The most underrated decks

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The most underrated decks

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

In this thread we name and discuss what we feel are the most underrated decks in our collections. So I hope that everyone could name at least one of your decks that you feel should get more recognition. You don't need to love the decks that you name, but if you feel that the deck is underrated, name it here! Also it would be quite nice to know why do you feel your chosen deck should get more recognition.

Sooooooo.... Let's get started!

Pr1me Sketch

One of my favorite decks in my collection. I love the look, I love the originality. I don't know any other deck in the market that has the unfinished sketch look.

Four Point deck

One of the most bizarre decks in my collection - I love it! Originality level in this deck is over 9000. Yet it still looks very good.


Perhaps the most underrated deck from Ellusionist. Great box, great back, great Jokers, good courts and an amazing Ace of Spades. I would really hope that Ellusionist would do an updated version of this insted of that Madison crap. Speaking of Madison...

Orange Hustlers

I think this is Daniel Madisons best deck after the Scarlett Rounders. The back looks actually pretty good and the micro thin side borders with the full bleed at the center gives it a quite good look. The Jokers are okay and the Ace of Spades is just boring, but the back + the nice orange make this deck for me.

Flesh & Bones

A very custom deck with good artwork - why didn't this deck get more recognition? Sure the back isn't that great, but still the deck looks amazing.

These are my thoughts.

Now continue my peasants while I jetpack away.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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:shock: :shock: :shock:


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Note: Don't jetpack. Comment here.
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Re: The most underrated decks

Unread post by ecNate »

Sure, I'll play.

In general, I think far too few people appreciate the (semi) transformation style, including Emmanuel Jose. Perhaps it's because it's not embellished/detailed enough (I wonder how that would go over) and often the art style is more fun instead of ornate, or maybe because many times the courts and styles are just not traditional. Clearly there is a following, but I still feel it's limited compared to what the artwork and especially creativity deserves.

Last year's 52 Plus Joker decks, both Gold and Club editions, also don't get the proper appreciation either. That may sound odd to some of you, but I've heard from many that were not interested in them. I think this is because the back and tuck looks 10x better in person where you can really appreciate how the color changes with different direction in lighting. The feel of the cards and tuck of the Gold edition is one of my favorites, but it's really the shimmering effect of the Gold that has me sold (I haven't been able to bring myself to open the Club decks, which is VERY unusual for me). Yeah, it's a simplistic looking back, but there is detail there and that shimmering effect is the primary feature which you simply can't appreciate from photos.

Somewhat odd choices, but there are 2 recent architecture decks that did some pretty cool things that because they weren't traditional and one chose different printer so don't get noticed. The Explore deck had some odd forced groupings of city types by courts, but I love the art style that depicts skylines from around the world on EVERY card and isn't limited to modern cities, but also historic ones without skyscrapers. At least USPCC was used which for actual use makes a huge difference, but I can't wait to get my uncut up (still working on re-arranging the space and getting framed).


The other is the NYC (Urban Design Series) deck which used MPC, but had really innovative pips that included key buildings from NYC within them. The court cards also featured iconic NYC buildings.

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Re: The most underrated decks

Unread post by HudsonDesign »

I quite liked the Flesh and Bones deck too. It was mostly stuffed because Dan and Dave ruined deckstarter and damaged all the decks and designs they were promoting.

On that I just received that is just fantastic is Fuego. Its on of my favs this year and definitely underrated.
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Re: The most underrated decks

Unread post by Fes »

Oh what a delightful thread me found here! I agree with two of you about some decks. :)

Four Point one of me own favorite decks ever and extreme on the under rated scale to be sure. It's quirky and has a wonderful hands on approach everywhere on it right down to the self embossing that Ben did to the tucks. :D I agree Pr1me Sketch is under rated as well what a fine deck that is while being very unique. All Pr1me decks are under rated in my opinion though. I don't think E has any under rated decks though.

I agree as well on the NYC deck by Undefined Knowledge. :D Very strong deck, most of undefined knowledge decks are tough also very under rated due to MPC printing. Escape also very good deck and also under rated, yes it is.

Me own self adds to this list with a few decks. I select and share that these are under rated.
Imperial Gold (Midnight Cards) It's just a great deck and very under rated. Incredible really in every aspect. It's goooood.
Dynasty (Brendan Hong) doesn't matter which color, they're fantastic decks and completely under rated. So goooooood.
Insecta (Immy Smith) amazing and inspiring and creepy but in the best way possible. Marvelous imagery and just wow.
Love is a Smoke (Passione) really a very good deck and really, it is under rated. Wonderful, truly.

Bonus under rated deck Rainbow Illusion! (Landry Sanders) Before it's time? I think so. :D

I hope this thread will gain some traction and introduce the new collectors to some over looked and under rated decks they may not know exist.
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Re: The most underrated decks

Unread post by House of Cardistry »

I suppose that’s another good thing about being new to all of this... being able to get to know about decks that most folks either overlook or are too busy chasing the latest greatest. I’ve always been a guy that subscribed to the “if it’s obscure it’s GOT to be good!!” school of thought, so I’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on this thread!! ... sy3zewoqvl

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Re: The most underrated decks

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Those two are definitely amongst them; Fujin and Raijin.
Unfortunately not suited for gameplay because some of the courts are full bleed thus edge marked.
They feature a very nice linen structured finish, were published by Bombmagic and printed in 🇹🇼 by TWPCC. Designed by Fionn Jordan.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: The most underrated decks

Unread post by Fes »

Four Point is currently in my EDD rotation. It went with me today and I snagged a couple snaps of the tuck whilst avoiding the wind in the truck. Very under rated deck worth a peek. You can kind of see the hand embossing done to the back of the tuck. It's an interesting little thing to overlook but a fun add that shows the care and love for the deck. :)
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