C R Y P T - Mystery deck n.3

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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

No. No trickery. I just wanted to post a beautiful set Lorek made before. However, it also gives a perspective on what about 500 decks looks like in size. Those four boxes Lotrek showed can’t be a picture of all of the decks.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by brownsl »

Bradius wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:20 am Well, since Lotrek ships out all of the orders himeself (think about that!), he will sometimes photograph the decks before shipping. Heck, he may have done it with Crypt, but is keeping the image locked up.

Anyway, here is a picture from the Macabre Inverted Inferno kickstarter that Lotrek posted in a Kickstarter update. I like to look on it in amazement from time to time...


The amount of work represented on that table by Lotrek from design, production, finishing, assembly, and fulfillment boggles my mind.

By the way, I think that photo has a bit less than 500 decks.
When I first saw the picture and had not read the text, my first thought was that it was a picture of your Macabre purchase Brad! :lol: :lol:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by justplaycards »

Another reveal of the C R Y P T deck from Lotrek on Instagram.

Caption: After the amazing back, now this... Shipping!

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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by BaconWise »

justplaycards wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:09 pm Another reveal of the C R Y P T deck from Lotrek on Instagram.
Caption: After the amazing back, now this... Shipping!
Out of curiosity, I managed to play with the levels again in Photoshop and just barely made out an image. Kinda shocked, to be honest.

Crypt Fontaine.jpg
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Curt »

BaconWise wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:50 pm Out of curiosity, I managed to play with the levels again in Photoshop and just barely made out an image. Kinda shocked, to be honest.
So we know it is an A1WW back design in a Fontaine tuck. GENIUS! I am kicking myself for not buying more.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

Out of curiosity, I managed to play with the levels again in Photoshop and just barely made out an image. Kinda shocked, to be honest.
:lol: I needed a laugh today. Thanks for that one.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Something to imagine. Zach gets JR to do his next deck and Lotrek to do the tuck! Would you go in for that deck? We can get an idea from how JR did the KWP JN tuck.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Eric Lee wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:23 pm Something to imagine. Zach gets JR to do his next deck and Lotrek to do the tuck! Would you go in for that deck? We can get an idea from how JR did the KWP JN tuck.
No. I despise EVERYTHING about Fontaine, especially the hype pricing, and even more because of his spread of hate speech and bigotry on the #blacklivesmatter issue. Understanding and acknowledging there are different agendas among an apparent "same people" is the sign of true maturity. Generalization is basically the engine for racisim, sexism, and all sorts of ignorances. And that's what Fontaine is doing, leading their sheep into the either/or situation. All the talk was just a way to vandalize on social media. They used their account to fish out people who they can call out, target, and attack. That in itself is an obvious form of hate speech… It's about time to not yield to a brand that feeds on bigotry. So I urge any retailers and resellers on this platform to stop supporting and stocking Fontaine decks.











To plug the sales for the Chocolate Fontaines ("Chocolate" for Black Lives Matter? Seriously?) right after saying they're postponing the Good Co. restock "because it doesn't feel right," that is some pretentious and opportunist marketing on some bad timing. Zach is some next level childish and manipulative. Some have pointed out that while Fontaines usually sell for higher price during normal drops and sold out in minutes, this one actually proves that Fontaine is never short of stocks and that they could lower the price if they want. The sales were up for days without shortage and that's tooo long for a Fontaine deck to sell which normally "Sells Out" within minutes. When they used Art of Play's storefront to cross-market, they had shelves and shelves of decks available, nothing like the limited stocks they've suggested. Fontaine is just a brand that heavily uses marketing schemes.

What does it mean if Zach want Lotrek to do the tuck and JR to design the deck? They HELP him plug his brand without Zach doing much but just the hype marketing. Why should we support this BOZO?
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

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Talk about hijacking a thread Bozo
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Wow. I thought Fontaine couldn't get any worse. F-in' scumbag.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by rousselle »

Hi, folks. I know we can meander down tangents, but in this case, I'm all in for saying that we should not spend more time on Fontaine here on this particular thread. Thanks!
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by BaconWise »

rousselle wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:43 pm Hi, folks. I know we can meander down tangents, but in this case, I'm all in for saying that we should not spend more time on Fontaine here on this particular thread. Thanks!
Definitely my fault. Sorry/not sorry for doing the Fontaine edit :D
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

BaconWise wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:45 pm
rousselle wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:43 pm Hi, folks. I know we can meander down tangents, but in this case, I'm all in for saying that we should not spend more time on Fontaine here on this particular thread. Thanks!
Definitely my fault. Sorry/not sorry for doing the Fontaine edit :D
Definitely not your fault Bacon, it's my critical Wise-ass (plus half of Eric's [*screams in "he did it first!"*]) :lol:
Yours is comical satire. But anyways, put the evidences there so folks can be their own judges.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by rousselle »

I loved the photoshop edit. Very funny. I'm not trying to chill the funny. And, Decknowledgy, no worries. I totally get it. And, now that we've veered in that direction, we can veer back, instead. :)

I, for one, can't wait to see my Crypt deck, whenever it may arrive. :-)
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

Well I hate politics (despite being generally tuned in) and if that is what he's doing on SM the it's just another reason to not buy Fontaine. All I see is another rich dude who knows how to exploit tragedy to profit off it. This is why I hate capitalism(to a point), there's always some retard who games the system and makes everyone feel like shit.

@Decknowledgy Thanks for bringing this to the forefront, I now know not to support Fontaine, never had their cards and never will now.

This issue aside, extra amounts of hype since the decks have finally shipped.

Edit: I'm sorry to have brought it back up, I thought it was still on page 26, turns out I was late to the party.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

Well, we may not know the mysterious deck we purchased.

But, we do know we will get some wonderful Greek Stamps! :ugdance:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

Ok one more little tid bit about Fontaine's social media presence pleeeeease ok thanks:

Decrying folks who disagree with you by turning your horde of followers against them is disgusting. He doesn't even bother to consider rationale; instead he answers difference of opinion by brigading and spewing hatred against those who thought nothing more than to offer some mitigation. Say what you want about his stance on BLM, exposing and inciting others to make personal attacks, especially when the country is as divided as ever is truly sickening.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

In order not to derail this thread even further, I've reposted the Fontaine comments in the General Discussion section here: Fontaine is full of garbage during #BlackLivesMatter

Feel free to chip in over there. :? :ugthink:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

LOL, poor Eric for posting an innocent question out of curiosity.

Weird thought; if you believe in the infinite universes theory there is a bizarro universe where this (f x KWP x Oath) actually happens/happened... and not even ones but infinite times :? .

Definitely interesting to see what the future holds for Zach now that he has opened that box of the Pandora.

Btw, the grey tuck box from crypt, what do you guys think? Tuck-in-tuck or will this be the real tuck box?

And did anyone receive a tracking number?
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

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I'd really love if it were a tuck box for the tuck box.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by brownsl »

I hope and think it is a tuck box for the tuck box. Be disappointing if that is the tuck box.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by juxtaposed »

yea its a tuck box for the tuck box. there was a delay for the tuck box. its not going to be a gray-white box.

1st timer here, and so far the CRYPT experience have been quite sh*t. tons of delays and i had no idea when was it ship or wheres the tracking.
it made me felt real stupid for shipping out stuff on time to satisfy clients (part of my job). btw when was it paid in full? march?
love lotrek, will probably buy stuff from aftermarket in the future.

i'm sorry for being negative, stuff happens
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Kurama »

About stuff happens... Yes and no.
Sure, with the actual crisis, many projects have been struggling to respect their schedule.

But with Lotrek you just have to know that, except for his player editions, two things are given and kinda of paramount: experimentation time and high prices.

Once you know that, it's really a matter of choosing between timing, money and... Well, staying out of that Pandora box I guess :ugthink:

...... Too late for most of the people here :oops: but if you still can: run!!!!!
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

juxtaposed wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:37 am 1st timer here, and so far the CRYPT experience have been quite sh*t. tons of delays and i had no idea when was it ship or wheres the tracking.
Covid, Plus Lotrek is one of the most experimental Deck makers so that's a factor. From I've heard he always delivers and it's always worth it. Better delays to get an awesome product than some rushed BS.
will probably buy stuff from aftermarket in the future.
Oof, That from what I've seen Lotrek's aftermarket is insane.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

juxtaposed wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:37 am1st timer here, and so far the CRYPT experience have been quite sh*t. tons of delays and i had no idea when was it ship or wheres the tracking.
it made me felt real stupid for shipping out stuff on time to satisfy clients (part of my job). btw when was it paid in full? march?
love lotrek, will probably buy stuff from aftermarket in the future.
Not knocking it, but isn't it kinda weird to buy a deck from a reseller (to most likely a higher price tag because, well resellers) just because one is impatient? Furthermore, you'll get the deck even later since it has to get to the reseller first.
Everyone is of course free to do with their funds as they please and wish but I rather have my money in Lotrék's hand, knowing I get delivered what I ordered.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

juxtaposed wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:37 am1st timer here, and so far the CRYPT experience have been quite sh*t. tons of delays and i had no idea when was it ship or wheres the tracking.
it made me felt real stupid for shipping out stuff on time to satisfy clients (part of my job). btw when was it paid in full? march?
love lotrek, will probably buy stuff from aftermarket in the future.
My instinctive response is: Hope you're fine with paying 150%-200%↑ the original price at an even later date.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

42A2C793-85C2-4623-B390-075CD1E06F13.jpeg (178.19 KiB) Viewed 6851 times
Lotrék already breaks his own demand. He said no pictures at all :P ! I like the way he pokes fun of it. And I can't wait to see Bacon's edit of this post :lol: .
I doubt that this is Crypt though, the edges look way to standard stock for Crypt ;) .
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

I'd say that's Artisan Hipster Toilet Paper cut up to match the size of playing cards. Such strong b*tthole :lol:

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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Imagine being so sadistic to have this on your guest restroom :twisted: .
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

Now I want to buy one... the tp I meant, I will be getting at least one crypt, anymore than my current order and I will turn into a puddle of happiness.
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