Some feedback please

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Some feedback please

Unread post by monsterc »

I designed some court cards loosely based on the German Berlin style of cards.
I'm half thinking of kickstarter and was looking for feedback on the cards.




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Re: Some feedback please

Unread post by BaconWise »

Thanks for sharing this project, Ade.

I like the art style of your Kings and the full-color draft looks really good. Something to consider is that collectors are starting to request a more seamless or more interesting transition between the top and bottom images, as opposed to a hart cutoff or straight line in the middle. Have you tried playing around with that kind of transition?

I like the character in front of the pip on the B card but I think he could use an improved color scheme like that of the King above.

Finally, I really like the expression and hands on the uncolored King of Diamonds illustration on the bottom. I find him the most compelling.

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing more!
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Re: Some feedback please

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

I am not generally a fan of the german style cards and echo most of what Bacon said above, especially the harsh line between court halves. I cannot think off hand of any decks I have bought with that line of separation.

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