[Buy] Riffle Shuffle Explorer, Bloodline, 666 and S17 no17

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Sheng Liu
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[Buy] Riffle Shuffle Explorer, Bloodline, 666 and S17 no17

Unread post by Sheng Liu »

Hi everyone,

I am looking to buy riffle shuffle gilded editions of bloodline, 666, and explorer. I am also open to other gilded decks.

Also looking to buy no 17 decks from stockholm 17.

Prices are negotiable :D If possible, I would like to take multiple copies.

You can either private message me here or simply send an email to panpayacollection@outlook.com

Thank you!

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Re: [Buy] Riffle Shuffle Explorer, Bloodline, 666 and S17 no

Unread post by kasuma99 »

Hi! I have some spare No.17 decks from Stockholm17
there are several editions:
- No.17 V1 - Cardlauncher
- No.17 V2 - Branded
- No.17 V2 - Unbranded
- No.17 V3 - Le Chat Rouge
I'm much prefer to use them for trade with other decks though. Do you have a trade list that i could take a look?
I mostly collect Stockholm17 and always looking for any S17 New/Opened decks/ accessories: Brick Boxes, prints, coins, Pins, ect... If you have some weird small thing and want to trade/sell please let me know! If you are also a fan and have free time to chat, feel free to send me a PM!
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Re: [Buy] Riffle Shuffle Explorer, Bloodline, 666 and S17 no

Unread post by Bradius »

666 decks you can get at http://www.playingcards.net if you want them. I pulled out of Kickstarter and went back and got them from these folks not too long ago.
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Re: [Buy] Riffle Shuffle Explorer, Bloodline, 666 and S17 no

Unread post by JacksandJokers »


Do you have Riffle Shuffle's earlier Gilded decks: Surf, Bicycle Surrealism & Bicycle Monkey King?

We have all 3 available plus many other gilded decks as well such as:
Samedi, Luminosity, Primordial, Kings Wild Shorts, Thirdway Industries Betrayers, Monolith & Nec Plus Ultra, Seasons Apothecary, Elixir & NPCCD.

There might be a few others as well.
All decks are listed on our website & we have multiple copies of most decks.

Have sent you an email also.
Let us know if there's anything that you're interested in.
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Re: [Buy] Riffle Shuffle Explorer, Bloodline, 666 and S17 no17

Unread post by ZarebelDaem »

I’ve got several 666 decks for sell if your interested.
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