Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

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Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by CBJ »

This deck is a funded/completed Kickstarter project.
Funding ended on July 22, 2012 - $19,280 raised with 536 backers

To see the old thread on this deck please go here ... f=5&t=7260" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;







Last Update Sep 2, 2012

"Hello backers!

After a couple of back and forth emailing with some artwork technicality issues with USPCC (primarily with the metallic ink), they will be ready with the final proof for the deck by next week! This means that printing will be complete by the end of september/the beginning of october and I will be able to ship them out to you guys after that.

Once I receive the final proof, I will sign the contract and pay for them to begin the printing process.

For those of you who missed the project funding period, I am in the process of setting up a website to sell the decks to the public. These will only be available after I fulfill the Kickstarter rewards. Stay tuned for more updates. The website will most likely be released sometime during October.

Don't forget, I have launched a Facebook page for my future business identity that you guys can find at" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;. It's still a work in progress."



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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete

Unread post by Evan »

I'm happy to see that this project is moving along nicely! I hope to have my hands on these soon!
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete

Unread post by UtterFool »

I still wish he had gone with the original court card design
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete

Unread post by Oswin »

Have you some news to this deck !?

The designer no answer of every messages on KS.

I'm worried...
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete

Unread post by badpete69 »

Breaking News...Just posted on Kickstarter Core Update hehehe

"The Bicycle Core cards are ready to ship!"

Just received an email from the USPCC with that lovely sentence in it. Once the money wiring goes through and they ship it to me, I will begin to furiously package and ship them out to you!

Thanks for your patience with this project.

Ready to ship to him that is :lol: :lol:
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Thanks for the update, Pete!
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete

Unread post by CBJ »

Update from Kickstarter.

Cards have Arrived !

After a hectic month, cards have arrived! Surveys are being sent out and I'll begin shipping out the cards on Monday.

Thanks for your patience.







I'm a fan of these!!


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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by SeanWhelan »

Back design is pretty dope. Glad to see the Galvanic be an inspiration! : P Congrats!!
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by Modi »

This was a deck that really came together as the kickstarter went on. I wish I had all of the original images (Tuck, Courts, etc) but here is the original back, and two alternate backs that where put to vote. The alternate backs where combined and polished to make the final back, which was a massive improvement.

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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by cosmicsecret »

Did anyone received his Core deck already and mind posting pictures or a review? :)
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by badpete69 »

I monitor the comments section of the Core deck project sometimes for any sign of hope. Someone posted this today

I just got an email response from him to an email I sent last week.
Basically, he is alive, and he is shipping; but much more slowly than expected. He's in grad school from 8am to 6pm-3am doing work; this is almost always outside of the office hours of the Post Office. To date, he's shipped to 30 backers. He has around 200 ready to ship, and hopes to get them to the Post Office this Saturday.
Also: locked out of his account, and cannot get it resolved. Hence the last log in date.
I said I would relay this, and encouraged him to just poke his head out every week or two to let us know how many he has shipped, even if it's only a very few. Basically, stay on the radar on some way.
So there is hope. This doesn't mean it's still not a scam; but it's a lot more promising.

Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by vmagic »

He should have realized he didn't have time for this before he even started.

Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

Well that's fair. He shipped 30 orders in about 45 days. Pathetic.


EDIT: I don't believe he is locked out of his Kickstarter account. That is just an excuse.

Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by vmagic »

I absolutely hate it when people post these projects on kickstarter and then all of a sudden they don't have time to ship decks because of school or because they are moving or whatever. They should have realized these things before creating a project in the first place. Sorry for venting about all these projects, but i'm getting frustrated!
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by th4mo »

badpete69 wrote:I monitor the comments section of the Core deck project sometimes for any sign of hope. Someone posted this today

I just got an email response from him to an email I sent last week.
Basically, he is alive, and he is shipping; but much more slowly than expected. He's in grad school from 8am to 6pm-3am doing work; this is almost always outside of the office hours of the Post Office. To date, he's shipped to 30 backers. He has around 200 ready to ship, and hopes to get them to the Post Office this Saturday.
Also: locked out of his account, and cannot get it resolved. Hence the last log in date.
I said I would relay this, and encouraged him to just poke his head out every week or two to let us know how many he has shipped, even if it's only a very few. Basically, stay on the radar on some way.
So there is hope. This doesn't mean it's still not a scam; but it's a lot more promising.
Not that everything else he has said isn't bullsh!t either, but i know for a fact that there are post offices open later than 6 pm.

PORTLAND, OR 97238-9099
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Mon-Fri 8:30am - 10:00pm
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If Tim's lazy ass is driving from Vancouver to Portland every day, then he is going right past this post office.
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by Paul Middleton »

cosmicsecret wrote:Did anyone received his Core deck already and mind posting pictures or a review? :)
That photo of frank and his HP ad put a smile on my face! :)
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by dcell59 »

While the project creator has said that he has shipped 30 packages, I have yet to see any of these cards available for sale or any reviews of the deck. The order the rewards were supposed to be shipped, there should be over 800 decks and 30 uncut sheets out there. I would expect to see these on the market, especially with shipping held up. Has anyone actually heard of anyone receiving the decks?
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by alric »

Tim's excuses are bullshit. To me, it's very clear that he pulled an Adam and already spent the funds on himself, so now he's got a ton of orders to fulfill without the money to ship them out. With the amount of time he's been siting on these decks, its preposterous to think he's had zero time to ship even a few out - no one is that lazy.
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by dcell59 »

But if it's just a matter of money, he can do what Alex did with Vortex - sell decks on the side to make shipping money. When I got my Vortex decks, Alex had neglected to autograph a deck as requested, so I made a deal with him to buy a couple more decks and he would autograph 2 of them. I got my package a couple of days later, and so did a couple of other people.

Sure, selling decks will annoy the backers waiting on the cards, but it's not like we're happy as it is, so it's not really going to make things worse.

The fact is, some people are just that lazy. I backed another Kickstarter project where the creator didn't have the money to ship. One guy ended up going to the creator's house and picking the items up, and he's the only one who got anything so far. People have offered to pay extra for postage to get the items, but we've been ignored. (Granted, it is possible that the guy I mentioned was in on the scam.)

Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

dcell59 wrote:But if it's just a matter of money, he can do what Alex did with Vortex - sell decks on the side to make shipping money. When I got my Vortex decks, Alex had neglected to autograph a deck as requested, so I made a deal with him to buy a couple more decks and he would autograph 2 of them. I got my package a couple of days later, and so did a couple of other people.

Sure, selling decks will annoy the backers waiting on the cards, but it's not like we're happy as it is, so it's not really going to make things worse.

The fact is, some people are just that lazy. I backed another Kickstarter project where the creator didn't have the money to ship. One guy ended up going to the creator's house and picking the items up, and he's the only one who got anything so far. People have offered to pay extra for postage to get the items, but we've been ignored. (Granted, it is possible that the guy I mentioned was in on the scam.)

For the record, Alex STILL has not shipped all the decks he was suppose too. He is the biggest low-life out there. For the record, I contacted the core deck guy about buying decks and he never got back to me.

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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by dcell59 »

BMPokerworld wrote: For the record, Alex STILL has not shipped all the decks he was suppose too. He is the biggest low-life out there. For the record, I contacted the core deck guy about buying decks and he never got back to me.
I understand that, but my point was that there are ways to fix the problem of running out of money. There's no solution when someone just wants to be a jerk.

Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by BMPokerworld »

dcell59 wrote:
BMPokerworld wrote: For the record, Alex STILL has not shipped all the decks he was suppose too. He is the biggest low-life out there. For the record, I contacted the core deck guy about buying decks and he never got back to me.
I understand that, but my point was that there are ways to fix the problem of running out of money. There's no solution when someone just wants to be a jerk.
I couldn't agree with you more. The best way to fix the problem is not to spend the money on things other than the project to begin with!!!

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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

THIS WAS A YEAR AGO? Man, being that UC was my 1st backed Kickstarter project, I am already spoiled. How BMPW handled it, is the model that EVERY seller should follow. Design - to Production to Delivery was LIGHTNING fast, could not have expected it to go any quicker.

Can't you - find this guy on Facebook?

myspace" onclick=";return false;

Google Plus -" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Twitter?" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

AOL - tofuanonymous

his blog:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

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Linked In:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

behance -" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Contact his parents? Alert the dean at his school? At the very least he should try selling decks for $20 a pop on ebay to pick up some spending money. Someone should find the garage where these are, snap the lock and drive off with them.
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by CBJ »

also..." onclick=";return false;

His resume: ... edit?pli=1" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

does anyone live in his area?


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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by CBJ »

Oh.. and the FB page for the cards..." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

There is his address! On his resume! Offer to send him a SASE! ha ha! Say, "Dude, I'll pay my own shipping!"
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by CBJ »

I just called his University and spoke with the architecture dept.

I explained the entire situation to the lady, and explained how we're just looking to find out where the project stands.. and to find out if we can somehow help.
She obviously couldn't give me any personal information about him, but she did confirm that he's part of the university.
She took my information, and is going to pass it along to him. Hopefully he reaches out to me.


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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

we're just looking to find out where the project stands.. and to find out if we can somehow help.
you know, that would be kick @$$. Instead of the typical results of the people getting pi$$ed wanting blood, cursing and name calling. What if the community came along side to help? All the backers want is their decks, why can't this story have a happy ending?
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Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by dcell59 »

Magic_Orthodoxy wrote:There is his address! On his resume! Offer to send him a SASE! ha ha! Say, "Dude, I'll pay my own shipping!"
I'd be fine with that, but he has to admit that this is the problem. Otherwise, I'd just be sending him more money for something I'll never get.

Re: Bicycle Core - Kickstarter Complete - now shipping!

Unread post by vmagic »

Did anyone find out anything yet? Seems some of those accounts posted have been made private.
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