TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

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TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

A peek into the WIP back design. More info to come!
back 9_lo.jpg
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Pablo393 »

I was wondering when you would come out with the next collaboration. I am in and I don't even need to see anything else. Love the color scheme and I am sure there will be some surprises along the way.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by BaconWise »

This definitely looks like a great start. I am curious about the symbolism of what seems to be a candle flame above the T and in each corner, on top of a candle holder. I know the scarab beetle was important to your collaboration with Lorenzo, so I am wondering if the candle flame has any meaning or if it's just a design element. Thanks for sharing this!
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Xarin77 »

This will be fun one to watch!
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by supernova »

Will it be a full bleed back like the Parlour deck? :)
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

The Parlour isn't full bleed. I know the limited and gilded deck feature a foiled gold border, but it's still a bordered design.

I'm kinda split on the back design. While I like elements of it, it ventures too much into the same area like Less or Chronos. While I love Less a lot, Chronos would have been a pass from me if it weren't for the collector's tuck and the stock.

I guess it'll feature foils and will pop more in person plus, I bet there will be a (or more - see Parlour, see TSC) special ed(s) that features some nice extras but like the Southern Charmer cards and Parlour I see myself passing on these as well if there happens nothing special on the courts. Call me a stickler but Chronos/Less/TSC/Entertainer/Standards courts are way too similar.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by supernova »

Harvonsgard wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 11:31 pm The Parlour isn't full bleed. I know the limited and gilded deck feature a foiled gold border, but it's still a bordered design.

I'm kinda split on the back design. While I like elements of it, it ventures too much into the same area like Less or Chronos. While I love Less a lot, Chronos would have been a pass from me if it weren't for the collector's tuck and the stock.

I guess it'll feature foils and will pop more in person plus, I bet there will be a (or more - see Parlour, see TSC) special ed(s) that features some nice extras but like the Southern Charmer cards and Parlour I see myself passing on these as well if there happens nothing special on the courts. Call me a stickler but Chronos/Less/TSC/Entertainer/Standards courts are way too similar.
What I like best about Parlour (ok, the limited black edition) is the very classy and luxurious back design, nice jokers/ace of spades, and very usable cards. What I don’t like is that the other aces are plain, and the courts are too “bicycle”-like. In my view custom faces don’t count as custom courts. So I’m looking forward to a versatile deck (as opposed to art deck) with an iteration of Lotrek courts, some nice design elements, and good handling. A bit similar to Charmers.

In terms of who to produce the cards with, I’m in two minds about Cartamundi. One the one hand, the cold foil application is amazing, and looks great for borders and small details. On the other hand, nothing beats hot foil applications for pop. For example, KWP has done great work with EPCC (apparently PRC instead of Taiwan factory), and I’m looking forward to new hot foiled versions of legal tender and Arthurian.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Bradius »

I second what Harvonsgard wrote above. I am not sure what I was expecting stylistically, but this just seems too similar to other works to get me super excited. That said, I kinda had the same initial reaction to Lorenzo's first drafts of Eye of the Ocean, and it gradually evolved into something unique (for me at least). I am hopeful for the same thing here. I am just wracking my brain as to what I would like to see (can you artfully combine the styles of Victorian/TSC with the art nouveau of Miami Vice?). Whatever it is, I would like something different. As for courts, I would love to see custom everything, but it isn't essential. Printer? I would be glad if Lotrek does the printing in Greece TBH. I want to see him continue down this path as he seems one of the few persuing of local production, and I like how this is progressing. One thing that I really liked was how TGW and Stockholm17 packed a ton of value into their campaign. It made it really hard to not ask for "seconds".

Oh, and while I am on a rant, where are my deck reviews TGW! :evil: :evil: :evil: (Without your regular reviews I am like a kid getting up for his Saturday morning cartoons and finding they have been replaced with the news!)


PS: Okay, I have an idea. How about the Olympic Gods in Miami Vice shirts and sun glasses? :shock: I think I will stick to my day job :uggrin:
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by RichK »

Bradius wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:32 am Oh, and while I am on a rant, where are my deck reviews TGW! :evil: :evil: :evil: (Without your regular reviews I am like a kid getting up for his Saturday morning cartoons and finding they have been replaced with the news!)
They've been edited so no cards or card discussion is shown. He's following the Looney Tunes removal of Elmer Fudd's gun from their cartoons. :uggrin:
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Bradius wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:32 am Printer? I would be glad if Lotrek does the printing in Greece TBH. I want to see him continue down this path as he seems one of the few persuing of local production, and I like how this is progressing.
My safest bet would be like Charmers; standards with Cartamundi and special/limited ed(s) in Greece. I doubt that Lotrék('s printer) can handle the volume that a TGW collab will bring, especially not with all the own Oath projects in the pipeline.
It will be definitely interesting to see if Omar can pull of such an amazing success again.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by kasuma99 »

Wow!!!! More nice projects to enjoy!!!
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by kasuma99 »

The House of The Rising Spade
The Tale of The Tempest
The Eyes of The Ocean....

I'm really wondering if Lorenzo together with Lotrek and The Gentleman Wake are scheming some elaborate back story that will lead to a holy grail or something...
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Adonael »

At a glance this may seem a little familiar from Lotrek. But looking closely it's easy to see how different it really is, with the waves in the corners and flowing lines, it has a clear nautical essence which really expresses it's name. Depending on how the final designs ends up, and how the theme is executed throughout the rest of the deck (particularly the tuck, and yes I'd like custom courts too!) this could really be something special.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by kasuma99 »

Please make it Cartamundi :D
I mostly collect Stockholm17 and always looking for any S17 New/Opened decks/ accessories: Brick Boxes, prints, coins, Pins, ect... If you have some weird small thing and want to trade/sell please let me know! If you are also a fan and have free time to chat, feel free to send me a PM!
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Back's not quite doing it for me ATM. Color scheme and design seem muted, but let's see the courts and Aces first to see if it's appropriate.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

After much iterations and revisions Lotrek sent me this today and I’m smitten. Love this. Still may change in parts but u can see how amazing this would look in foil.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Bradius »

I definitely like the new design more, so some good improvement.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by rousselle »

I like the design in general, but the color scheme has a washed-out look, which I think is due to the lack of contrast between the pale blue and the dark blue. Perhaps make the dark blue more black? However you choose to do it, I think making the contrast more bold will make this deck pop more.

(I think the previous color scheme worked better, in that regard.)

Your mileage may vary.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Hmm... I like it... a lot actually, but it puts the emphasis yet again on the TGW monogram which was one of the reasons I wasn't in for The Parlour. If the courts aren't fully custom (and by that, I mean new fully custom and theme oriented) then this will be a reason for me to pass again.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by RichK »

The line work needs some cleaning up but nice design.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by supernova »

I like this design much better than the first version. I’ll be happy with Lotrek’s standard courts.

Did u say foil back? :)
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

rousselle wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 2:41 am I like the design in general, but the color scheme has a washed-out look, which I think is due to the lack of contrast between the pale blue and the dark blue. Perhaps make the dark blue more black? However you choose to do it, I think making the contrast more bold will make this deck pop more.

(I think the previous color scheme worked better, in that regard.)

Your mileage may vary.
RichK wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:35 am The line work needs some cleaning up but nice design.
I should mention that these are ROUGH sketches. And the color scheme is not final by any stretch. We will have variants.
supernova wrote: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:09 am I like this design much better than the first version. I’ll be happy with Lotrek’s standard courts.

Did u say foil back? :)
If the campaign does well enough you will absolutely see a foil back LTD version.
Harvonsgard wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:43 am Hmm... I like it... a lot actually, but it puts the emphasis yet again on the TGW monogram which was one of the reasons I wasn't in for The Parlour. If the courts aren't fully custom (and by that, I mean new fully custom and theme oriented) then this will be a reason for me to pass again.
Custom courts based on vintage design.

Here's a sample...
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Bradius »

Will the non-foiled decks also be printed by Lotrek? I think he printed all of the DeNovo decks, but had Cartamundi do the Charmers decks that were using cold foil.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

Right now the goal is to use USPCC or Cartamundi or a combo of both. Depending on the campaign's level of success.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by supernova »

I like how the courts look. Metallic ink or foil will make it pop even more. One comment - maybe some colour on the hair :)


One downside of USPCC or Cartamundi is that there is no (good) hot foil option, which would make your card back pop. One way is to let Lotrek do a special edition with his printer :)
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Fes »

I'm wondering who's giving her the flower in her bedroom.
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Re: TGW Presents The Tale of the Tempest designed by Lotrek

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

I'd say the Jack of Spades, while the King of Spades was out for a hunting frenzy with his king buddies.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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