C R Y P T - Mystery deck n.3

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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by SirCrunoke »

BaconWise wrote:What do you guys guess?
Since alot of people went with multiple decks I would guess above 500.
Lets say my guess would be around your guess. So I say about 900.
Probably about 50 will be available at 10th of april and 50 for the lost/damaged ones.
So with all in count I say it will be a print run of about 1000 I think.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by badpete69 »

I'll guess about 489
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Timmargh »

I'd say at least 6.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

I haven't seen any of them yet go over 400. I am going to say 440, but I am right with OVSUB and badpete69. If he prints over 700 I will really be surprised.

Historical numbers:

Arabesque Gold - 350
Damask Red - 400

Anyway, the thought of adding another Lotrek mystery deck is getting me excited. Wish I could go to Greece and see these being printed and produced. :D
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by BaconWise »

I missed out on Arabesque and Damask. Did those have a buy limit or just a limited window like Crypt?
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

Arabesque and Damask had a limited time. Lotrek made enough to sell to those that bought them in the window, and a few extra to handle lost/damaged decks and a few to sell after they were made.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Lotrek »

I will print 500 decks in total. The decks sold were 450, 90% of them were sold within the first hours of the sale.
Given the high price, given that despite the high price nobody has the slightest idea what's the deck about and given the coronavirus thing, this sale was my most successful.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by BaconWise »

Considering the Coronavirus situation, I have a prediction: Crypt will be printed on....toilet paper. TP value is through the roof and this would be an industry first. You heard it here, folks! :ugdance:

Congrats on an incredible success, Lotrek!
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bluedeck »

Thank for the info Lotrek, and congratulations on the success of the Crypt deck, albeit unseen.

I was one of your new customers, and I am looking forward to receiving the Crypt.

Great concept that will be faithfully kept.

My extra decks are for trading with other collectors in the future.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by badpete69 »

badpete69 wrote:I'll guess about 489
I was pretty close...... :ugking:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

badpete69 wrote:
badpete69 wrote:I'll guess about 489
I was pretty close...... :ugking:
But OVSUB even closer :ugdance:
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

Ah, no he wasn't.
For the lolz 420
The crown this time does go to badpete69 :ugking:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by SirCrunoke »

Bradius wrote:The crown this time does go to badpete69 :ugking:
SirCrunoke wrote:I say it will be a print run of about 1000 I think.
I was on point (double) the number. Does that count too? :ugthink:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Cardians »

SirCrunoke wrote:I was on point (double) the number. Does that count too? :ugthink:
No, you missed it by 100% ;)

Just saying,
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

Bradius wrote:Ah, no he wasn't
The crown this time does go to badpete69 :ugking:
I guess?
I win if we're talking about the original question, unless you are talking about total printed :lol:
Hey Lotrek, now that the sale is over are you able to give us some final numbers?
Total printed and Badpete wins by massive margins lol.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Yup, I thought we're talking orders.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Bradius »

If we are talking orders, I win. I guessed 440. However, to be honest, I was thinking total print. So, whatever... :)
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Eric Lee »

BaconWise wrote:Considering the Coronavirus situation, I have a prediction: Crypt will be printed on....toilet paper. TP value is through the roof and this would be an industry first. You heard it here, folks! :ugdance:
No man, it'll come sealed in a face mask. Those are more valuable than TP right in Asia. Sold out everywhere in my country and my govt has to prioritize the healthcare to receive the production of new masks. It's gone up 4x in $ now. :cry:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Cardians »

Harvonsgard wrote:Yup, I thought we're talking orders.
lol, it was asked earlier before the release if Lotrek could let the community know how many "decks" are going to be created based off the total sale orders...

It's to bad because after seeing all the replies of how many decks were printed it made me think of when I was in grade-school and the teacher would have a jar of jelly-beans and would ask each kid to guess a number and at the end of the week the class would sit there and count it out and the winner would get 1 jelly-bean lol..

Damn, to think about it today I was always way off. Those mason jars can be very deceiving...

Maybe next time we should do that within the forum. Start a "total-production" guessing game on Lotrek's next mystery and the closest person to the end number without going over can get a feee mystery deck or something... And obviously you only get one guess.

Just a thought, and maybe a fruition at a later date.

Damn you Covid, your making me think of stupid **it...
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

The funny thing about the Wuhan Virus is that it's disrupted supply chains, for the most part the warehouses should have all the TP that we really need, the biggest issue is that too many of our countries have exported production to China. Main reason we're down on medicines. We should call it the CCP virus. Hopefully this situation will blow over faster than the potential 3 years of problems.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by hsbc »

:roll: We should call it coronavirus because that's what it is, or COVID-19 because that's its name
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by kem-collector »

hsbc wrote::roll: We should call it coronavirus because that's what it is, or COVID-19 because that's its name
Coronavirus is what it is. COVID-19 is the disease that it gives you.

coronavirus disease

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease ... -causes-it
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

Meh gonna call it what I want since it's funny. Boomer Remover, Wuhan Virus, Kung Flu, Covid-19, etc. Still scary but better to find some humour than being constantly in fear.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

Just stay safe and we'll all make it through this.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by shkorc »

OVSUB probably just repeating what he heard from their president.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

I don't know, but since I saw that "Y" in the crypt render from Lotrék I can't help it but to think this deck will have an Egyptian style to it?
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

I'm just gonna call it Kung Flu.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by OVSUB »

shkorc wrote:OVSUB probably just repeating what he heard from their president.
Meh at home when talking about it it's usually 武漢病毒, unless I'm talking to other people about the illness seriously, it's Kung Flu. If we're speaking seriously about it then it's Covid-19. Also why are people obsessed with our president? Don't you have to pay attention to things other than our orange presidente?

Also the only people I see really calling it something other than Kung Flu is older people, well don't let the Boomer Remover get to you. :lol:
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

OVSUB wrote:
shkorc wrote:OVSUB probably just repeating what he heard from their president.
Meh at home when talking about it it's usually 武漢病毒, unless I'm talking to other people about the illness seriously, it's Kung Flu. If we're speaking seriously about it then it's Covid-19. Also why are people obsessed with our president? Don't you have to pay attention to things other than our orange presidente?

Also the only people I see really calling it something other than Kung Flu is older people, well don't let the Boomer Remover get to you. :lol:
The media started calling it the Wuhan China Virus, but now that Trump said it, "it's racist". No, it isn't. It came from China. Chinese isn't a race - it's a culture. There are plenty of viruses named (in-laymen) from where it originated.

Naming the virus from whence it came is not prejudicial. We need to stop trying to persecute people over stupid things like this. Stop trying to revoke everyone's freedom and enjoyment of life with trivial bullshit. [/end]

Anyways, back to the deck...
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: C R Y P T -Mystery deck n.3

Unread post by aznh »

theCapraAegagrus wrote:Anyways, back to the deck...
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