Dance of death

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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by shkorc »

These sites are selling decks that were probably meant for us backers, but Sergey decided to double his profit.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by Magic Tapp »

I am sorry to hear this. I am not one of the backers but I have been burnt a number of times so now I am very careful around first time creators and would only back those projects where people collaborate with some of the better known and reliable artists/sellers (like the 5th Kingdom deck that Will Roya was a part of and which is about to start shipping I believe).
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by akicer »

The problem is this guy is not a first time backer and he delivered the first project... It is harder to avoid a scam like this.

I think I will wait for another month and add him to the black list if nothing changed." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by Outsider »

Eric Lee wrote:What the ….? I saw PCD selling V2 and V3 as their new arrivals. Does that mean he's actually fulfilling the KS orders? Where would Will get those decks otherwise?
They're available from Murphy's so presumably he could purchase stock there.

Has anyone ever confirmed that non-error decks for v2/v3 even exist? I'm actually not even sure I understand what happened anymore. If the decks were misprinted and funds for reprinted corrections weren't available, then everyone who pledged still should have gotten the error decks, and good decks shouldn't even exist. Did he do part of a bad run, then waste the rest of the money on part of a good run?
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by akicer »

Outsider wrote: Has anyone ever confirmed that non-error decks for v2/v3 even exist? I'm actually not even sure I understand what happened anymore. If the decks were misprinted and funds for reprinted corrections weren't available, then everyone who pledged still should have gotten the error decks, and good decks shouldn't even exist. Did he do part of a bad run, then waste the rest of the money on part of a good run?
He never said there's going to be a new run. He did say he has no money to print again.

And I believe a lot of the backers do not even get the error decks." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by Outsider »

akicer wrote:He never said there's going to be a new run. He did say he has no money to print again.

And I believe a lot of the backers do not even get the error decks.
Right. What I'm asking is basically, why didn't everyone get at least bad decks? It doesn't appear that he set out to scam backers, since the first project delivered good and some backers (including me) got at least something from this one. So if Cartamundi did print out V2 and V3 of this but they contain errors, where are those decks and why have so many people gotten nothing at all?

Put another way, this was funded for X number of decks. Far fewer than that were delivered, and a printing error doesn't explain why, only why the ones that were delivered are substandard.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by akicer »

Ousider - that's why people are suspecting he sold those decks (which are supposed to send to the backers) to those retailers.

As he's not showing up and made his facebook private, I think there is a chance he turned the whole thing into a scam at the end of the day." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by brownsl »

akicer wrote:Ousider - that's why people are suspecting he sold those decks (which are supposed to send to the backers) to those retailers.

As he's not showing up and made his facebook private, I think there is a chance he turned the whole thing into a scam at the end of the day.
I think you are correct in your assessment.

I bought 3 of v2 and 3 of v3 and have never gotten even the error decks.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by Azid »

I'm a backer of the v2 & v3 campaign, but didn't get anything aswell.
Last login of the creator was today... but nothing is worse than a silent creator. This reminds me of eric mana.......

btw. the decks are also available at ... g-Cards-V2" onclick=";return false; ... ying-Cards" onclick=";return false;

I still have a little more hope getting these as something from natalia :roll:
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by Outsider »

Hmm. It is worth noting that the second KS was somewhat irregular; it was relaunched after it was successful in hopes of selling more decks, and it peddled the first deck as a pledge tier rather than an add-on from the beginning. I can't help but wonder if there's not more behind the scenes that we're not seeing.

Either way if it comes out that the retail offerings are not part of the original funding but the creator peddling off decks that should have gone to backers, obviously I support blacklisting.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by shkorc »

Someone should warn the retailers the decks are effed-up, they can expect lots of returns.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by akicer »

I want to officially announce that I will add this creator to black list.

Will wait for 3 days if there's any disaggrement." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by brownsl »

An update from Sergey ... sounds like those that have not gotten the error decks will get them, if the update is to be believed.

Good afternoon, everyone .... I know that I did not act quite right, I was silent for a long time and did not give any information about myself. I was planning to redo the damaged maps. But I didn’t succeed ... The funds were spent on various options to finalize the cards ... There are only those cards that were printed on kartamundi. I am ready to send them to you gradually by sending them to your addresses ... It will take time, but I will send them out ... I am not looking for understanding, it is not and will not be for me.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by rousselle »

I hope he comes through. I still want to get these decks in my hands, frankly, and the fact that they will have the same error cards as the other decks that he has already shipped out doesn't bother me as much as not having them at all.

My favorite things include opening playing card decks and appreciating them for what they are. But, not too much farther down on that list of favorite things is removing projects from my Watchdogs list. Really and truly, I hope to remove this from the Watchdogs list soon.

Welcome back, Sergey.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by brownsl »

I was very surprised by an update from Sergey on this project!

"Good day to all. Recently, I got preintended cards for the Death Dance deck. Update the addresses, those who changed the place of residence during this time. I will soon start sending maps."

He added a couple of photos also.

I am not sure what preintended cards are.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by Strag »

Imagine that means originally intended. Maybe he actually has them reprinted to be correct?
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by brownsl »

Strag wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:41 pm Imagine that means originally intended. Maybe he actually has them reprinted to be correct?
I hope so.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by akicer »

what he said is vague and there's no way to change address. I'm more inclined to believe nothing's gonna happen" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by RichK »

Well Make My Game is owned by Cartamudi who printed the 3 decks. I doubt the card stock will be playing card quality but there might be hope. Not holding my breath though.
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by brownsl »

Another update ..

We apologize for such delay.
Finally we receive all decks and can ship them.
The reason of such delay – three card were printed with mistakes, we had to reprint them.
Along with your order, you can find the correct cards Diamonds7,8 for deck #2
and Spades 8 for deck #3.

I actually got a tracking number also. Looks like we will get our pledges after all. Have to give him credit for making it right.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by brownsl »

I received my decks with the replacement cards included. Hard to believe that I actually ended up getting my pledge fulfilled.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by HFMJ »

I finally received my three decks also. Didn't really think I ever will, but I had a little hope I think from back when Serghey helped some of us with getting the tea bag cards.
The quality of the cards is pretty low, I thought they were Cartamundi printed, but they have no air cushion finish, they are smooth and don't really handle, no fans. Maybe they are Cartamundi, but some lower tier factory. And also the celophane was really flimsy.
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Re: Dance of death

Unread post by akicer »

I got my decks as well. All decks are dented badly as the decks simply get thrown into a box with literally zero protection. The box is way too big for the decks so I can even hear decks rolling around inside the box when I carry it upstairs (I did not even realize that could be a box of playing cards from outside looking).

Anyways the decks get delivered after all, better than nothing, but I'm not going to be a backer if there were a new card project form Sergrey" onclick=";return false;
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