Bosch deck will be launched in approx. 2 weeks from today. Check this page to get notified of the launch.
As I said in the custom design thread, kickstarter campaign will be quite simple: one collector's edition deck with uncut sheet. No back or tuck change (similar to what will be there for Mythos). ...I've started feeling that what has been going at present in custom playing card world isn't right, and as change starts with each one of us, someone needs to start doing what feels right in this regard. This took more than a year, and I do hope it will still attract art & playing card collectors along with puzzle enthusiasts in the mix.
This deck requires very precise registration & so I am considering Legends Taiwan facility & have also reached out to Lotrek as his registration is top-notch. The tuck will have matte finish and embossing only (no foil), so it won't utilize Lotrek's fine foil related craftsmanship though, and I am yet to hear back from him.
Please feel free to share this link with other collectors that you know of, and who are not on UC.