Harvonsgard wrote: ↑Mon Jan 11, 2021 3:55 pm
Family members are left-handed. They all fan the other way. We always need four corner indexed card for gameplay, which is a pity because most of the beautiful modern custom playing cards have only two corner indices.
I don't know if they are indeed in the minority or if the majority of left-handed folks simply adapted.
I tried a couple of four corners indexed layouts, but they don't look as nice as expected. The captions on the right just affect the balance of the whole card too much.
Anyway, this is something I am really willing to consider for future projects. Thanks for the info!
masagin303 wrote: ↑Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:54 am
Eric Lee wrote: ↑Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:30 am
So keep the Indices in the pip as that's what makes the Genovesi unique from other decks.
I can't find any Genovesi pattern with indices in the pip. I think those other referenced images don't represent Genovesi cards, they were mentioned only as an inspiration for adding indices to cards which didn't originally have them.
The Genovese design doesn't feature indices at all. This a pity because such a relevant lack is very limiting as regards gameplay. This is why we decided to add the indices as a novelty, though looking back at other varied models with a historical feeling.
That index within the pip is from a deck De La Rue c. 1890, known as Pigmy Cards
We are making a lot of research in general. Books, database, and 7bello - an Italian association focused on Italian playing cards - is giving a big help. All their publications are in Italian, sadly.
For example, I have now finished working on the Jack of clubs. The modern Genovese design shows a stylized flower on the chest of the court, but the oldies cards - dating back to when the cards were still one way - feature a bee instead of the flower. Same for many animals scattered throughout the deck, details that after the changeover to the double way model, have been lost or cut or changed enough to become nearly unrecognizable.
For the Jack of Clubs, again, we decided to modify the shape of the shield in order to make it more coherent with the Italian heraldry, adding a Genoese cross on top of it. I can share some details and references if you like. As far as I'm concerned, I am learning a lot of things.
Another thing we would love to do is adding also the knights and the major arcana - "trionfi" - to the deck. This is all to be seen anyway.
Eric Lee wrote: ↑Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:30 am
3 of my family members are lefties. They do both depending on the game and the number of cards. Most of the time, they adapt to the rightie dominance just like they've been doing since pre-history I believe.
This is interesting, thanks for your insights. We should conduct an organized data collection and analysis, I guess.
I tried to make a couple of fans in one direction, in another, to hold them with one hand, and then with the other. The problem is that for some sort of things I am ambidextrous and I ended up feeling totally lost