*OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Featuring our favourite decks including winners of the Decks Of The Year awards and the Annual United Cardists Decks
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »

VOTER GIVEAWAY WINNERS ARE NOW POSTED! YAY! :ugdance: :ugdance: :ugdance:
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by irtjames14 »

Wow 86 different prizes/winners??? And somehow I did not make it on that list... bummer :(

oh well.. congrats to all those that were picked!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by hsbc »

Yaaaaay I came in 45th place :uggrin: :D

EDIT: I also just realized that JP GAMES donated fifteen bricks :shock: :shock: :shock: :o :o :o
irtjames14 wrote:And somehow I did not make it on that list... bummer :(
I got left off last year, it does indeed kinda suck [MURRAY]
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards (wap)

Unread post by wingedpotato »

Holy crap, I’m first? I’d like to claim the Kings Wild 4x mystery mixed bricks with the signed brick boxes, thank you. @Oh.what.the.deck you’re up. I’ll PM you.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by OVSUB »

#27 :ugdance: I'll be waiting for my turn :D
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by oh.what.the.deck »

Massive congrats to all winners of DOTY and prize winners. And THANK YOU to the generous sponsors, and Amy for putting this massive event all together! Psyched to be number 2.

I’ll claim Henry’s SoCal Playing Cards mixed brick and gift voucher. Thank you!

MagikFingerz you’re up :)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards (wap)

Unread post by furrukhjamal »

Congrats to everyone
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by robcan0630 »

Grats to all the winners and thanks to Amy for all of her work!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by kem-collector »

I am a lover of spreadsheets, so I made one with all the prizes and winners, etc. Just easy for me to read and since I am an IT nerd, I can't operate without a spreadsheet. I've opened it up for anyone to modify if they wish. Feel free to use it.

*** The post by PipChick is authoritative! Use at your own risk. Verify with PipChick's post before you make a selection.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by nertzmaster »

Wow. I am 43 on the winner list! Awesome! Thanks to Pipchick and everyone who contributed to the giveaway and congrats again to the winners and nominees for all the DOTY awards. Lastly congrats to my fellow giveaway winners.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by irtjames14 »

nertzmaster wrote:Wow. I am 43 on the winner list! Awesome! Thanks to Pipchick and everyone who contributed to the giveaway and congrats again to the winners and nominees for all the DOTY awards. Lastly congrats to my fellow giveaway winners. I guess I'll put in a claim here for the:
[✔] justplaycards

1 x Mixed Brick
1 x set of Gemini (Noctis, Ignis, & Terra editions)
1 x set of Innovation (Standard, Black, & RSVP editions)
1 x set of Betrayers (Veritas, Lucis, & Tenebra editions)

Costs of US Domestic & International shipping included.

...Just wondering if it is supposed to be 9 or 12 decks. I was confused with the "Mixed Brick" label and wondered if there were 4 decks a set. Either way I want this prize!
Hey bud, congrats on being selected! But just FYI, if you're #43, then you'll have to wait till the 42 people ahead of you make their selections. Only then it'll be your turn! :)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by laitostarr777 »

irtjames14 wrote:Wow 86 different prizes/winners??? And somehow I did not make it on that list... bummer :(
Same feeling for ya, pal. I also didn’t get into the list ;(
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by arjun1616 »

congrats to all winners.... You win some you lose some..
i won last year so it's fine. I'm grateful to be part of this amazing community

and huge kudos to amy for make it smooth like last year....keep it up :ugdance:
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by portcullis »

wait so how do I claim?
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by kem-collector »

portcullis wrote:wait so how do I claim?

You are 15th on the list, right after QEDPlayingCards. When QEDPlayingCards makes his pick, he should let you know. Then you look at what has not been picked by the previous winners and you make a selection. That is what you get. Then the next person in line (rousselle) gets to pick from what is left...and on and on down the line.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by portcullis »

I understand the whole schoolyard pick scenario, I just wondered if I needed to do anything beforehand.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by MSimonart »

My price is a 100USD voucher for penguinmagic instead of 50
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards (wap)

Unread post by Kage X »

Wow, no. 20? To think that this the first time I entered the DOTY Awards. Thanks to PipChick for a job well done and all the prize donors. Eagerly waiting for no. 19 to PM me.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by justplaycards »

irtjames14 wrote:
nertzmaster wrote:Wow. I am 43 on the winner list! Awesome! Thanks to Pipchick and everyone who contributed to the giveaway and congrats again to the winners and nominees for all the DOTY awards. Lastly congrats to my fellow giveaway winners. I guess I'll put in a claim here for the:
[✔] justplaycards

1 x Mixed Brick
1 x set of Gemini (Noctis, Ignis, & Terra editions)
1 x set of Innovation (Standard, Black, & RSVP editions)
1 x set of Betrayers (Veritas, Lucis, & Tenebra editions)

Costs of US Domestic & International shipping included.

...Just wondering if it is supposed to be 9 or 12 decks. I was confused with the "Mixed Brick" label and wondered if there were 4 decks a set. Either way I want this prize!
Hey bud, congrats on being selected! But just FYI, if you're #43, then you'll have to wait till the 42 people ahead of you make their selections. Only then it'll be your turn! :)

Yeah it is a brick, the prize should look like this :D

Gemini Set (Noctis, Ignis, Terra)
Innovation Set (Standard, Black, Signature)
RSVP Set (Timeless, Butterfly, RSVP)
Betrayers Set (Veritas, Lucis, Tenebra)

viewtopic.php?f=8&t=15564&start=60" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Timmargh »

laitostarr777 wrote:
irtjames14 wrote:Wow 86 different prizes/winners??? And somehow I did not make it on that list... bummer :(
Same feeling for ya, pal. I also didn’t get into the list ;(
There were a lot of voters so don't be disheartened; this is my 2nd year of voting and my 2nd year of missing out on the prize giveaway.

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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Wow, #3! That's insane :shock:

So many great prizes to choose from, but I have decided to go for HFMJ's NPCCD set.

joeblow, you're up! (sending PM)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »

Hi y'all! Good morning!

Just to clarify a small detail; these giveaway winners were not "picked" by anyone - they were randomly drawn one-by-one and listed as shown :)

Of course, I know some are feeling a bit bummed to not have been drawn and I too wish I had seen some more familiar faces from our awesome UC fam come up, but I really really honestly tried my very best to secure as many sponsors/prizes for y'all with the hope that we'd have something for everyone or, in this case, for as many participants as possible.

Pleasepleaseplease don't feel left out! There is always next year and, when the time comes around, I'll once again try my best to do everything I can to get as much cool stuff for y'all - but I'll also need your help!

I'm only one person and largely did this on my own which required building positive relations with people on behalf of UC all year long to spread the word and personally reaching out to sponsors to convince them why they too would want to be a part of this amazing event with us here at UC. But in order for this little community event to continue to grow as it has been, y'all also need to try and do your part by getting the word out and showing some extra love to our current sponsors and use any and every opportunity you can to mention the DOTYs. This could be something as simple as posting about your latest mail day and mentioning whether or not some of the decks you got were DOTY winners/nominations and/or if that's why you decided to buy them. Or showing off a deck you already own and giving a special shoutout to your fav designers for the honor of recognition. Or building predictions for new decks that are released this upcoming year that you feel would be great contenders for the DOTYs 2020. Any and every little bit of exposure in any way will help bring more awareness and visibility to our event which, in turn, will hopefully bring the spotlight a bit to our community and all we have to offer here at UC and make us stronger, together. So, even though this year's event is wrapping up, please remember to keep UC and your experience of the event in the conversation as it will help for when the DOTYs roll back around for next year and we'll be looking for sponsors again. :)

Also, I think now's a better time then any to give some SUPER-DUPER huge thanks to those that did go above and beyond in helping to promote the event:

Tony (JustPlayCards) who was not only one of the very first people to get excited about wanting to participate as a sponsor but also greatly helped in creating some AMAZING promo graphics which also largely influenced the direction of this year's graffiti theme which was a total hit! I truely believe your vision of the theme is what made it so easy for people to want to share as it was just so so awesome! Thank you!

Jae (irtjames14 / cardcollector_300) who, during his trip to California, made a stop to Art of Play's warehouse and, not only picked up a bunch of awesome exclusive decks to donate towards this year's event in the giveaway, also spoke personally with Dan Buck about the DOTYs and helped getting his sponsorship - this was beyond amazing! Thank you!

Matt (Romeril / bayou.playing.cards) who, aside from his own contribution of donation towards the DOTY giveaway, also took the time to make a zillion amazing promo posts about the DOTYs and featured them all over his IG account/stories feed and often spread the word through his lives (which are super fun to watch and participate in btw and y'all should check out lol) - THANKS! You're the best!

Stu (courier_stu), another great contributor of the prize giveaway, who also used his following and platform on UC to post promo graphics on his wall and mentioned our event via his lives letting people know what the DOTYs are all about and how to get involved - this was a HUGE help! THANKS!

Big thank yous also go out to Tim (timmargh), Jamie (Baconwise), Ted (decknoledgy), Tyler (CollectADeck), Orshi (cardistrynewbie), and to all others that shared the event and spread the word via IG and reddit and elsewhere - every little post, comment and mention def makes a HUGE difference - THANK YOU!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by vasta41 »

Is there a reason I don't see my name on the list?
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by SirCrunoke »

Wow, I am 10th! Amazing.
I want to congratulate every Deck that even participated in this year's DOTY and specially congratulate the podium places. It was a very hard choice for me and a really good year for our card-comunity.
A LOT of thank you to PipChick (Amy) for making the DOTY from year to year even better and for managing all that. This is a huge time investment and I really appreciate the possibility to even just vote for the decks I like.
Also a lot of thanks to the one Amy already mentioned:
Jae (irtjames14 / cardcollector_300); Matt (Romeril / bayou.playing.cards); Stu (courier_stu); Tim (timmargh); Jamie (Baconwise); Ted (decknoledgy); Tyler (CollectADeck); Orshi (cardistrynewbie);
Also a huuuuge thank you to all the Donators of the prizes. I wanted to donate also, but did get over it. Wait for it next year, if somebody wants to he can message me than to remind me to donate. :lol:
The prizes are awesome and a there are so many! :ucstar:
and also to all who were not mentioned but did anything to help the DOTY.
This is really amazing!!! :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:

Since I am not so active as some other members and especially lately not really active, I am really greatful for being 10th in prize winners.
But I read alot in the background and want to thank also for all the information that gets revealed in this forum, often first or second before anywhere else. :ucstar:
I Joined the UC Forum last year whilest the DOTY was running and this Forum is awesome! You are all really nice guys, I love this community.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by SirCrunoke »

kem-collector wrote:I am a lover of spreadsheets, so I made one with all the prizes and winners, etc. Just easy for me to read and since I am an IT nerd, I can't operate without a spreadsheet. I've opened it up for anyone to modify if they wish. Feel free to use it.

*** The post by PipChick is authoritative! Use at your own risk. Verify with PipChick's post before you make a selection.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
I did try to update it. I don't know if everybody can see it, at least when I click the link it shows it for me. I hope we are allowed to update it.
I just filled in MagikFingerz for HFMJ's prize and colored the line.

REMINDER: The doc is not the MAIN list. The main list is in this Thread .
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Timmargh »

PipChick wrote:[Some great words]
Thanks for the clarification, Pip! I understood that it's a random selection and, while I'm obviously disappointed to miss out, there can only be so many winners; congratulations to everyone whose name was chosen.

I know it's been said many times but I feel it can't be stated enough: you've done such fantastic work, Pip, and we will be forever grateful to you and those others who helped. This is what makes this community so awesome.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by joeblow »

Congrats to the deck of the year winners, there were many amazing decks this year.

Thank you to the sponsors, the contributions were way above anything we could hope for.

Special thanks to Amy for running this process, completely transparently and with great integrity.

I'm going to select the Mixed Brick of CHARMERS.

Roope you are up (pm sent).
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I'll go with the Luminosity brick from Jody! Thanks Jody and to all the other donors! I'm lucky to get a such an incredible prize!

Akicer, you're up! Sending a PM.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by GNS MAGIC »

I can't believe I won! #29. I guess I will make a claim for 1x set of all Modern Idols from the Card Guy. I would like to thank Pipchick ( Amy ) for all her hard work on the DOTY. Congrats to all the winners.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

GNS MAGIC wrote:I can't believe I won! #29. I guess I will make a claim for 1x set of all Modern Idols from the Card Guy. I would like to thank Pipchick ( Amy ) for all her hard work on the DOTY. Congrats to all the winners.
That's not that works. You have to wait for your turn before you can pick. Akicer is next
Left my heart in SIERRA MADRE

"Finding it... that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever met a sad person with a penguin?

Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?

"I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullsh*t, I did not hit her, I did naaaht! Oh hai Mark!"



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