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    • 5th Kingdom, designed by Maria Fedoseeva & produced by PlayingCardDecks.com(USPCC)

    3rd PLACE :

    • The Green Man, designed by Alessandra Gagliano of Jocu & produced by Jocu Playing Cards (Tuck Case produced by Boschiero & Newton; Cartamundi

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Vivaldi, designed by Sofia Bolognesi & produced by Passione (USPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • Goketsu & Mushu, designed by Yosuke Ando & produced by Card Experiement (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE :

    • Robin Hood, designed by Jackson Robinson of Kings Wild Project (EPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Vittoria, designed by Nicolai Aaroe (NPCC)
    • The Green Man, designed by Alessandra Gagliano of Jocu & produced by Jocu Playing Cards (Cartamundi)


  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • Meadowlark, designed by Russell Gray & produced by Meadowlark (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE :

    • Charmers, designed by Lotrek of Oath Playing Cards & produced by Kellar O'Neil - 'The Southern Charmer' (Cartamundi)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Crypt, designed by Lotrek of Oath Playing Cards (OPC)

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :
    • Cabinetarium, designed by Armando Veve & produced by Art of Play (USPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    • The Beer Deck, designed by Caleb Beyers & Ben Barrett-Forrest (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »


Voter Prize Giveaway winners will be announced on February 15th, 2021 along with the randomly generated list of winners denoting the order in which they each can select one of the prizes among those that have been generously donated by members of the community & sponsors of the 'Deck of the Year' Awards. You can view all current prize donations and learn more about the prize giveaway contest here in the post above.

RANDOMIZED LIST OF WINNERS & the prize they have claimed

If any of the above winners of the DOTY Voter Prize Giveaway would like to opt out & forfeit their chance to select a prize from the giveaway, please publically announce so as soon as possible. In the event of such a decision, the participant will be removed from the list, and all other winners will be moved up one space. The last remaining slot on the list will be filled by the participant that had been randomly drawn next in the initial drawing. There will be no "re-dos" and any gifting of the prize you select to any other member of the community will need to be arranged outside of this event. If there are any other questions, comments or concerns, please let us know either privately, or post them in the Discussion thread. Thank you.


Participation in voting for the DOTY Awards automatically enters members into the Voter Prize Giveaway for a chance to win one of the various prize bundles donated by our very generous sponsors of the 'Deck of the Year' Awards.


WHEN: DOTY prize giveaway winners will also be announced on February 15th, 2020 (approximately one week after DOTY Award winners have been announced to ensure that the voter prize giveaway aspect of our event does not overshadow the honor and recognition of the DOTY Award winners)[/list]

WHERE: DOTY Prize Giveaway winners will be announced on the official DOTY Awards thread here[/list]

HOW: To prevent any questions or confusion there may be regarding exactly how the prize giveaway drawing will be done, I'll explain precisely how I'll been keeping track of participants and how the winners will be chosen to provide as much transparency as possible to eliminate any doubt of bias. As all of you know, we have a new voting system built for this event and that is keeping track of votes much more efficiently and effectively; only Alex and myself have access to the results of the DOTY Awards and all of whom have participated and how they voted but, since those votes can be changed by particpants at any time, we won't have the final results until voting closes on January 31st and we officially finalize tabulation. We will deliberately keep these results undisclosed until annoucement and presentation of the DOTY Awards to winners on Febuary 8th as to ensure this entire process will not be swayed or influenced in any way.

  • Unless a voter participant explicitly states to opt out of the prize giveaway, everyone that voted for the DOTYs automatically gets exactly ONLY ONE entry into the prize giveaway and has the same chance as everyone else that participated.
  • Everyone that submits votes for the DOTY awards will receive an *official* confirmation email back in response at the end of the event to assure that your votes have been accounted for. If you, for whatever reason did in fact submit votes but did not receive a confirmation email back, please reach out and we'll make sure that your votes have in fact been tabulated and you have been entered into the Voter Prize Giveaway.
  • In the confirmation email, it will also state that you have been automatically entered into the Voter Prize Giveaway UNLESS you explicitly write back that you choose to opt out of being entered. For those that would like to opt out, please also let us know in the Feedback Section (if you hadn't done so when you submitted your votes already) so we can withdraw your entry. We are trying to avoid announcing the giveaway prize winners as selected through the random drawing and then only after having those winners announced, those wishing to opt out stating they don't want to participate as then we'd have to re-draw to select new winners and it would make it all the more complicated considering that prizes are given away based on the order in which they are selected by winners. So, pleasepleaseplease let us know if you would like to opt out - otherwise, as stated, you are automatically entered and there's the chance your name will be drawn whether you like it or not.
  • The administrators of the DOTY Awards event reserve all rights to revoke anyone's right to participation in voting should there be any suspicion of dishonest activities. (this also includes their entry into the Voter Prize Giveaway)
2.) RANDOM GIVEAWAY DRAWING (via random number generator)
  • When voting officially closes, the total number voters to assign a random number to each participant (only with the exception of excluding those participants that have expressly opted out of the Voter Prize Giveaway). Since Alex and myself will only know the voters and the random numbers assigned to them but I, myself, am also entered into the giveaway as well as a participant, I will NOT be conducting the drawing as it'd be a clear conflict of interest; instead, I will be passing on ONLY the total number to another event administrator unaffilated with the results (even though they may also be entered into the drawing for their own participation, they will not know their own assigned random number) who will then enter the total into a random number generator that will be used to create a list.
  • Giveaway prizes from our sponsors will be chosen by assigned winners in the order by which final placement of recipients were listed as randomly generated by a number randomizer used by the Administrators.
  • The first number generated by the random number generator, will be the first on the list and each number drawn thereafter will continue to be added to the list to denote the order in which prizes will be selected. So for example, if your randomly assigned number is the 3rd to be drawn, your name will be 3rd on the list of giveaway winners and you can only select among the available prizes after the 1st and 2nd place winner have selected. I hope this makes sense but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the Discussions thread and I'll try my best to further clarify.
Although this seems like a more complicated process rather than just drawing for each prize and just assigning winners those prizes, this selection process seemed to work pretty well last year and allows winners the most choice in what prize they'd like to receive. Think of it like playing tag among the winners, going from one to the next until all prizes are claimed for :)

If there are any other questions or concerns regarding the giveaway, please let me know but I hope this all helps to clarify everything.



In choosing to participate by voting in the 'Deck of the Year' Award event, participants are also agreeing to the following terms & conditions of the prize giveaway:

  • After givewaway prize winners have been announced on February 15th, 2020 on the official DOTY page, additionally, a message will be sent to all of those that have been randomly drawn to inform them of their win and request that they respond to claim their prize. From that moment on, those lucky giveaway winners will have until February 16th, 2020 (approximately 24hrs) to respond either publicly in a post or privately through a message that they will be present and reachable to participate in selecting and claiming a prize from the giveaway among those available.
  • In the event that a drawn prize giveaway recipient does not respond to attempts made in contacting them through email and private messages, they will automatically forfeit their ability to participate in selecting an available prize from the giveaway. If this occurs, the participent will simply be removed from our list of winning giveaway recipents and all those listed below will be moved up one slot allowing for one more additional winner to be drawn to fill the last available spot in accordance to the number of prizes available for selection.
  • Unless a voter participant explicitly states to opt out of the prize giveaway, everyone that voted for the DOTYs automatically gets exactly ONLY ONE entry into the prize giveaway and has the same chance as everyone else that participated.
  • Requests for one participant's entry to go towards another participant as a way to opt out while giving another better odds in the drawing will NOT be accepted nor allowed. If you do happen to be randomly drawn and win selection of a prize in the giveaway and still would like to give that prize to someone else, please arrange that privately with that person and make selection of your prize on their behalf as they wish but all coordination should be done outside of this event as it will not be officially recognized otherwise.
  • Every donation of the prize giveaway contest is a gift of great generosity from those participating sponsors/donors to support the UC DOTY event, contributed completely on their own free will and accord. With that said (and as stated in the official DOTY rules of participation), the sponsors/donors of the offered prizes, as selected by winning recipents, completely determine the terms and conditions in regards to shipping arrangements. Some donors take on any and all associated costs of shipping regardless of where in the world the prize is being recieved, which is waaaay above and beyond, but an offer that should/can not be expected in every/any circumstance from every donor as each and every prize donation is different and may have varying degrees of challenges/constraints regarding shipment of prizes and/or means of the donor by which to do so.
  • In order for recipents to recieve their selected prize giveaway, they are required to personally reach out to donors through a message either here at UC or elsewhere and confirm to be in contact to discuss the best option by which shipping arrangements can be mutually agreed upon by both parties. Whether or not details of shipping arrangements were stated prior to prize selection, as a winner, it is generally most courteous to offer what you can to help offset shipping costs whenever/wherever possible, especially in cases when shipping is exceptionally high as with international folks. Keep in mind, the prize(s) itself are being provided completely free of charge from the wholehearted kindness of the donors and offering to financially contribute and chip in towards the costs to ease the burden of shipping expenses is a gesture of goodwill and appreciated consideration from winners to receive their gifted prize(s).
  • Now, it's understandable if the prize winner/recipient also cannot contribute (or only contribute very little) to meet the costs of shipping expenses and/or the donor and prize winner cannot come to a mutually agreed upon solution by which to send/recieve the donated prize, as was the case expressed by others last year who then chose a different available prize from another donor. However, in the case that there is no other available prize optiosn from which the winner may select from and shipping arrangements cannot be agreed upon by both parties of those that are available, I regret to inform that this particular recipent will unfortunately have no other choice but to decline the giveaway prize as offered and forfeit their participation in the giveaway.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »


Stay tuned and check here for any additional changes made to this year's 2020 DOTY Awards event and be sure to spread the word anywhere and everywhere to show your support of this amazing community event!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by BaconWise »

I will be donating a mixed SUPER brick of 15 decks. I am calling it the Rookie Pack because they are early/first decks from well-known designers and some new faces who I want to encourage to make more projects. Included in the pack:

- Pioneer
- Infinite Rule
- Magnum Force
- Charmers (Purple)
- Faunae (Vibrant & Veiled)
- Testament (Gilded Art Edition)
- Wicked Kingdom
- Natives
- Warrior Women
- Culutrae Animalis
- Luchadores
- Fillide
- Grid Series One

US shipping will be included and I will split the cost of international shipping.

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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by NativeTongue »

I'll donate a mixed half-brick (US + Int shipping included)
...will update with list of decks soon
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

I have done my voting on the P52!
Wonder what’s the results is going to be
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by andreac75 »

Voted! I was wondering how to link P52 & UC account untill last page of voting system!
Great work. Easy and simple!!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »

BaconWise wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:39 am I will be donating a mixed brick - details to come soon 👍
NativeTongue wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:14 am I'll donate a mixed half-brick (US + Int shipping included)
...will update with list of decks soon
Thank you both! That's incredibly generous and we're so glad to have your support! I'll make note of it!

Y'all are the best!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by wingedpotato »

andreac75 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:51 pm Voted! I was wondering how to link P52 & UC account untill last page of voting system!
Great work. Easy and simple!!
+1. Loved the process this time around!
"I have no response to that."

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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by TheFrozenSlime »

Got my vote in!

As a first time voter, the process was really simple and intuitive. No problems there.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by shermjack »

I am more than happy to donate a Carat B12 Bamboo Brick Case and will pay for shipping (from China), but will not be responsible if any custom duties are imposed by the country I am shipping to as this is something that is beyond my control, though I will claim the value to be 5USD.
A deck a day helps keep the addiction at bay!

Check out my collection on Instagram @caratcasecreations
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by PipChick »

shermjack wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:31 am I am more than happy to donate a Carat B12 Bamboo Brick Case and will pay for shipping (from China), but will not be responsible if any custom duties are imposed by the country I am shipping to as this is something that is beyond my control, though I will claim the value to be 5USD.
AWESOME Sherm! Your support every year means the world to us! You rock!
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by bdawg923 »

I'm donating the following (2 sets, 1 set per winner):
Set 1:
Modern Idols Fear
Red Metallic Gatorbacks
Empire: Bloodlines (blue)
Rider Back (red, web press version)
Crown (Kings wild)
Arthurian Camelot Edition (from the 1st KS, opened, like new)
Chocolate Pi Gilded (opened, like new)
DKNG Red Training Wheels Mini (no cello, brand new)
Bicycle Mini (blue, opened, like new)
Set 2:
Pantheon Azure
Blue Metallic Gatorbacks
Empire: Bloodlines (green)
Rider Back (blue, web press version)
Continential (Kings wild)
Black Reserve Note Green Ed. (opened, like new)
Jerry's Nugget Aqua Vintage Feel (opened, like new)
Tally Ho Mini (no cello, brand new)
Bicycle Mini (red, opened, like new)
I can only ship domestically (USA) but I will pay for the shipping for both packages.
This comment has been mod-approved since you are able to see it.

Looking to buy (DM me if selling please!):
-Limbo v1 decks
-2017 NPCCD Bronze, Silver, Emerald
-2018 NPCCD Green Pawn & Missing Island decks
-Original Apothecary Prototype
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

I already wrote on Instagram, but since I am very confused these days (too many things to do :uggrin: ) I am writing also here.

I am donating an half brick of TWI decks, 3 limited and 3 unlimited, picked randomly by me from the latest releases.
I.e. Apocalisse, Italia Divina, Pantheon Caelum... maybe also the new SINS.
I will also include shipping to US, EU, CA, UK, NZ, AU, CH.

Please when the winner is chosen, mail me at giovanni@thirdway.it for claiming the prize :-)
Thirdway Industries shop > https://www.thirdwayindustries.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by Bradius »

I will donate two reward packages.

Reward Package 1. TWI Mixed Half Brick - The Order: Revolutio, Imperium, Electus and Occultus. Also a Pantheon Azure deck and a Modern Idols Fear deck.

Reward Package 2. Kings Wild Project - A Subscription Gilded Robin Hood deck

US shipping is included. If outside the US, the person receiving the reward will need to cover the difference between the actual international postage less what would have been the domestic shipping cost.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by caniveski »

I hope I am posting this in the right place
I have voted
I appreciate the amount of effort and time that has been put into this by PipChick/P52 and the rest of the UC gang

Im happy to donate a mixed half brick - winner pays shipping
4/5 decks will be brand new still in cello
1/2 decks ( maybe opened, maybe sealed but with a ding )
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by NativeTongue »

Here's my prize donation...

Mixed Half Brick (us and international shipping included)

2x Lucky Playing Cards - Standard Edition
1x Lucky Playing Cards - Limited Edition (Signed)
1x Fontaine Futures - Window
1x Fontaine Futures - Floral
1x JAQK Cellars - Amethyst
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by Xarin77 »

First time pitching in and voting!

I can donate a couple of mixed half-bricks, free US shipping, international pays the difference.

All deck cello'd and sealed unless noted.

Brick 1
Odissea - Nemesi - TWI
Odissea - Aegis - TWI
Betrayers - Tenebra - TWI
Betrayers - Veritas - TWI
Lunatica - Equinox - TWI
The Evil Deck - TWI

Brick 2
La Catrina - Muertas
La Catrina - Vivas
Inception - Illustratum - No Cello, with Seal (Eklund) (out of 600 version)
Inception - Intellectus - No Cello, with Seal (Eklund) (out of 600 version)
Inception - Inceptus - No Cello, with Seal (Eklund) (out of 600 version)
Aphelion - White Limited
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Wow, so, this was put together extremely well...
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by MSimonart »

I'll be giving a mixed half brick with 20USD shipping paid by me, if more the receiver will have to pay the difference. I'll edit this post once I've found which decks ;) All decks will be sealed.

- 1x Crypt
- 1x Oath Standard GOB
- 1x Anyone WW - Smoke & Mirrors (Mirror)
- 1x Bee Red Stingers
- 1x TWI Apocalisse
- 1x Uusi Pagan Blue Limited Ed.

I'll throw in a second prize, the winner will be able to choose decks with a max value of $250 from the decks still available on this spreadsheet, same shipping cost as the first prize.
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by Timmargh »

MSimonart wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:07 pm I'll be giving a mixed half brick with 20USD shipping paid by me, if more the receiver will have to pay the difference. I'll edit this post once I've found which decks ;) All decks will be sealed.

- 1x Crypt
- 1x Oath Standard GOB
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by Strag »

Pretty damn good start
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by MSimonart »

Hehe, thanks guys, wasn't trying to shock you. It's more of my farewell gift to the hobby. I've had to sell a big part of my collection due to financial reasons, it's helped me get out of my debts which is awesome.
It was my small way of giving back to this community and to the people involved in this forum and in the organization of the award. It's not nearly enough though for the countless hours of entertainment and the huge amount of knowledge I've gathered from reading the posts.
I won't be able to acquire any more decks in the near future, but I'll certainly keep coming back to this forum to live my hobby through you and through your reviews. You guys are awesome! :)

The other rewards look juicy though, I wouldn't mind winning one of those :p
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Re: 2020 'Deck of the Year' Awards - UC x P52

Unread post by Romeril »

I’ll be donating 2 half brick prizes as pictured below. I’ll pay the shipping if the winner is located in the conterminous United States, or share the costs if the winner is located elsewhere.
03E509C7-D7C0-49F1-BBF2-00188A615BD2.jpeg (184.53 KiB) Viewed 33056 times
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