Passione Playing Cards closes

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Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Conturbia »

Sorry for posting here, I was looking for an "official" thread in the appropriate section of the forum, but apparently it was not present (or I haven't been able to find it). If mods want to move it, feel free.

I hate to give this news, but Passione Playing Cards won't see the next year: I'm closing the company in 2020, after finishing the pending projects (and maybe after doing some last things).

There are many reasons behind my decision, nothing grave, do not worry, I'm in good health and everything is fine, but among the reasons, probably the most important is that Passione never really caught on, but the appreciation was limited to a niche within playing cards lovers.

Of course I want to reassure everyone: Florentia will be completed and fulfilled, only after that I will close the company. I'm sure you don't doubt my honesty, but it was worth saying it loud.

Ok, now that I spilled the beans, you might wonder why a post here in this forum. Well, for two reasons. The first one is that Mike baptized me in the amazing world of playing cards lovers, I guess 6 years ago, and even if I'm not really a forum guy, UC community always have been in my heart. Thanks, Mike.

The second reason is that, since this is the last year for my company, I'd like to do something special, if I can, some little project to bid farewell to the community. Such projects won't go on Kickstarter and some special offers will be reserved to Passione's contacts. If you want to know more, you can register to our mailing list via this link:

Thanks to everyone who supported me and my amazing artists directly, by purchasing decks, and indirectly, by giving valuable advice and insights. I don't know what to say now, and I don't want to become annoying or sentimental :P

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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Unfortunate news for us that are the niche. Your decks were fun and at least by some highly appreciated. All the best for the future.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Fes »

Not news anyone wants to hear. :|
Passione decks have been fun and I've enjoyed them.
Thanks for making them happen. :)
TL:DR It's completely up to you.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Definitely a sad news.... I was just getting more and more into the style that you're cranking out. 2020 hasn't been easy on anyone, unfortunately you seem to be affected heavily due to the circumstances. However, I would say it would NOT be an end 'cos you'll always be a member here and enjoying the discussion around here! Hope to continue to see you staying around :)
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Ice_Panda »

this makes me really sad. Your Florentia project is one of the first I pledged for on KS and also helped get me in the collecting rabbit hole. I do appreciate your decision. Everyone has to do what is right for them. Thanks for everything you have done for the community!
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Passione has made a few of my favorite decks. I just finished putting most of my collection into drawers, and my Passione decks are in the top drawer among my other favorites. I'll see if I can't take some pictures to post in the next few days.

Best wishes for your future. If you ever want to create another deck, there's always another yearly UC deck to be made :)
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by max »

Dear Riccardo,

We know from the very beginning, and I think you have made one of the best and more honest works in the industry. It is really sad (but understandable) what you say and I can only wish you the success you deserve, whatever you decide to do in the future. I hope our paths cross again someday.

Thanks and best wishes
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by caniveski »

sad news indeed : (
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Perkele! Not the kind of news I wanted to read... I do respect the decision though and hope all the best in the future.

I'm already hoping for a comeback special 😀
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Bradius »


You are an amazing artist and I have enjoyed your decks and posts so much over the past few years I have been collecting playing cards. You have done such a great variety of work. It is indeed sad for me as well that you are moving on to other things, but change can bring about new opportunities and experiences. So, I wish you well in your future endeavors and hope that you will continue to visit us and let us know what you are doing and continue to be a part of our community, in a different capacity.

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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Timmargh »

That is sad news. Your Inferno campaign was the third playing card campaign I ever backed. =(
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by montenzi »

I wish you all the best!!!

At the same time, you don't need a company to design or do other beautiful things. :D One of the problems in any design "business" - you have to be a sociopath with a lack of empathy in regards to a finished product/design process. It's exaggerated but true. :uggrin: Most of the time, It helps...but I have one question (just in case :twisted: ) - may I copy-paste and use your text next time when I decide to say goodbye? :lol:
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by irtjames14 »

Nooooo very sad to hear, and I've recently been on the hunt for the missing Passione decks!!! But I respect your decision, I hope you can make a comeback in the future!!
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by james001a »

Ahh what a shame. But if this is the decision you need to make, then all the respect for your courage to do so. I closed my business 2 years ago voluntarily after putting so much into it. Shutting it down at the time felt like a crushing defeat but now I realize it was the right one. And I hope it is for you too. I really enjoy your Inferno decks. You just take some time to regroup and regenerate. Its all part of the process. Just make sure to ask your self, "what did I learn from this?" Hopefully this will guide you to the next endeavor. Good luck and best wishes. Thanks for some very lovely decks.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by BaconWise »

Very sad news! I was fortunate enough to work with you to get my hands on your Vivaldi Concerto set and I got my hands on the Collodio's Pinocchio set recently as well. Amazing work and I wish you the best in the future. If what you are pursuing is met with the kind of passion (excuse the pun) you have given this niche community, then you will find great success. Cheers and don't be a stranger!
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Eric Lee »

First Guru, now Passione. Sad that some of the best overall (designs, themes, follow up, activity and customer service) are closing. But life moves on and hopefully we'll have equally good companies come along and pick up where you all left. All the best but please do continue to be active here.

Sunish and your insights in the whole design process from start to finish have been invaluable for all of us.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by portcullis »

I think I backed 3 of your projects Riccardo and they're among my favourites.

I'm not going to add to what's already been said, but rather echo it. My wallet probably doesn't thank you for scratching itches I never knew I had, but I will.

Go well.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Conturbia »

irtjames14 wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:39 pm Nooooo very sad to hear, and I've recently been on the hunt for the missing Passione decks!!! But I respect your decision, I hope you can make a comeback in the future!!
Hi, have you tried on our website?
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Conturbia »

Thanks yo everyone for the kind words, stay tuned, if you wish, for the final fireworks :)
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by shermjack »

:cry: Extremely saddened to hear this news as you definitely consistently created amazingly beautiful decks, all of which I am proud to own (except the Love is a Smoke Christmas version ). I wish you the best in whatever you do and do hope that maybe you will create a deck or two in your spare time. Cheers and thanks!
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Azazaaz »

You will be missed for sure, it's a sad day for collectors. Anyway, I wish you success for your future endeavours and hope that everything's fine.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by guru »

It is sad news but I am sure you'd have considered each and every possibility before taking this decision. Wish you good luck and hope everything's fine with the team and family.

Eric Lee wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:51 pm First Guru, now Passione. Sad that some of the best overall (designs, themes, follow up, activity and customer service) are closing. But life moves on and hopefully we'll have equally good companies come along and pick up where you all left. All the best but please do continue to be active here.

Sunish and your insights in the whole design process from start to finish have been invaluable for all of us.
@Eric Lee...I am still here, lol :lol: . Thanks for the kind words.

I'd like to get both Bosch & Mythos out of door. Sometimes, things take their own time, and given the present circumstances, I think Mythos will come in 2021 after Bosch is fulfilled. My reason to close Guru PCC has been different and there no relation with COVID factor, I've been contemplating it since Dec last year, but then Mythos puzzle box had some some technical issues found through prototype testing leading to a delay.

It has been planned last year but Mythos puzzle box took its own time & then COVID happened. Side gigs take their own time, energy and I got very busy lately. Having blessed with a daughter late last year, I am just looking to shut down my all side gigs & hobbies while focussing more on the family. Bosch was thought of as a last deck from Guru PCC, but then, even Mythos could not be released because of some technical issues in the puzzle box. Those issues are resolved by moving some small parts from wood to plastic but these still require testing. Let's see when these get to market now.

Long story short, I'm still here and want to get both Mythos and Bosch see the light of the day by seeing them in your hands.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

I and Riccardo shared a lot since we "virtually met" in 2014.
Strategies, ideas, new projects, printing techniques, suppliers, frustrations, delays, shipping issues, creative swears and a lot of jokes.
We also met in person sometimes and we ate pasta (Molto Italiani) :uggrin:

Probably it would have not been the same without him, so this is a very sad news for me.

I still hope (and actually I think, knowing you ;) ) that someday you'll restart doing crazy stuff.

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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by KingfisherZero »

Definitely sad news. All the best in the next steps and thanks for what you added to the community over the years!
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Conturbia »

shermjack wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:25 am :cry: Extremely saddened to hear this news as you definitely consistently created amazingly beautiful decks, all of which I am proud to own (except the Love is a Smoke Christmas version ). I wish you the best in whatever you do and do hope that maybe you will create a deck or two in your spare time. Cheers and thanks!
we need to do something for that missing Christmas Edition :)
Just PM me :)
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Conturbia »

Thirdway Industries wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:50 am I and Riccardo shared a lot since we "virtually met" in 2014.
Strategies, ideas, new projects, printing techniques, suppliers, frustrations, delays, shipping issues, creative swears and a lot of jokes.
We also met in person sometimes and we ate pasta (Molto Italiani) :uggrin:

Probably it would have not been the same without him, so this is a very sad news for me.

I still hope (and actually I think, knowing you ;) ) that someday you'll restart doing crazy stuff.

Ad maiora!
Thank you very much for your words, Giovanni! I will salute you with a meme, just like in the old days :D
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Ahah :D

A great example of our silly jokes :)
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by vasta41 »

Like Sherman I'm proud to say I own and love every Passione deck (except the Christmas edition... I didn't even know that existed until today) and backed every project, even the failed ones.

Good luck with whatever comes next! But please promise, if you ever get inspired to design a deck down the road, DO IT!
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I also just recently discovered the existence of the Christmas edition, while checking the Passione website. I'm gonna need to hunt one down now.
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Re: Passione Playing Cards closes

Unread post by brownsl »

I also did not know Love is a Smoke Christmas Edition deck existed. I would like to get this deck but only 100 made so it will be tough to find one.
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