akicer wrote:I'd like to advise to take Charlemagne off the nomination list as it's not delivered and likely to be a scam
I have received my decks from the creator. Not a scam but the project got screwed when the customs on the Russian-Estonian border seized the decks and does not release them.
That however does not justify that the creator just stopped communicating at one point once the customs saga just kept going.
That is bollocks - one of my shipping addresses is in Russia thus eliminating the need for customs but I am yet to receive my order.
I fully support taking this deck off the nominations list.
akicer wrote:I'd like to advise to take Charlemagne off the nomination list as it's not delivered and likely to be a scam
I have received my decks from the creator. Not a scam but the project got screwed when the customs on the Russian-Estonian border seized the decks and does not release them.
That however does not justify that the creator just stopped communicating at one point once the customs saga just kept going.
That is bollocks - one of my shipping addresses is in Russia thus eliminating the need for customs but I am yet to receive my order.
I fully support taking this deck off the nominations list.
I'm also waiting for my pledge. Although I don't believe this to be a scam, as some people have received their decks, the lack of communication from the creator is very scary. Thus, I also support removing this deck from the nominations list.
akicer wrote:I'd like to advise to take Charlemagne off the nomination list as it's not delivered and likely to be a scam
I have received my decks from the creator. Not a scam but the project got screwed when the customs on the Russian-Estonian border seized the decks and does not release them.
That however does not justify that the creator just stopped communicating at one point once the customs saga just kept going.
That is bollocks - one of my shipping addresses is in Russia thus eliminating the need for customs but I am yet to receive my order.
I fully support taking this deck off the nominations list.
I'm also waiting for my pledge. Although I don't believe this to be a scam, as some people have received their decks, the lack of communication from the creator is very scary. Thus, I also support removing this deck from the nominations list.
I purchased a deck through Kickstarter, and received it. Of course I'm sure I paid more than those who used Kickstarter, but I can confirm at least that the deck exists even if there are some quality issues I noticed right away.
I never received my decks either, so that was a bust deal for me. Not expecting to ever get them at this point. The decks were made by NPCC, which just doesn't make cards of the quality of Cartamundi or USPCC. For someone like you, the quality issue will be significant. However, the artwork is really nice and the quality of the tucks they make is quite good. I really hope they can improve the card handling though over time.
The Crazy Squirrel Deck Hunter - Hunt decks to extinction
Just wanted to drop a message and thank anyone who nominated or voted for Mono Xero / Mono Xero R. These nominations really mean so much to me, and I hope you guys are enjoying and appreciate the deck and design. So, thank you!
Having them nominated for Best Deck for Cardistry and Best Deck for Fanning is truly amazing, so all votes are super appreciated!
P_20191205_132559_vHDR_On_HP-01.jpg (817.75 KiB) Viewed 10146 times
Submitted my votes, but I have absolutely no clue why we don't have a 'Best Use of Foil' category. We already needed it last year, and this year twice as much, it is becoming quite a common feature and the list of decks utilising it this year is staggering, hell there's already a colour category and foil is important in the same way.
Adonael wrote:Submitted my votes, but I have absolutely no clue why we don't have a 'Best Use of Foil' category. We already needed it last year, and this year twice as much, it is becoming quite a common feature and the list of decks utilising it this year is staggering, hell there's already a colour category and foil is important in the same way.
All decks use color, but far from all decks use foil. Besides, does anyone do it better than Lotrek? He wins enough categories as it is
MagikFingerz wrote:Besides, does anyone do it better than Lotrek? He wins enough categories as it is
Kinda my thought as well But I agree with Adonael on this. More and more decks are coming with foil. Exquisite Fortuna, Nutcracker, Gold Artisans, Rosegold Gatorbacks...
Harvonsgard wrote:I dunno if Room17 will be elagible since it is an quasi just an updated version of last year’s winner.
Well, as per the rules of last year's DOTYs in regards to Eligible Decks;
Reissued variations/editions of established decks released prior to 2018 may be declared ineligible if no significant change(s) were made to the original design. Reprinted decks are not eligible at all.
Therefore, if this rule continues to be followed for this year's DOTYs, Room17 will unfortunately not be eligible for nomination and/or to receive an award for this year.
How about allowing decks to be voted for in, for example, Best Tuck if the deck features a new tuck? I'd be ok with that.
hmmm... true - I suppose it would qualify for the 'Best Tuck Case' category as it is a completely new tuck case and, I suppose, could potentially be eligible for other categories such as 'Best Joker' and/or 'Best Gaff/Extra Card(s)' if it did in fact feature completely new designs and not just slight variations of those exsisting in it's predecessor - Thanks for the perspective! Definitely hadn't considered that but you're absolutely right! In those instances, it should still qualify for consideration... I'll allow it!
Rules regarding eligible decks will be amended and added to for clarification of this particular point of consideration in nominating/voting for decks - stay tuned!
A very wise decision to nominate Room 17. This deck, it might be same as the Cartomancer variant of the Black House of the Rising Spades, though it is improved with gold gilding and extremely detailed tuckbox
Much more difficult this year.
Normally I have 1 or 2 decks that get the majority of my votes but this year I voted for a different deck in almost every category
Much more difficult this year.
Normally I have 1 or 2 decks that get the majority of my votes but this year I voted for a different deck in almost every category
Same here, Simon! I definitely spread the love out this year. Some amazing new designers coming out swinging which is great for us!
First time voting for me but I found the process of evaluating each category really useful. Some of the categories are really hard to decide on because there are elements of multiple decks that I appreciate. It's also turning out to be an expensive experience as I add things to my wishlist...
Votes are in... Must agree with what others have said about Pip. She is really busy with promotion etc. So don't worry if your nominations are not confirmed immediately.