Robin Hood by KWP - Aug 2020 Shorts deck / Feb. 2025 KS new edition

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Robin Hood by KWP - Aug 2020 Shorts deck / Feb. 2025 KS new edition

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

First teaser picture from the Kingswild instagram acc. Seems like after Arthurian we get the next medieval hero based deck from Jackson. Dunno what happend but I feel like this years Shorts decks are very strong compared to last year's decks (not that they were bad, but I personally found them to be mediocre compared to Jacksons other work). Maybe it's just that now, after the operation is running like a well lubed machine, the focus is more on the ideas and decks themself again.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by vasta41 »

Way cool. I liked his shorts stuff last year but so far this year they are really really good.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Outsider »

Harvonsgard wrote:running like a well lubed machine
So close, but... :lol:

"Well oiled machine" is the turn of phrase you have in mind. A well lubed machine...I'm sure PipChick would have a comment on that.

But yes, I'm extremely happy with the quality of work coming out of KWP lately. Frankly blowing most everyone else out of the water lately, month after month it's A+ decks at pretty damn fair prices.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

Texture effects look so cool. It honestly seems as if this card were embroidered.

I'm in.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by NativeTongue »

Curious how the fabric textures are going to turn out when printed. Looks really cool mocked up though

DEFINITELY a lot of potential for an awesome tuck
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Outsider wrote:
Harvonsgard wrote:running like a well lubed machine
So close, but... :lol:

"Well oiled machine" is the turn of phrase you have in mind. A well lubed machine...I'm sure PipChick would have a comment on that.
To my defense, I actually use lubricants for machines (actual machines not what you naughty folks have in mind :lol: ) and bikes and not oil. But I guess the phrase comes from times were they used actual oil for that :) . Thanks for the correction.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

Here's the King of Clubs: Little John
KWP Robin Hood Little John.png
"[...] But someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Magic Tapp »

Not sure I like the lettering on the cards - may be best to set out the names on a separate card.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by RichK »

Magic Tapp wrote:Not sure I like the lettering on the cards - may be best to set out the names on a separate card.
I agree. Look at the above KoS. No name but his pose takes all the room.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by MSimonart »

The lettering doesn't bother me more than that. From what I've seen up until now I really dig this deck. I feel bad not having subscribed this year. A lot of his shorts deck are really good this year. I could still subscribe, but well, I'll just wait 'till next year and try getting some of his shorts deck of this year with resellers. I love the small details in his designs that shows he really investigates every theme on each deck. I prefer this years shorts deck from last year ones for sure
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by MSimonart »

RichK wrote:
Magic Tapp wrote:Not sure I like the lettering on the cards - may be best to set out the names on a separate card.
I agree. Look at the above KoS. No name but his pose takes all the room.
Good point though.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Bradius »

Curious how the fabric textures are going to turn out when printed. Looks really cool mocked up though
Jackson did a similarly textured deck with his 2018 December "Deck the Halls" deck. This one though looks a little more distressed, which fits the subject and looks awesome.

Now that I think about it, I recall Jackson mentioning he was going to do another textured tuck this year. I guess this is going to be it! :ugdance:
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by MSimonart »

Bradius wrote:
Curious how the fabric textures are going to turn out when printed. Looks really cool mocked up though
Jackson did a similarly textured deck with his 2018 December "Deck the Halls" deck. This one though looks a little more distressed, which fits the subject and looks awesome.

Now that I think about it, I recall Jackson mentioning he was going to do another textured tuck this year. I guess this is going to be it! :ugdance:
Is there a difference between textured and embossed?
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

MSimonart wrote:
Bradius wrote:
Curious how the fabric textures are going to turn out when printed. Looks really cool mocked up though
Jackson did a similarly textured deck with his 2018 December "Deck the Halls" deck. This one though looks a little more distressed, which fits the subject and looks awesome.

Now that I think about it, I recall Jackson mentioning he was going to do another textured tuck this year. I guess this is going to be it! :ugdance:
Is there a difference between textured and embossed?
"Textured" in this case just means that the art on the cards resembles a texture. "Embossed" usually refers to a tuck box being literally embossed.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

Magic Tapp wrote:Not sure I like the lettering on the cards - may be best to set out the names on a separate card.
I will most likely be putting the names of each character on the card when I finish. The original inspiration for this deck is the Bayeux Tapestry. The Bayeux tapestry is a a piece from the 11th century that tells the story leading up to the battle of Hastings in 1066. On this tapestry (which is almost 224 ft long) Each comic panel is captioned with type that explains whats going on (basically a 11tch century comic book) For me the type treatment on the tapestry is almost as important as the images themselves. This is my reasoning for having the type on the cards.

1200px-Odo_bayeux_tapestry.jpg (194.84 KiB) Viewed 10900 times
Trivia Knowledge the Bayeux Tapestry is the tapestry used in the beginning credits of the early ninties movie Robin Hood prince of Thieves.

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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

MSimonart wrote:
Bradius wrote:
Curious how the fabric textures are going to turn out when printed. Looks really cool mocked up though
Jackson did a similarly textured deck with his 2018 December "Deck the Halls" deck. This one though looks a little more distressed, which fits the subject and looks awesome.

Now that I think about it, I recall Jackson mentioning he was going to do another textured tuck this year. I guess this is going to be it! :ugdance:
Is there a difference between textured and embossed?
There has been a ton of confusion that I think warrents clarification surrounding my "Deck the Halls" Deck. The cards were "textured" using images to resemble embroidered fabric when the tuck case itself was neither textured or embossed but actually embroidered with actual thread.

And to answer your question, yes, my plan is to make an actual embroidered tuck case (just like the deck the halls deck) for LTD and Gilded versions of the Robin Hood Kings Wild Shorts deck. It will hopefully resemble the cards and original Bayeux Tapestry.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by sms69x »

I like the style, and it seems that you put a lot of effort in it! Very well done.

Just a mistake I spotted, maybe you already corrected it, but the two short sleeves are different:
InkedKWP Robin Hood Little John_LI.jpg
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck (wap)

Unread post by LasVegasCards »

This is going to be such a fun deck.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by portcullis »

OK. Jackson doesn't often produce decks that tickle my fancy, but this completely does.

I just have one or two quick questions:

a) When is renewal date for subs? (I'm guessing the first of the month.)

b) "This product qualifies for our Delayed-Shipping (International Only)". Could somebody do me the kindness of explaining what this actually means.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by JacksandJokers »

portcullis wrote:OK. Jackson doesn't often produce decks that tickle my fancy, but this completely does.

I just have one or two quick questions:

a) When is renewal date for subs? (I'm guessing the first of the month.)

b) "This product qualifies for our Delayed-Shipping (International Only)". Could somebody do me the kindness of explaining what this actually means.

Same, I was a subscriber last year but one of the reasons I didn't continue this year was that I was not blown away by the decks, I do like the look of this Robin Hood deck though.

@Portcullis, to answer your questions:

a) I have a feeling the cut off date is slightly earlier (Maybe around the 25th/26th of the previous month).
I used to get charged on the 1st for that month's decks which were usually delivered to me in the UK around the 25th of the month.

b) This means that if you are a non-US based subscriber you can delay the shipping of each month's deck and have them shipped together to save on shipping costs. I believe Jackson sends out an Email quarterly asking if you want your delayed decks to be shipped yet.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Should I be criticizing these for repeating courts or something?
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Bradius »

Yeah, these are grimy, dirty decks with no artistic talent. Lazy lines and no cohesive theme at all....worthless in every respect. The colors are dull and unexciting. Oh, and made with cheap paper by a talentless hack. I can't imagine why anyone would buy them, even if they were on sale for $0.10 at the Dollar Store.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by bdawg923 »

Bradius wrote:Yeah, these are grimy, dirty decks with no artistic talent. Lazy lines and no cohesive theme at all....worthless in every respect. The colors are dull and unexciting. Oh, and made with cheap paper by a talentless hack. I can't imagine why anyone would buy them, even if they were on sale for $0.10 at the Dollar Store.
Wouldn't they be a $1 at the dollar store. I think you were shopping at the 10¢ store!
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Timmargh »

Bradius wrote:Yeah, these are grimy, dirty decks with no artistic talent. Lazy lines and no cohesive theme at all....worthless in every respect. The colors are dull and unexciting. Oh, and made with cheap paper by a talentless hack. I can't imagine why anyone would buy them, even if they were on sale for $0.10 at the Dollar Store.
They look like they were drawn by some idiot in the 11th century or something.

Oh, wait ...
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by BaconWise »

theCapraAegagrus wrote:Should I be criticizing these for repeating courts or something?
Will this deck have repeating courts? I haven't seen much about it besides a small handful of awesome cards but repeating courts would make me sad...
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Ehm... you might have missed a little skirmish in the Eye of the Ocean thread :) .
I guess he was referring to one point of the criticism that was brought up against him there.
Therefore, fear no more my friend, this deck will feature 12 different court designs ;) .
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by JacksonRobinson »

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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Sembero »

JacksonRobinson wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
these cards look like someone was sewing them on a sewing machine <3
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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Bradius »

these cards look like someone was sewing them on a sewing machine <3
Correct. If you want to see how he does it better, below is a youtube video Jackson did on Sunday where he drew the Sheriff of Nottingham for this deck. I found it interesting, but I am a crazy squirrel, so I am not sure how normal people would react.

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Re: Robin Hood by KWP - Sept2020 Shorts deck

Unread post by Sembero »

Bradius wrote:
Correct. If you want to see how he does it better, below is a youtube video Jackson did on Sunday where he drew the Sheriff of Nottingham for this deck. I found it interesting, but I am a crazy squirrel, so I am not sure how normal people would react.

I saw this video from 2 days ago :) but thank you for reminding me :)
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