Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

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Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by Fes »





TL:DR It's completely up to you.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by Daisho »

I have backed well over 300 playing card projects on kickstarter, and have been screwed on more than enough of them. So, I have come up with a 12 point checklist for potentially fraudulent campaigns.

This hits on 10 of them. For me, this is a strong "Backer beware."

This is obviously the first time I'm employing this technique without the benefit of hindsight. I almost want to back it, just to see if I'm right.
This is me, though I really should update me.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by GandalfTheWhite »

Daisho wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:55 pm I have backed well over 300 playing card projects on kickstarter, and have been screwed on more than enough of them. So, I have come up with a 12 point checklist for potentially fraudulent campaigns.

This hits on 10 of them. For me, this is a strong "Backer beware."

This is obviously the first time I'm employing this technique without the benefit of hindsight. I almost want to back it, just to see if I'm right.
Good point you make there. I'm pretty new to collector playing cards realm and few things I've observed (especially on KS) is that creators need to mention about who is printing, fulfillment details, etc. None of that is on the campaign.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by Fes »

TL:DR Connect the Emoji's, I drew Patrick. :lol:

There's something oddly beautiful about people funding a campaign that uses clip art and photo shopping stock images together that makes this wonderful in it's own little world of whatever you want to call this. 8-) I think if Poe was alive today he'd be inspired by this kind of thing we see here. It's that kind of odd to me. While I'm not a big Poe fan personally, I laughed the first time I heard someone jump off something screaming "Edgar Allen Poe" on the way down. :lol: Back on topic though, there's likely to be some unhappy folks in the end. :| I won't be one of them. :D

Of course it isn't because of the Curious funding goal, Lack of Specifics, Stock images, Photo shopped cardistry, Vague FAQ nor Lack of Comments or Updates at the funding goal reached that has me not showing support for this campaign. :? No, for me it's much simpler than any of those things. Although, to those things I would absolutely say Buyer Be Aware. ;) In the end as it was in the beginning in my case, I just can't stand Mangos. :| Particularly dislike stock images of the bloody things cobbled together into a campaign for playing cards with horrendous courts. Ugh. :x

Some folks may disagree with me and that's fine. If this is your thing by all means, do your thing. ;) I mean, there absolutely is more effort in this campaign and in the would be playing cards than there has been in other campaigns recently, funded or not. There is a consistent theme among the images as well, again something a lot of other campaigns recently can not claim. :roll: I hope this is an actual real thing that turns out to make a real actual deck of cards for the folks out there that are mango lovers. I know you're out there, the numbers on this keep going up. :)
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by Bikefanatic »

Just only like the colors used.
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When I don't like something, I pass. No matter who did it, how many were printed or how many (re)colors exist."



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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by vasta41 »

I'll wait until RiffleShuffle/OPC comes out with one.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by markzero »

The introductory paragraph reads like it came straight out of a GPT-3 run, so I pretty much stopped reading there. Also, interesting to see the goal of $500, when there's this in the FAQ:
We are going to use premium casino grade stock paper stock (or plastic). We are finalizing the price and timeline with few printers, we will be posting updates on the same.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by chicken_ql »

Daisho wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:55 pm I have backed well over 300 playing card projects on kickstarter, and have been screwed on more than enough of them. So, I have come up with a 12 point checklist for potentially fraudulent campaigns.

This hits on 10 of them. For me, this is a strong "Backer beware."

This is obviously the first time I'm employing this technique without the benefit of hindsight. I almost want to back it, just to see if I'm right.
What are the 12?
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

I love mango, but this is gross.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by OVSUB »

Mangoes looking like dried prunes on the back.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by Merlebird »

theCapraAegagrus wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:21 am I love mango, but this is gross.
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Re: Mango Deck: collector playing cards - KS

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Well, the warning signs were there and it turns out this was a scam after all from what was reported on FB.
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