Kings Wild Hype Deck

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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

james001a wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:45 am Yeah! I agree with this Jason Robertson guy! Who does Kings Wild think they are. Also, I think you need to buy 3 different subscriptions to get the whole set of 21 different decks; the monthly subscription that is billed on a daily basis, the bimonthly subscription thats billed every 12 days, and finally the quarterly subscription that bills every 2 hours. After that you will have to get the special version signed by the creator, whomever that is only available at 2:43 AM during the second supermoon of the year. The good news, though is that the 21st deck is free if you saved up all of your tiny, easily lost stamps. This deck should be called the "Ramen Deck". That's because it is all my kids will be eating for dinner the next month if I get on board. Thanks Kings Riled.
Holy Cut Cards Batman! Don't even get me started about Mr. Robin$on'$ Kings Wild Shorts subscription. First Off!!! Why does he even call its shorts!? Is the dork trying to start a clothing line?! Who here remember JAMs Shorts??? He should call it Kings Wild Crappy JAMs.

The subscription thing is way, way, wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to complicated. I'm mean come on! I don't need a subscription I need a PREscription for some pain killerz to knock out the headache I get when trying to figure out what exactly BImonthly means. Does it mean BI monthly or does it mean every other month?

Like I said before, and I'll say it again! This is a hard no, and an easy pass! Jerichoholic and I should get together and make a deck, if this is the kind of lazy crap Kings Wild is gonna put out. Just you wait! There is totally a playing card bubble and Kings Wildy Poo ain't gonna make it through when that bubble pops for the 14th time.

Look Ma! I can copy and paste a stupid logo and call my self a playing card designer!
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by james001a »

See...see I told you so. There it is. Yet ANOTHER variation of this deck. This must be the 21st deck. Kings Wild Shorts? More like Kings Wilds SHARTS. This guy Jameson Robbington is out of his mind. King$$$ Wild cannot get away with this shameless behavior. Who does he think he is, D------ M-------? He WISHES his company was as good and made as quality and original decks. Y'know like the NOCs and Fontaines. Now those are TRUE originals. Lead or get out of the way buddy. A gilded turd is still just a gilded turd Mr. Robertson.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Bradius »

It is just a shark money grab.


I do like the new back design. It brings new meaning to golden nuggets. :lol:
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Outsider »

JacksonRobinson wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:04 pm Image
More proof of unoriginality:


A guy can't even take a dump anymore without some playing card "artist" stealing it and slapping it on a deck.

Don't worry though JR, Bocopo will be along shortly to steal your version, and the cycle will continue. :ugthink:
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by james001a »

Hey Ellusionist just called. They want their marketing strategy back.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

This is the most hardcore "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"-approach I have ever seen :lol:
Harvonsgard wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:37 am
JacksonRobinson wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:42 pmSeriously though... who does this jack knob think he is anyway?
A baffon I'd say; a BAFFON. *waves fist*

Bring me his head on a tablet as I, as the sophisticated collector I am, will not tolerate such heresy against the fine arts of playing cards.

*insert you were supposed to ... star wars meme*
I think this one fits better:
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Kage X »

At the rate this thread is going, I think Mr. Robertson should just go and lead a quiet life
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Kage X wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:27 am At the rate this thread is going, I think Mr. Robertson should just go and (lead a) quit life
Fixed the typo for you. :lol:
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by chicken_ql »

I know that's a joke and all but it was a little distasteful and tough to read that one
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Bradius »

Which tasteless joke? There are a bunch here. :lol:
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by james001a »

I'm ONLY seeing tasteless jokes here. Jackson can take it. The guy's a bulldozer. Nothing is getting in his way. Now watch him do a bulldozer deck as a tribute to himself. The Dozer deck. Sh-t.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

Let's be honest, the only thing that needs bulldozing is J-Man'$ biz model and art work.

...A Bulldozing / Construction site deck does sound fun.... I know a guy who designs playing cards...
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by james001a »

I mean really. The hubris... look as his has thanked vs been thanked ratio. This is who we are dealing with people. Hey Brad am I right here? I'm not kidding, I just got a preview of the King of Hearts from his latest deck, the "J-Man" deck. This is getting bad. I just cannot do this. Now I am going to only buy a brick of them.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by see_squared »

Entertaining thread.

Do you like every pair of shoes Nike has released? How about every model Ford?

If I can be serious for a moment...Jackson has to be the hardest working creator, designer and illustrator of playing cards I've ever known. The creative process doesn't just happen overnight, that's why it's called a process, it takes time to develop, perfect and get it to a place where you're comfortable to show it or share it with others. Simple as this may be, I dig it. When you look back at everything Jackson has produced, it's astonishing. If I had the ability to illustrate all my ideas, I would, what a gift to have. This looks like it was simply something fun to create with his branding, that's all...good old fashioned fun.

I truly encourage anyone here who has never produced a deck of playing cards to simply try...find your process and discover on your own how long it takes to create something from start to finish, have it illustrated, get it to where you think it's perfect...then share it here on the boards. This is your community to contribute to, give it a shot.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by james001a »

You are right Chris, his body of work is amazing. I have been a supporter from the beginning and just like some of my other favorite creators, he takes risks. Although you have created less decks, the Whispering Imps stand proudly amongst the finest decks I own. I am in a very different profession than you or Jackson, but the times I take on risk it enriches my life even if it scares the heck out of me. But I still get criticism too and I learn from it. I have not been trying to insult anyone here just so you know. I am in awe of the talent exhibited by many of the creators and was just playing along with Jackson. I do hope to see more Whispering Imps decks one day. Or even a collaboration between the two of you. I have yet to fill my collection with the elusive gold private reserve deck, but perhaps one day it will come my way. Best wishes and thanks for your decks!
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by see_squared »

james001a wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:13 pm You are right Chris, his body of work is amazing. I have been a supporter from the beginning and just like some of my other favorite creators, he takes risks. Although you have created less decks, the Whispering Imps stand proudly amongst the finest decks I own. I am in a very different profession than you or Jackson, but the times I take on risk it enriches my life even if it scares the heck out of me. But I still get criticism too and I learn from it. I have not been trying to insult anyone here just so you know. I am in awe of the talent exhibited by many of the creators and was just playing along with Jackson. I do hope to see more Whispering Imps decks one day. Or even a collaboration between the two of you. I have yet to fill my collection with the elusive gold private reserve deck, but perhaps one day it will come my way. Best wishes and thanks for your decks!
Thanks for your kind words, I'm always looking to do more with the Imps series. Have been working on a follow up to the Imps but only recently have I been able to find the time to pick it up again. I produce TV full time which takes up a ton of my time, however with recent events...I've found myself with some more free time since production has been put on pause.

Mad respect for anyone who works hard at something they love, and of course it is and always will be impossible to please everyone. This was certainly one of the more playful threads which is why I was willing to comment.

Jackson and I have talked about a dozen ideas for a big collab...but's finding that free time to really dedicate to the project. All the best to you as well.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Eric Lee »

The way the thread is going, the KWP logo on the backs should be the one with the shades like the sticker pack one or at least the jokers are the shades logo. Courts should be the KWP crew with JR being the KoS, Mrs JR as the QoH.

Besides all the recolors planned, there needs to be multiple gilded foiled versions with only 250 editions per color, all sold in mystery packs.

Ebay will explode 24 hrs after these released!
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

vasta41 wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:22 am
JacksonRobinson wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:42 pm never an easier hard pass in my life...
@Mike R. I think 2pc. hacked Jackson's account. We should look into that.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

The KW Madisons. Meh.

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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Daisho »

This is me, though I really should update me.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

Daisho wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:12 am Image
You're dang right!!! This is amazabalzz!!! This is way better than 100% of ALLLLLL of Jack$on'$ crap heap offerings. You should totally SEND THIS FILE TO JACKSON, and he should make 100 of these decks! But seriously you should send it to Jackson! I think the money-grabbing thief's email is

If you do send it to him (wink, wink) he probably WILL only make 100 of these masterpieces and ONLY talk about them on this thread!!! And when he DOES finally make this deck ONLY post about it on this thread so the only people that know about it are those that actually have a sense of humor and are reading this thread trying to glorify this pathetic crap pile of playing cards that Kings Wild is calling a deck.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

He might have to alter the Jerry's Nugget rig a little, as that's copyrighted and he doesn't want anyone to sue him. Even though the guy is a total thief and money grabber.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by bdawg923 »

Daisho wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:12 am Image
Are you a Photoshop wizard? Maybe YOU should be doing Sunday night YouTube live videos!
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by supernova »

Daisho wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:12 am Image
Love the $$ cherries!
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Man, I didn't even realize them. Attention to detail = 💯. Daisho is killing it.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by RichK »

Funny how "Jackson" is sh*tting on the Jerry's Nuggets considering he did a deck for them. :lol:
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Bradius »

I think Jackson is tweaking everybody a bit. The whole hype craze, including those that buy into it. I mean I am not immune from the lure of "limited" as well, which is kinda funny.

Besides all of this pandemic stuff has folks on edge. Laughter is a great stress reliever. I might as well laugh at myself. The creator had to have a sense of humor as he put apes in charge. And if you don't believe in luck, then the random patterns of evolution had a sense of humor for the same reason. :lol:

And yes, Daisho did a great job. :ugdance:
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by james001a »

My vote for funniest thread of the year. Makes me like all of you even more. Its so good to laugh together. Life is just too serious right now. I mean how cool is this that we can directly interact with these creators. Its truly something special.
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Re: Kings Wild Hype Deck

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

So moving...

You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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